A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 197 Smoke Curse

The "Slytherin attack" seemed to have stopped after the Christmas holiday. Everything in the castle was normal, but no one dared to take it lightly.

Only Charles and Ginny at Hogwarts knew what was going on, but neither of them said anything.

Now Ginny is busy looking for the person who found the notebook. Charles spends his free time in the dormitory chatting with Tom. Others think he is catching up on homework and don't pay attention.

"Know-it-all" was Hermione's nickname during this period, but it was an objective description for Tom Riddle. Charles chatted with him for several nights and asked for some magic spells that he had always wanted to learn.

Tom felt that the talent of Friedrich von Wesson was so terrifying. He knew how to cast spells easily. No wonder he accepted him as his student.

This made him want to win over, and he not only answered all the questions, but also explained them in detail.

Charles found that his mastery of magic had improved to a higher level after becoming an Animagus. It felt like learning to ride a bicycle. After learning it, he could quickly use it whether it was other types of bicycles or motorcycles.

He was enjoying it, but Dumbledore and other professors had been keeping their nerves tense, wary of the Slytherin descendant appearing again, and never relaxed for a moment.

At the same time, the content of the Defense Against the Dark Arts course has been adjusted to strengthen students' ability to fight and run away.

On this day, Charles arrived early at the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom at the end of the corridor on the fourth floor. The small blackboard hanging on the wooden door allowed the students to walk directly to the grassland at the end.

This is good news for everyone. The weather today is cloudy and cold, but no matter how windy or rainy the weather outside is, the grassland classroom in the innermost part of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom is always sunny and comfortable.

"I said," Bell looked at Charles a little speechless, "This is not a place to bask in the sun."

There were wooden piles used as tables and chairs, but Charles did not sit there. Instead, he lay on the grass nearby and basked in the sun.

It was a hot Australia just a few days ago, and it was a bit unaccustomed to suddenly return to the cold Scotland.

Charles asked before the class started: "I heard that they found what made Percy and the others like that?"

Bell sat down next to him and said in a deep voice: "Miss Granger found the murderer from the book not long ago based on clues. All aspects are consistent. We are sure it is the basilisk."

Charles looked at the magic sky on the ceiling and said, "Basilisk, I've seen it in books before. Those eyes are difficult to deal with."

Bell nodded. There were magical animals that used their gaze to cast spells. Normally, it would be fine if they were covered with smoke, but the basilisk's gaze could turn people to stone through the smoke.

He said: "Today's class will teach the smoke spell. It is recorded that the basilisk's gaze through the smoke will turn people to stone."

"We reviewed it afterwards. That night, Seamus Finnigan and Cedric Diggory blew up half the corridor, creating a lot of smoke, but the basilisk's gaze still penetrated the smoke and turned them to stone."

Charles sighed deeply, not expecting Seamus and the others to drive in, and said: "It is better to be petrified than to lose your life."

He went on to say: "The key is where the basilisk is now."

Bell shook his head helplessly, obviously not found.

There are too many secret rooms in the castle. Some secret rooms will be completely forgotten after decades. Some secret rooms have harsh opening conditions. Finding them when there are not many clues is like looking for a needle in Loch Ness.

Charles didn't say anything else. Soon the mandrakes on the Wagadu side matured, and Lupine was waiting there. The petrified people would soon recover.

Let’s talk about the next thing later. The worst case scenario is selling Tom directly to Dumbledore.

Bell looked at Charles for a while and then asked him: "Did something happen to you when you were in Australia?"

Charles was stunned for a moment, shook his head and replied: "No, why do you say that?"

Bell said: "I saw before that your eyes were full of curiosity about the world, like a young lion."

"It's different now, like salted fish, it has lost its luster."

Charles thought for a moment, and it seemed like this, but he just sighed and said nothing. It was the Animagus who caused the trouble.

Bell asked him curiously: "Is it because you have lost your love?"

Charles said angrily: "No, now I focus on my studies."

"By the way!" He changed the topic, "I learned a magic spell in Australia. Do you think this spell can be used on magical animals?"

He said a magic spell. After hearing this, Bell was still confused at first, and then became serious.

"This is a kind of curse." Bell said seriously. "The characteristic of this kind of curse is that when it takes effect, people don't feel strange, and when it takes effect, they don't feel like they have been cursed."

"Although this spell won't cause much harm, I suggest you use it sparingly. This kind of secret revenge spell can easily distort people's minds."

Charles nodded, and Tom said the same thing in the first half.

He had already thought of an excuse. He was going to Australia to visit a long-lost friend with his old man, and he said that the man's neighbor was a local wizard.

At this time, students began to come to the classroom one after another. They saw Charles lying there basking in the sun and followed suit.

Bell didn't care either. Let's just sit on the grass and listen to the class today.

"What we are going to learn is the smoke spell. Does anyone know this spell?"

Hermione was away and no one answered the questions immediately. The second-year Gryffindor students always felt that something was missing in class.

Charles was not very familiar with this curse, although it was in the textbook.

Harry hid behind Neville and quietly flipped through the book. He quickly scanned the page and raised his hand to answer.

The smoke spell is a defensive spell that can create a large amount of smoke to obscure the enemy's sight. The spell is "smoke".

There are several similar spells. When Charles was copying books for Voldemort last school year, he saw some improved versions that increased the toxicity.

It's just that he was worried that a gust of wind from the opposite side would blow back the poisonous gas he cast and poison himself, so he didn't learn it in the end.

This spell is not too difficult for second-grade students. Bell explained the key points and difficulties and gave several demonstrations before letting the students spread out to practice.

The empty classroom was filled with smoke for a while. Some students' smoke was so thick that they couldn't see beyond one meter, while others were very light, making it look a little hazy.

Bell used the detection charm to patrol among the students, correcting mistakes from time to time. Harry was given special attention for a long time.

"Huh?" He suddenly discovered something unexpected, "You can actually do this!"

Not far away, the tip of Charles's wand sprayed forward a tornado as thick as a bucket. The tornado was filled with thick white mist, and the wind column left behind a large cloud of thick mist more than ten meters away.

Charles said to Bell: "I just tried to use the smoke spell and the whirlwind spell together to make the smoke appear farther away."

Bell said with satisfaction: "This is a good idea. Keep working hard. In theory, there will be unexpected gains in the future."

Charles nodded. Just now he just remembered the compound magic spell that Tom said, so he tried to use it. After several failures, Bell came over when he succeeded for the first time.

In his mind, the whirlwind spell should be combined with a fire spell to scorch the enemies within the front attack range.

The class passed quickly, and on the way out, Harry asked Charles: "Are you going to the Duel Club tonight?"

Charles thought for a moment and decided that chatting with Tom was more important, so he shook his head.

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