A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 151 The New Professor

In front of the huge wooden door at the end of the corridor, Bell smiled and took the roster and began to roll the roll.

The students are very curious, why they don't enter the classroom but roll their names outside.

The three of Harry were a little shocked in their hearts, and they didn't expect to come back here again.

After the roll call, Bell said to the students mysteriously: "Next, you will see things you have never seen before. Keep your spirits up and your courage, and don't be so frightened that your legs are weak and you can't walk."

The students became tense all of a sudden, and they all clenched their wands tightly.

Seamus swallowed, and said to himself in a low voice: "I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid, I can even deal with poison horned beasts!"

Bell was very satisfied with the students' reactions, and turned and pushed open the wooden door. It was dark inside, and there was a sound of heavy footsteps.

"Come in." He walked in, and the students followed behind tremblingly.

Charles frowned, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

The wooden door was closed suddenly, and the hall was instantly invisible, and the footsteps seemed to be getting closer to the students.

Half a minute later, the hall lit up, and two huge monsters appeared in front of the students, and a scream almost deafened Charles' right ear.

Parvati Patil hugged Charles' right hand tightly, and the huge horn of the poison horn was less than half a meter away from her pale face.

Charles could only pat her hand and say, "Don't worry, this is just a specimen."

Only then did the Indian girl realize that there was a sign above the head of the giant beast in front of her, which said "I am a specimen".

Bell looked at the students, only four of them had unchanged expressions.

"Put away your wands, everyone." Bell clapped his hands. "Next, we invite His Excellency Seamus Finnigan, the first-class medalist of the Order of Merlin, to introduce his two old friends!"

Under his leadership, the Gryffindor students applauded enthusiastically.

Seamus came out in surprise, turned to Bell and asked, "Professor, how did they die?"

He still remembered that the two poisonous horned beasts looked pretty good after being captured.

Bell said: "They were already poisoned by the poisonous leopard. After being knocked down by you, their bodies will die, and they will not be able to eat anything and eventually die."

"I think you already know something about the Poison Horn Beast, so I'll let you explain it."

Seamus cleared his throat and began to explain.

After he came back from Africa, he learned about the poison horned beasts, so that he could brag better, so the Gryffindor students didn't know how many times they heard him talk about these contents.

But this time was different. With the specimens in front of them, everyone had a deep understanding of Seamus' horror.

Charles was amazed at the specimen, which looked like a living one.

After Seamus finished speaking, Bell said to the students: "Thank you, Your Excellency Finnigan, for your wonderful explanation, five points from Gryffindor. Come with me, everyone, and we will go to the place where the class is held."

He opened the door on the floor and walked in.

Harry's trio discovered that behind the door panel was no longer a slide, but a wide staircase.

The place where the devil's net was originally planted has become a vast and bright outdoor forest. The ceiling is like the ceiling of a cafeteria. There are many plants around that you have never seen before, and the ground is a real lawn.

If it weren't for a door on the opposite wall, everyone thought they were outside.

Bell shouted: "Everyone, don't leave the lawn, follow me through that door, unless you want to become a teaching material!"

No one wanted to become a teaching material, so Bell carefully followed Bell through the wooden door, walked through a corridor, and came to the room where he had grabbed the key.

It became a wider forest, and the sound of birds came from inside. Charles saw a witch bird flying over the top of the tree, but the sound did not cause harm to people, and it was probably a specimen.

The place where Ron played chess had become half a pool and half a swamp.

The troll's room was transformed into a Colosseum, only empty now.

The place where Snape set up the puzzle changed extremely exaggeratedly. A drawbridge connected the doors on both sides. Below was a huge labyrinth, which seemed to have many traps.

Everyone came to the final hall, which turned into a vast space with blue sky and grass. Not far from the door, there were many tree stumps used as chairs and tables, as well as podiums and blackboards.

It's just that everyone's attention was drawn to something else.

Bell pointed to the specimen rolling beside the blackboard and said: "This is the specimen of the venomous leopard. Charles rescued a brave lady from its mouth."

Charles has black hair.

Bell pointed to a black carpet-like animal moving on the ground behind the blackboard and asked the students: "Except Charles, does anyone know what kind of stuffed animal that black thing is?"

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, you just shake your head.

After half a minute, Hermione raised her hand cautiously.

Bell said, "Miss Granger, please."

Hermione said uncertainly, "It should be Voldebat."

Bell nodded, and asked her to talk about the Voldebat.

With Hermione's ability, it's no problem to recite the contents of the book, so Gryffindor got another five points.

Bell asked everyone to sit on the tree stump, and didn't intend to talk about the origin of Voldebat, after all, it was a bit illegal.

"The class is officially starting now." He said, "According to the teaching plan of the Hogwarts Defense Against the Dark Arts class, we mainly learn how to deal with magical animals or escape from the attack of magical animals in class, and how to fight dark wizards , how to deal with black magic."

"The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures classifies the dangers of magical animals into five levels, represented by different numbers of ''. One is harmless to wizards but annoying, two are tameable, and three Competent wizards can deal with them, four of the magical animals are very dangerous and require specialized knowledge to deal with, and five are the most dangerous, with a record of killing wizards, and impossible to domesticate or tame."

"This is a question that is tested every year in the exam."

As soon as the voice fell, the students immediately recorded it in their notebooks.

Charles just sat there with his notebook open, taking notes with the automatic quill instead of doing it himself.

Then he began to ask: "Potter, why weren't you scared when you saw the poison horn beast in the hall just now?"

Unexpectedly, he was the first to be called, so he stood up and said, "I saw the signs on their heads."

Bell nodded for him to sit down, then asked Neville the same question.

Neville stood up and said, "I'll make a charm that uses a wand instead of an eye, as soon as the door closes."

Seamus, who was called next, also gave the same answer.

The last one to be picked up was Charles.

Charles replied: "My glasses can see things not far away in the dark. And I believe that I will not be fatally injured in class. I will go to the school infirmary to rest for a day at most."

By the end, Bell and the students laughed.

"In this class, we're going to learn how to fight," Bell told the students.

"Keep observation skills, magic spells to deal with different situations, suitable props and potions, and self-confidence, these are one of the guarantees to win the final victory."

"Whether the opponent is four poisonhorns, five sac leopards, or two goblins, imps, or even evil dark wizards, the principles of fighting are the same."

"It's useless to just take notes for knowledge in this area. You will gradually master it through study and practice."

Next, Bell put his wand on the podium and said earnestly: "Today, let's learn a spell, a spell from Africa that doesn't use a wand. You can put your wand away."

He gestured, and a pair of hands taller than a man appeared on the ground.

"The first thing to learn is the Flying Curse without a wand." Bell began to make some gestures with his hands, and the big hands moved accordingly, demonstrating to the students.

While demonstrating, he said: "Both hands can be used, and the movements are symmetrical."

"In battle, a wizard will accidentally drop his wand. If that happens, he can use this spell to return the wand to his hand."

Bell said as he walked to the front row of the students.

Then he gestured, "The wand is flying", and the wand on the podium flew into his hand.

The students suddenly exclaimed, this is the first time they have seen a spell without a wand.

Bell explained the gestures carefully, and then asked everyone to practice slowly.

"This spell can't be learned all at once," he said when the students were practicing. "For you, you only need to be able to dance the wand to be successful. It takes a long time to master it completely."

A few days later, nearly the entire Hogwarts student body was there practicing hand gestures whenever they had time, and it seemed a bit intimidating.

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