A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 149: Popular Candidate

The castle at night was particularly quiet against the background of Peeves' prank sounds, and the portraits in the oil paintings in the corridor began to drop by, leaving empty frames.

The second-grade students are already familiar with this atmosphere, and they will no longer be afraid to walk in the castle.

On the way back to the common room, Hermione kept asking questions about vampires, from how they met to what position they used to suck blood.

Charles just didn't answer.

A savior appeared on the way.

"Charles, Seamus, long time no see!"

As soon as Seamus saw the person, he shouted happily: "Bell, I didn't expect you to be a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts class!"

Hermione corrected Seamus in a low voice after saying hello: "It should be the professor."

Bell said indifferently: "It's okay, don't worry about these details."

Charles smiled at him and said, "Now you won't be afraid of Filch when you walk around the castle at night."

When he was in Ouagadou, Bell often mentioned that he and Filch fought wits and courage.

Charles continued: "I didn't expect you to actually take over this position."

A bright smile appeared on Bell's face: "My wife is pregnant, so I won't run outside during this period of time. Just when Professor Dumbledore came to see me, I promised to come back for a year, and at the same time sort out my previous experiences. and notes for a book."

After joking for a while, Charles saw Bell walking with him, and joked, "You still live in the Gryffindor dormitory?"

Bell shook his head and said, "Of course not, I'm here to find Potter and Weasley, the Weasley who caused trouble today."

"They hurt the Whomping Willow, and when Professor Sprout goes to the doctor, I'm going to let them know what stupid things they did."

Hermione gritted her teeth and nodded in agreement: "It's best to let them suffer, as much as they have!"

"If you're not their best friend, you're their worst enemy," Bell said.

Hermione said helplessly: "The boys are all idiots. Harry and Ron actually flew to Hogwarts in a car, and Charles actually let a vampire suck his own blood. God knows what stupid things they will do in the future!"

Seamus whispered from the side, "I'm different from them."

Bell asked Charles in surprise: "Did you let vampires suck blood and collect money?"

Hermione froze for a moment, as if the young professor was not very reliable.

Charles shook his head and said, "Just doing a favor for a friend."

Bell asked with a smirk, "Girlfriend?"

"No." Charles had black hair.

Seeing him like this, Bell stopped talking, and said, "Charles, now Professor Dumbledore has asked the professors to write new textbooks based on the syllabus, and has arranged teaching assistants in order to reduce the burden and train students."

"I heard that you participated in the compilation of the syllabus of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. How about coming to me as a teaching assistant?"

Charles naturally immediately refused: "Sorry, I can't do it anymore. But I recommend Harry Potter to you."

Bell said, "Well, that's a pity. I'll keep an eye on Potter."

When he saw Professor McGonagall taking Charles away in the cafeteria, he took it for granted that Charles followed the dean, so there was nothing to say.

Everyone chatted and came to the oil painting of the fat lady, just in time to see Harry and Ron being shut out because they didn't know the password.

Charles held Seamus and Bell back, and let Hermione, who was full of anger, go over and get angry.

Five minutes later, Bell took Harry and Ron away.

Seamus asked Charles and Hermione: "Do any of you know the password?"

Hermione looked at Charles, obviously she didn't know the password either.

Charles spread his hands, and he didn't know it.

But it was not impossible, Charles took out his wand and waved it twice, the door opened after a while, and Ruby jumped out from inside.

The common room was very lively, everyone was talking about Harry and Ron.

It's just that the two parties involved are now by the Whomping Willow, and Bell is covering Professor Sprout who is treating the tree.

Charles spent some time in the common room writing a letter to Fleur for Ruby to deliver. If this guy didn't exercise, the shelves in the dormitory would be trampled.

When he returned to the dormitory, he saw that Seamus had changed into his pajamas, sitting on the bed with his wand in a daze.

Seeing that he had returned, Seamus asked him, "What spell did Professor McGonagall use just now? The one that conjures a cat."

Charles changed into pajamas and lay on the bed and said, "That's the Patronus Charm."

Then he explained the function of the spell and how to cast it.

"Very interesting spell!" Seamus said excitedly, "It looks very imposing, doesn't it?"

Then he swung his wand in a circle.

Charles just smiled. This spell is very profound, requires strong magic power, and requires great concentration.

Soon his smile gradually froze.

Five minutes later, Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall appeared in the bedroom again. Seamus sat on the bed and told what he had just done. The wind was very noisy tonight.

Charles calmly looked at the empty window hole, the wind kept pouring in, and he gave up complaining in his heart.

Dumbledore frowned and asked Seamus, "Are you sure you used the Patronus Charm just now?"

After living for so many years, I have never heard that the Patronus Charm can blow windows to pieces.

Seamus raised his wand and replied: "Just now I saw Professor McGonagall using the Patronus Charm in the school doctor's office, and when I came back, I asked Charles how to cast the spell. Circle."

After he finished speaking, he waved his wand to demonstrate, and a silver-white light mist appeared immediately, and then pointed to the position of the window hole: "Call God to protect you!"

I saw a white light shoot out from the tip of the wand, which was unstoppable, and disappeared into the night sky through the window hole.

Dumbledore soon understood that Seamus's weakness in controlling the output of magic power provided enough magic power for the spell, and the experience of obtaining the Order of Merlin gave him enough happy memories. He only needed to concentrate, and the Patronus appeared on that day It's a matter of course.

It's just that Seamus was difficult to control when his magic power was soaring, and the Patronus that appeared was not only incomplete, but also had weird changes, so he blew up the window.

Dumbledore had nothing to do with this, and Professor McGonagall could only ask Seamus not to use unskilled spells in the dormitory in the future.

The window opening was blocked with a thick blanket, and the two of them slept soundly all night in the dormitory.

No one knew what time Harry and Ron came back last night. When they got up in the morning, they were in a bad mood, which was in stark contrast to the classmates who greeted them.

The students on the long table were roughly distributed according to their grades. During breakfast today, Charles sat abnormally among the seventh-grade students, pretending to be chatting with Eleanor.

He quickly filled the plate with palm-high breakfast and finished it before the owl rain. When he got up, he gave Eleanor an ear muff for handling mandrakes in the greenhouse.

Eleanor questioned, watching as he gave Hermione and Ginny another one, before slipping away as the first owl of the day flew into the mess hall.

Today's first class is herbal medicine. Charles came to the greenhouse area early and met Professor Sprout.

"Charles," Sprout's first words did not surprise him, "how about being my teaching assistant?"

"I heard that you rejected Minerva and Belle, so I knew you wanted to come to me."

Charles said apologetically, "Professor Sprout, I think Neville is more suitable than me."

At this moment, Professor Flitwick jumped out, and proudly said to Professor Sprout: "Haha, it seems that I won in the end. I don't think he will go to Severus."

"Charles, don't you want to be a teaching assistant in Potions, do you want to come to me?"

Charles replied with a smile, "I rejected Professor Snape before breakfast."

Just when Professor Flitwick was triumphant, Charles said to him: "Professor, Seamus Finnigan used the Patronus Charm last night. I think he is the best choice."

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