A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 205 Problem Students

The professors at Hogwarts will come to the professor's lounge after lunch. Everyone chats, drinks tea, and goes to class when the afternoon time comes.

The voice in the common room was a little low today, because Dumbledore sat there staring at his tea cup without saying a word, seemingly thinking about some difficult problem.

"There is something wrong with teaching at Hogwarts!"

Dumbledore's voice was small, but it was like thunder in the ears of the professors.

Everyone immediately thought that the teaching problem could not be the principal's problem, then it was the professor's problem.

Snape: "Why are you all looking at me?"

"Severus," Professor McGonagall said, "many students have...different views on you."

Everyone knows that Snape only sees Slytherin students and non-Slytherin students, and their attitudes are completely opposite. The non-Slytherin students are full of complaints. If there is a problem, it must be his problem.

And because he often deducted points from other colleges because of this, the three deans were also a little dissatisfied. They all stood on a united front and prepared to attack without even making eye contact.

Snape had a cold face, as long as he didn't move his wand, he wasn't afraid.

Several other professors began to enter the mode of drinking tea and watching a movie.

At this time, Dumbledore seemed not to know that the four deans were preparing to start a war. He continued to look at the tea cup and said: "There are many students at Hogwarts who are interested in magic, but some students are on the road to Azkaban because of this." Path, I think if they had been well guided while at Hogwarts, mistakes like this could have been avoided."

Everyone's eyes became sharp, and Snape, who was irritated by the gaze, had nothing to say this time. Azkaban had the most Lytherin students.

Snape turned to Dumbledore and asked, "Have you noticed anyone walking on the wrong path?"

He felt that Dumbledore was not innocent. One of the students must have been caught by him, maybe it was the "Slytherin heir". The petrified students had all recovered, so someone must have seen who that person was.

If that's the case it makes sense, the heir of Slytherin makes sense in Slytherin.

This matter has caused a big fuss, and the perpetrator must be dealt with. The question is how to deal with it in a decent manner. At the same time, Hogwarts must bear some responsibility, and a share of Hogwarts' responsibility must go to the dean.

Snape's face became darker and darker, as if he couldn't escape this time, but there was a lot of room for maneuver in terms of responsibility, ranging from being scolded as a child to going to Azkaban for summer vacation.

Dumbledore said in a deep voice: "It's Charles."

All the professors present were confused by this answer.

Professor McGonagall asked tentatively: "Charles Smith?"

There are quite a few people with the name Charles. If you call Diagon Alley, several people will turn around, so it's better to confirm.

Dumbledore nodded. Now Professor McGonagall was dumbfounded and asked hurriedly: "Did he do something?"

Other professors who were familiar with Charles were surprised with a hint of curiosity as to what the guy had done to make the principal feel that the situation was serious.

At this time, Bell asked cautiously: "Principal, is there any misunderstanding here?"

"I have more contact with Charles outside of school. From what happened in Wagadu, we can see that he is a child with a strong sense of justice."

"I think he may have received honors at this age that many people cannot obtain in their lifetime because of his strength, and he has tasted the benefits, so he has a special desire for strength."

"Many people go through this stage when they are young. It's not serious enough to go to Azkaban, right?"

No one should be frivolous and waste their youth, and wizards are no exception. The magic that children aged thirteen or fourteen can use is much stronger than before. It is normal to become a middle school student at this time. It will be better to mature in two years.

"Alas..." Dumbledore shook his head and sighed, "It would be okay if he just pursued power. Alas... I shouldn't have let him meet Aberforth."

At this moment, everyone including Bell was dumbfounded. Everyone knew what the principal and his brother had done to become famous. Could it be that Charles also...

"Ah!" Professor McGonagall suddenly exclaimed, "No wonder... Fortunately, he didn't make a mistake then."

Dumbledore frowned and asked, "Did he do something?"

The principal felt a little cold. Could it be that this kid really used animals to test the transformation technique?

Professor McGonagall hesitated for a moment and replied slowly: "The sign of the school doctor's office."

Now everyone realized the seriousness of the problem. At that time, Hermione turned into a cat. After Charles came back, a sign saying that he was not allowed to enter was put up in the school doctor's office. At that time, they thought it was children quarreling or something, but now it seems that the problem more serious.

Professor McGonagall's face became even colder than Snape's, and he said in a deep voice: "Animal transfiguration is extremely dangerous, and its use in... is extremely unethical. This behavior must be stopped!"

"I will have a good talk with him today and will also write to Mr. Smith."

Dumbledore said seriously again: "The forbidden book area, the real forbidden book area, there are people who go there frequently recently."

"What?!" Professor McGonagall stood up in shock.

The restricted book area of ​​the library is naturally not just a few bookshelves blocked by ropes. There are real banned books in the dark room. Only the principal and vice-principal have the authority to approve the opening. Many students don't even know that this place exists.

Professor McGonagall asked with a hint of expectation: "Are you sure it's Charles?"

This matter was serious, and she hoped deep down that it wasn't Charles.

Dumbledore frowned and said, "Charles bought the "Invisibility Book of Invisibility" and I saw him using the spells in it."

"I heard from the ghost that no one could be seen at that time, and the footsteps led to Gryffindor's dormitory."

"Now I just don't know how he knew about the restricted book area and where he got the method to get in."

In fact, he had a conscious guess in his mind that Voldemort told Charles last school year.

Now even Professor McGonagall started to frown. She didn't expect the problem to be so serious.

Snape was worried just now, but now he breathed a sigh of relief after it had nothing to do with him. Then he remembered something and said: "Smith borrowed the Potions classroom from me at noon today and said he wanted to make potions. I The material looks very similar to a love drug."

Now the problem is getting more serious, Professor McGonagall is about to leave.

At this time, Professor Flitwick said: "What he did is indeed dangerous. If it is used on people, it will become the same as...the mysterious man."

"One thing to note is that children of Charles' age have a strong rebellious mentality. The more he is not allowed to do something, the more he will do it."

Professor Sprout also said: "I think so too. It is recommended not to talk to him directly about this matter. It is best to tell him from the side what the consequences of doing these things will be."

Among the professors here, only Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout have raised children in the rebellious stage of adolescence and have the right to speak in this regard.

Professor McGonagall stopped and asked them, "Do you have any suggestions?"

Dumbledore said: "Minerva, let me handle this matter."

"It just so happens that I have some things to deal with this weekend, so it's just right to take him with me."

Professor McGonagall knew about Dumbledore's public schedule this week. He was startled at first, then understood his intention, nodded and said, "Let him go to Azkaban."

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