A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 167 It's better not to show up as a victim

Gryffindor second-year students in the Forbidden Forest had an exceptionally fun Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson at Hogwarts, Charles' camera was held by Neville, and pictures of the scene were circulated in the common room a few days.

The students don't think in a single thread, and what happened on the night of Halloween is still firmly at the top of the topic list.

In Herbology class, Justin Finlayly, who was with Charles, was a little absent-minded and almost had a story about tentacles and boys while fertilizing a devil's web in a pot.

"What's the matter?" Charles asked him curiously, "Broken love?"

Justin quickly shook his head, looked around and said in a low voice, "I'm afraid Malfoy will kill me, my parents are Muggles."

"I ran into him in the basement corridor last night when I was going back to the common room, and I felt like he was looking at me like a cat watching a mouse."

"He also called me 'mudblood', which I know is an insulting swear word."

Charles didn't have much to do about it, he could only say to him: "Study hard, and kill him first when he really wants to kill you."

Justin hesitated, and asked Charles expectantly, "Do you have any powerful spells that you can teach me?"

Charles thought for a while and replied, "Let me think about it. Some spells can only be used as pranks. I'll go to the library to find some suitable spells to teach you."

The extracurricular spells in his hand are too lethal, so he plans to find the Disarming Curse and the one taught by Lupine before.









Teach the spell to Justin.

Justin said gratefully, "Thank you so much! Can I call my friends?"

Charles blinked, what is this, starting a tutoring class by yourself?

He didn't care what to do if Harry and the others formed the Defense Association in the "memory" and finally came up with a "Charles Army".

"I may not have time." Charles said apologetically, "I have something to do at home. I will take a leave of absence next month, and I won't be back until February next year."

Justin sighed in disappointment, and said, "I hope I can live until you come back."

Charles was stunned for a moment, remembering that this guy was recruited with Nearly Headless Nick, but he couldn't remember the exact time.

It seemed to be Colin Creevey before him, it seemed very recently, but I can't remember the exact time.

Charles tried hard to recall more clues, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't remember, only this year.

When he came back to his senses, he suddenly found that Professor Sprout was in front of him, looking at him with some worry.

The professor breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Charles was awake, and said, "I thought you were poisoned."

Charles shook his head and said, "Sorry, I was distracted just now."

Unexpectedly, Professor Sprout asked him in surprise, "Like that day in Transfiguration class?"

Charles didn't expect that she knew about that, and suddenly thought of something, and whispered, "I seem to see something, I'm going to find Professor Dumbledore."

Professor Sprout immediately said: "Go, it doesn't count that you are leaving early."

Ten minutes later, Charles met Dumbledore in the headmaster's office.

After Charles remembered that Justin was the victim of the basilisk incident, his mentality changed. It is one thing to watch the excitement, but it is too much to challenge the bottom line to sit and watch others be killed.

Not just Justin and Colin, but also other people, such as Lupine, Cedric, Fred, and even the old Tom Riddle whose life was ruined by the female hooligan Frank Bryce, the gardener of his family... .

On the way to the principal's office, Charles figured it out, let's go to "memory", the most important thing to be a man is to be happy, the most important thing to be a family is to be neat and tidy, everyone is really good...

Charles decided in his heart that when he was free, he would move Voldemort's father's remains to another place, and see how you can recover your body.

Dumbledore was very surprised that Charles came to find him during class time, and entertained him with tea and snacks as usual.

While drinking tea, Charles glanced at Fawkes on the shelf. At this time, he was as old as Dumbledore, his feathers were as dry as hay, and he was about to die.

After putting down his teacup, he said to Dumbledore very seriously, "Principal, just now I saw some students attacked in the castle at night, just like Mrs. Norris."

Dumbledore suddenly became serious, his gaze like a sharp sword.

The principals on the wall were also attracted, waiting for Charles' next words.

Charles continued: "I saw a clip, a student fell like a stone on the stairs, and a long black shadow left in the dim corridor."

"Long?" Dumbledore immediately grasped the details, this adjective is a bit special.

Charles nodded and replied, "Yes, it's very long and very big, like a very huge snake."

Dumbledore frowned and thought about it, and asked after more than ten minutes: "Is there only one monster that looks like a snake?"

Charles tried his best to recall, shook his head and said, "Sorry, the time is too short, and the time should be late at night, so I couldn't see it clearly."

Dumbledore nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

Divination is like this, all you can get are some vague clues, the most important thing is to interpret these clues.

Charles had made several divinations, and so far only the Malfoy Manor bombing was completely correct, but that was enough, at least Snape didn't want the other divinations to be correct as well.

"At night?" said Dumbledore. "A little precaution needs to be taken."

Charles hesitated, but said, "Professor, we may have forgotten an important clue."

"Dobby, the house-elf, I think he must know something."

"During the summer vacation, he said that Hogwarts was dangerous, so he didn't want Harry to come to school. Although you made a promise, I think his way of thinking may be different from ours."

"I have a guess that he's responsible for Harry and Ron not being able to get on the train at the start of term."

"If we find him, what can be asked."

Dumbledore nodded slightly and said, "I will find a way to find him."

"If you're tired, you can take a day off today."

The fact that Charles made a divination in the greenhouse quickly spread among the students through Justin. Everyone did not see him at lunch, and the principal and the four deans were also absent from the professor's seat. The new prophecy is very curious.

Before dinner, Dumbledore and the professors suddenly announced that the night curfew at Hogwarts has been upgraded, and that students who are caught by the prefects during the night patrol will be deducted from 50 points.

Everyone was in an uproar, and someone quickly remembered what Charles had predicted.

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