A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 164 Try not to die

On Halloween, the whole of Hogwarts was discussing the writing on the wall in the corridor on the third floor.

Some students went to study early in the morning, but found that the words and a layer of stones on the wall disappeared, as if a giant dragon had knocked down the entire wall, leaving terrible claw marks.

Filch was sitting in his office with blank eyes, while Charles was pouring white essence into his hand while talking about the story he had made up about "Blue Dream".

Although Dumbledore said that Mrs. Norris could be cured, it would take a long time, which made Filch uncertain.

Squibs like Filch are the lowest class of people in wizarding society, surrounded by indifference and discrimination. The magical society encourages them to "integrate" into Muggle society rather than "expel" them out of the wizarding world. Occasional personal flashes cannot make up for the overall environmental harm to them.

Eske Prewett, the stockbroker who helped Charles Brainless Stud Dale, is a squib who has integrated into Muggle society. His distant cousin Molly Weasley's family is unwilling to talk about him, and his status in the Weasley family Not as good as the ghoul in the attic, he was also very rude to his cousin and cousin-in-law, that's how the kinship relationship is divided in the general environment.

In such a social environment, don't blame Filch for treating students with a distorted mentality. This is because the old society turned people into ghosts.

Humans are social animals and need spiritual sustenance. For Filch, Dumbledore who can treat him normally is the only chain to maintain himself and the magical world, and Mrs. Norris is his relative in this malicious world. .

Filch was greatly stimulated last night, and Mrs. Norris's life and death are unknown now, the stimulation is still going on, and his mental state is not good.

Charles talked to him a lot, but he didn't know if he listened.

In this case, Charles has nothing to do, so he can only hand over the scene to the librarian Irma Pince.

The students on Sunday got up later than usual, and the people in the cafeteria were sparse, and everyone was discussing what happened last night.

Charles noticed that many people turned their attention to the long table of Slytherin, more precisely, to Draco Malfoy.

Elinor sat beside him while he piled breakfast on his plate into a hill.

"Have you heard?" Eleanor whispered, "Draco Malfoy is the descendant of Slytherin, and he did what happened last night."

Charles froze for a moment, wondering what kind of development this was, and said in surprise: "No way, Seamus is so powerful, I think Seamus is more like him than him."

Seamus, who sat on the other side of him, said: "If I am really a descendant of Slytherin, I will order everyone in Slytherin house to take five baths and three hairs every day!"

Charles nodded seriously. Seamus' mother sold body wash and shampoo in Diagon Alley.

Seamus continued: "I've also heard that the Malfoy family is very old and as radical as Slytherin. They look down on Muggle wizards and half-blood wizards like me. It's not surprising that he did such a thing."

Eleanor echoed there: "Yes, I think so too."

Charles had nothing to say, and ate his breakfast quietly, listening to Seamus and Eleanor analyzing the possibility of Malfoy being the descendant of Slytherin.

After breakfast, Eleanor went back to her laboratory, and Charles followed.

"What's the matter?" Eleanor checked the potion that had been boiling for several days in the crucible behind the experiment table.

Charles said seriously: "You'd better go back to the Gryffindor dormitory, I'm worried that the murderer last night will attack you."

Eleanor put some medicinal materials into the crucible and stirred it carefully until the golden light came out of the crucible an hour later.

She put these potions into exquisite crystal bottles, the glittering gold looks very luxurious, and just by looking at the appearance, it can sell for an extra Galleon or two.

Charles was drinking tea and waiting in the study, knowing that she would not be distracted while she was working, so he was in no hurry to answer.

After Eleanor came in, she put several bottles of potions that were still warm on the table, and said, "These are for you."

Charles picked up a bottle and took a closer look. He hadn't seen it in a textbook before, and asked curiously, "What kind of potion is this?"

Eleanor sneered and said, "After you drink it, you will immediately feel energetic, more powerful, and your body is much lighter, as if you have become younger."

Charles looked surprised.

Unexpectedly, Eleanor continued: "After fifteen minutes, you will start to have diarrhea and become dehydrated and unconscious."

The corner of Charles' mouth twitched, it seemed that she was going to use it to deceive people.

Eleanor sat on the chair, poured herself a cup of tea, took a sip and asked, "Are you sure that person will really kill the students?"

Charles said: "Be careful. When I was looking for clues last night, I met Professor Dumbledore who was also looking for clues. He didn't find any useful clues."

Eleanor thought for a moment and said, "Well, safety is the most important thing."

Then she pulled Charles up: "Give me a massage, the wings were too heavy last night, and the muscles in my shoulders and back woke up sore this morning."

At dinner time, Charles found Fred and George.

"A two-way mirror?"

"That's not cheap."

The twins don't know what Charles is up to.

Charles adjusted his glasses and said, "I'm not talking about high-end goods that can talk, but cheap goods that can only see the other side of the mirror."

"Now everyone is worried that the heirs of Slytherin will attack them. They are cautious in the castle. They are worried that the murderer will jump out of the corridor after turning a corner, and there are murderers hiding in the dark."

"I just wonder if there is such a kind of goggles that I am not afraid of the dark when I wear it, and when I turn a corner in the corridor, I can use the two-way mirror to see what is on the other side of the corridor."

Fred and George looked at each other, then fell silent.

Fred said shortly afterwards, "That's a good idea. I think it can make a fortune."

George said: "It's not very difficult, but we don't have that much capital to buy materials."

Charles said: "I invested in this project, but hurry up, I am worried that new victims will appear soon."

Although the two-way mirror cannot avoid being petrified like Mrs. Norris, it can save people from dying on the spot like Myrtle, and can be rescued.

He couldn't guarantee that the next thing would be like in "memory", so he could only think of a way not to cause irreparable damage.

The three met to discuss further in an abandoned empty classroom after dinner, but Professor McGonagall called Charles away.

In the office, Professor McGonagall said to Charles: "This afternoon, Mr. Smith came with a letter, asking you for a long leave from December 1st to January 31st next year."

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