A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 186 Overconfident

One day many, many years later, Ginny and Hermione, who had already begun to receive pensions, drank tea together in the garden, and couldn't help but recall the youthful years that were gone forever like the Thames.

"Hermione," Ginny suddenly asked a question she hadn't asked in decades, "has Charles ever liked you before?"

Hermione froze for a moment, then slowly shook her head and said, "How is it possible, since we met, he looked at me with pure eyes, just like my father."

Ginny continued to ask curiously: "Didn't he look at you the way a man looks at a woman in all these years?"

Hermione picked up the teacup and took a sip slowly, recalling the bits and pieces related to Charles in her mind, and finally replied through gritted teeth: "Only once!"

Ginny's eyes lit up, regretting why she didn't ask this gossip earlier, and hurriedly asked her: "Tell me, when did it happen? It was when you made your teeth smaller and gave you new shampoo, or was it that dance party?" ?”

"By the way!" She seemed to remember something, "I heard Mafalda Prewett say a long time ago that when she was at Hogwarts, she asked Charles which girl in school he liked."

"Mafalda said he glanced at you, then shook his head in disappointment."

Hermione didn't speak, but looked up at the blue sky, and couldn't help but recall the winter that had been deeply buried in her heart, and the teacup in her hand was subconsciously crushed into powder again, without any crumbs bigger than the eye of a needle.


On Christmas 1992, Hogwarts Castle, Myrtle's bathroom, He Meow realized that she had fallen into the greatest crisis in her thirteen years of life.

You don't need to look in the mirror, just look at your...claws, feel your tail sticking out of your waistband, and know you've screwed up today.

Harry and Ron, who had successfully turned into Goyle and Crabbe, left, and Hermione sat alone on the toilet in the bathroom cubicle, feeling confused.

She kept telling herself that the Polyjuice Potion was only good for an hour.

But my other voice said to myself at the same time, this compound decoction is not used to transform animals, rashly using cat hair will produce unpredictable effects, and maybe it will never change back.

He Miao opened the compartment door carefully, walked outside with her head down, stood in front of the cracked mirror, and dared to look up after ten minutes to see what she had become.

The creature in the mirror looked like a man and a cat, with black hair all over its face, its eyes staring like brass bells, as if emitting green light, its ears erected like antennae, and turned back suddenly.

"Ah~ Meow!!!"

She was frightened by her current appearance, screamed, turned and returned to the compartment.

He Miao was so frightened by his appearance just now that he was trembling all over, and pulled up his robe to cover his head and face, as if the robe on his body could restore him to his original shape.

The unknown creates fear, and a scene suddenly appeared in the little girl's mind: she was dragged to the zoo for exhibition, and the card on the cage read "Cat Wizard (female)". People kept holding up their cameras across the iron fence, lying on blankets, dying of hunger. The face of Charles appeared in the crowd, and he hurriedly called him to save himself, but Charles handed over a small dried fish through the iron fence. Then I saw my parents again, they brought their new children, pointing and pointing like ordinary tourists, the only difference is that the father thinks his teeth are bad...

It was snowing outside the castle, and He Miao's heart was colder than the falling snowflakes. At some point, there was the sound of crying in the compartment.

She regretted it very much, why didn't she check the hair in advance to see if it belonged to Millicent Burst. There are many spells and potions to identify the source of hair in the books she read in the library, and she wrote them down in her notebook , and tried a few spells on the unicorn tail hair that Charles sent.

"Why is this..." He Miao thought while crying.

She suddenly remembered one thing. Many years ago, Charles once complained about something. When a person made a little achievement in a certain field, he would become proud, his self-confidence would be overblown, and he would despise many things that he had already achieved in his actions. There are some rules and procedures, and I think that these rigid things will drag me back, and then I will stumble on it.

Now that I think about it, I have performed very well since I came to Hogwarts, and this year, because I have received more praise from the professors than Charles for his diligence, I am a little bit flustered, and I did not follow the correct steps for making potions to determine the ingredients of the materials in advance.

If I could have spent a minute or two checking that black hair beforehand, I wouldn't be in this state now.

He Meow realized that the responsibility was entirely on her, so she cried even louder.

She also thought about what to do if she couldn't change back, whether to go home and be treated as a monster, or to be a negative example in Hogwarts for the rest of her life, or find a place to live in seclusion...

Time passed quickly while thinking wildly, after an unknown period of time, the door of the bathroom was opened, Harry and Ron came back, and Hermione immediately buckled the latch of the compartment door.

"Boom boom boom!"

Someone outside was knocking hard on the door, and then Ron's voice came: "Hermione, come out, we have a lot to tell you..."

He Meow held the robe tightly with her hands and screamed, "Go away, Meow!"

Outside the cubicle, Harry and Ron looked at each other, and it was the first time they had encountered Hermew talking to themselves like this.

"What's going on?" Ron asked.

Harry followed suit, "Is there something wrong?"

At this time, Myrtle just came back to the bathroom from going through the wall, and stood in front of Harry and Ron puffed up, and said to them very unhappy: "Gentlemen, this is the girls' bathroom! Bully girls here." I’m going to live in Azkaban for the rest of my life!”

Harry hurriedly said to Myrtle, "Myrtle, there seems to be something wrong with our friend, could you please help me?"

Myrtle was silent for a moment, then said, "Well, if she's sick you'll go to the professor."

At this time, He Meow continued to scream: "Don't come in meow!"

Myrtle ignored He Miao, turned around and entered the cubicle and asked, "Could it be that you are pregnant? Or have you given birth to a child?"

The wizarding society is very conservative, but it can't bear the enthusiasm of young people. The ghosts have the task of patrolling around the corners to prevent students from creating people secretly. Myrtle often patrols the bathroom of the prefect.

"You... what are you?!" Myrtle was taken aback when she saw He Miao's current appearance, and seemed very nervous.

"Are you..."

She suddenly thought of a possibility, and immediately turned her head and flew out of the bathroom. Shouts of terror resounded in the castle.

"Oh no!"

"The monster in the secret room has come out!!"

"It's in the bathroom!!!"

I've been so busy at work recently, it's amazing that no one under my staff can use Word and Excel!

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