A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 179 The Surprising Peeves

It was chilly in the corridors of the castle, and Peeves opened many windows. Some corridors were blocked by the storm that rushed in, and the students could only walk around.

At this time, Ron's heart was colder than the castle.

If, as an older brother, he meets his younger sister in the girls' room at school, then he will definitely be regarded as a pervert. That's right! Then make a loud noise to cover it up!

Ron screamed at 114514 decibels, "Ginny! What are you doing here?!"

Ginny and Myrtle, who emerged from the compartment, looked at Ron like they were non-recyclable garbage.

Hermione turned her face away, the last thing she could explain right now was herself.

Harry saw that Ginny's face turned pale immediately after contempt, and she held her stomach with her right hand, so he hurriedly pulled Ron away from the scene and went to the dueling club tonight.

Myrtle flew away too, and she kept floating in front of Ron, glaring at the guy like a paramecia.

Ginny, who was alone in the bathroom, closed the door and produced a battered notebook from under her robes.

She gripped the notebook so hard that her knuckles turned white, and her breathing gradually became heavy.

The smell of brewing potion soon entered Ginny's nostrils. There were only so many compartments in the bathroom, and it didn't take long to find them.

Now the compound decoction is simmering on low heat, the flames in the stove caress the bottom of the pot, and small bubbles are constantly bubbling in the crucible.

Ginny looked at the flames, bit her lips tightly, and hesitated.

"It can't be like this anymore, it can't be..."

She muttered to herself, but an ink-like filament appeared on the old notebook and climbed up the little girl's finger.


There was a heart-piercing scream from the girl in the bathroom, and the whole person fell to the ground and twitched continuously, and finally curled up into a ball.

The person hiding here frowned, thinking about whether to make a move, when the little girl stood up.

At this moment, Ginny's demeanor changed, a little gloomy.

Tom Riddle took over Ginny's body, moved a little, and walked over to the sink.

With a "hiss" sound, a copper faucet disappeared, and there appeared a pipe through which people could pass.

"Stop it, Tom."

No one expected that Peeves would actually appear at this time, and did not cause damage as before.

Shocked, Tom turned around and looked at Peeves with Ginny's puzzled expression.

Under the ceiling, Peeves said with an unprecedented expression of a normal person: "Tom Riddle, give up, let the wizards that were not recorded five hundred years ago and the blanks one hundred years ago let them be buried in history, obsessed with the past That backward magic is tantamount to tying huge stones to your forward steps."

Tom stopped pretending, and asked with a frown, "How do you know it's me?"

Peeves said, "I knew five hundred years ago that you would open the Chamber of Secrets again."

Tom's face became serious. He had also learned from fragmentary records that there was a powerful wizard who was rarely seen in records five hundred years ago. He also had clues that this person had slipped through Hogwarts. For a longer period of time, in theory, something should be left behind.

I also learned from a diary found in the old house of the Gaunt family that a Hogwarts student had some kind of powerful magical power a hundred years ago.

"Peeves," Tom Shen asked, "a wizard five hundred years ago, a student a hundred years ago, what do you really know?"

Peeves replied in a circle, "I didn't answer fifty years ago, and I won't answer now."

The corner of the mouth of the person hidden in the corner twitched slightly. It's great that this guy can help him keep a secret.

It's just about the wizard from five hundred years ago. I didn't expect Peeves to know about it, and what he's doing at this time should be related to that wizard.

"Give up." Peeves continued to say under the ceiling, "All that is left can only be obtained by those who are qualified. You were not eligible fifty years ago, and you are not eligible now."

"Nonsense!" Tom was angry at the moment. He was talented and handsome back then, but he was not qualified to tell a joke?

He yelled at Peeves, "If I'm not qualified, who is..."

It got stuck at this point, and Tom's expression became extremely ferocious.

Tom understands that he has a "stain" on him - his father is a Muggle.

If you want to say that you are not qualified, it is that you are not a pure blood wizard.


Ginny's originally lovely face was twisted to the extreme.

Peeves flew upside down, and said disdainfully, "Don't think that all big shots are like you."

"Oh, that's right, I actually forgot."

"She said to me five hundred years ago, when you open the secret chamber again, let me tell you, repent, or the thunder will count your sins in detail!"

Tom and Jack who were hiding aside suddenly became focused. They confirmed from Peeves that the mysterious and powerful wizard five hundred years ago was a woman, which was an unprecedented clue.

It's hard to say how much this clue is worth, but it's better than no clue.

What's more important is that the wizard actually knew what happened five hundred years later. The most likely reason is that she has a strong divination ability.

Tom was puzzled by Thunder, but Jack was frowning and thinking.

The first thing Jack thought of was not the ancient magic that he also used lightning to strike people, but Charles, the guy who was "recharging" in a certain secret room.

If this sentence refers to Charles, and he has the same divination talent as that wizard, is Charles a descendant of that wizard?

Or, she came from the same place as Charles and knew the "plot"?

Various speculations popped up in Jack's mind, but none of them could be confirmed.

He finally gave up thinking, forget it, even if aliens suddenly appeared and captured Voldemort for electrotherapy, it didn't matter.

Tom asked Peeves, "What is Thunder?"

He remembered that the diary of the Gunter family seemed to mention that the magic used by the mysterious student a hundred years ago did have a lightning-like spell. Is this person still alive, or has someone passed it on?

However, Peeves stopped talking, and after a while began to walk on the ceiling, walking away as if going down the stairs.

Tom stood there, his expression constantly changing, for fear that Peeves would complain to Dumbledore.

But if Peeves wanted to file a complaint, he should have gone there long ago. He should just scare himself, otherwise two students at Hogwarts were petrified and Dumbledore couldn't have made no move.

He quickly made up his mind and resolutely jumped into the pipeline leading to the secret room.

Jack's expression became serious, the basilisk was about to come out again, he had to be careful not to let it hurt McGonagall.

Recently, there is a lot of work on the construction site, and I have to find a house to live near the construction site, so I am very busy.

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