A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 131 Daily chores

Harry's mind wandered a lot since chatting with Lupine all afternoon, and Ron thought he was going to see the Mirror of Erised again.

Charles "diagnosed" that he was stupid from reading and needed to practice using the spell for at least an hour a day.

Ron agreed with Charles very much and expressed his willingness to urge Harry to practice.

In the end, Hermione was going to supervise them, whether they were practicing spells or playing.

Charles watched the three of them quarrel with interest for a while, and then settled the money with the Weasley twins.

Now Fred and George's wallets are bulging, and the long-suspended bag research project is about to restart. After receiving the money, the two began to discuss spending part of the money to buy materials.

Charles has not been idle recently, holding the "Invisibility Book of Invisibility" wrapped in old newspapers and studying.

Invisibility is not limited to invisibility cloaks and the Disillusionment Charm, but also includes a series of spells that hide people and things, such as hiding a wizard's house from Muggles.

The book also introduces how to counter invisibility, such as the spell used by Moody's fake eye that can see through Harry's cloak.

It's just that Moody's magic eye uses a compound spell that interacts with multiple spells. Just to prevent the spells from interfering with each other requires an exquisite design. Charles feels that he can't do it, so he uses the added Long curse.

It was another day's breakfast time, and a long-awaited reply from Charles finally landed on the dining table.

The first class that morning was herbal medicine, and as soon as the bell rang for recess, Harry came to ask Charles for his camera, and then hurried away.

Charles ignored them and found a place to read this morning's letter. It seemed that the effect of his Galleon spell had begun to appear.

"His Excellency Charles Smith says:

I am hereby replying to your letter of the 5th of this month. It is my honor to serve you.

The functions of the magic eye listed by you can all be satisfied: the snake eye spell can see things when there is no light; although I believe in your character, I still need to declare that the clairvoyant spell is only for finding fish swimming in the water; Marks traces of magic; a spell I invented allows you to use this item from 30 feet away.

Here is my answer to the question about the viewing distance you raised: the viewing distance used by the magic eye is related to the amount of magic power; times.

The Watching Eye you mentioned is also for sale.

Enclosed is a list of magic eye shapes, the price has been marked, if you are interested, please write to order.

Sincerely, Pierre Kington"

Charles opened the list of magic eyes at the back, Moody's same magic eye was placed first as an advertisement, and it was a bit scary to have an eyeball constantly rolling there. And its price is even more scary, one digit more than the latter.

Moody's magic eye was a product many years ago, and now the creators can make products in the shape of glasses, hairpins, necklaces, etc. As long as Garen is in place, the functions can be the same.

When Charles was chatting with Moody in Ouagadou, he thought his magic eyes were interesting, so he asked the manufacturer, and he had time to write a letter after returning from work.

He looked at the list twice, and finally chose a pair of glasses, which are no problem to wear normally, and decided to add some money to the glasses to add anti-fog charms, glasses anti-fall spells, and telescopic spells, whether it is eating noodles, drinking soup or searching eight. Ground targets such as acromant nests can be used.

At the same time, he also decided to buy a batch of magic eyes that can be used as surveillance cameras and install them around the house.

After collecting the letter, he stretched himself, and then saw that Malfoy didn't know what happened, and ran to the castle desperately.

Charles thought for a while, and it should be Hagrid's Norwegian Ridgeback egg that hatched.

He didn't have time to take care of the dragon. The Defense Against the Dark Arts class PPT, which was outsourced layer by layer, was brought back by the ruby ​​sent to Gabriel, and it was time to go to work.

Quirrell read each PPT carefully, stammering and making suggestions for improvement.

Charles is very depressed. Party A is like this. If you don’t pick faults, you will die, but you can only record them one by one.

Fortunately, the problem is not big, you can slowly change.

One night not long after, Fudge went to the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade, called Charles over, and after a while of black-box manipulation, the house on the island was named Smith.

Charles calculated the balance in his Gringotts vault, and asked Neville to write to his relatives who sold the furniture. He would sell all the original furniture in the house, and make up some money for new ones. They pack.

Not long after, Neville's relatives sent a lot of picture albums, asking Charles what style of decoration he wanted.

Time passed day by day, and the days seemed to be peaceful.

Until one Wednesday night, at about twelve o’clock, Charles came out of the room where he used to exercise 30 hours a day and went back to the common room to start a new day. He was thinking about the problem of invisibility, and suddenly bumped into an invisible s things.

Charles was startled by a scream, and it was Ron's voice that could be heard.

Ten minutes later, Charles, Harry, and Hermione studied the wound on Ron's hand together.

Ron's right hand was already swollen into a steamed bun, and there was a row of tooth marks on the base of his thumb. The bleeding had stopped, but it started to bleed again when Charles hit him just now.

A bowl was placed under the injured hand, and the blood from the wound was tinged with green.

Ron asked Charles nervously, "I'm not going to die, am I?"

Charles helped the new glasses that had just arrived this morning on the bridge of his nose, and calmly replied: "With the ruby ​​here, it is still very difficult for you to want to die."

"Although the tears of the phoenix can detoxify and heal wounds, it is better to squeeze out the venom and use it. This will heal much faster, and I can do my homework tomorrow."

Ruby lives in the common room now, nodding beside Charles.

Ron breathed a sigh of relief and began to complain: "The dragon is terrible, but Hagrid treats it like a rabbit."

"The dragon and the rabbit have something in common," Charles said, "they have very little fat in their meat."

Then he turned his head to look at Ruby: "It's not like Phoenix, it's full of fat."

Ruby jumped on the chair and pecked at his head.

Soon after, the blood from the wound on Ron's hand was no longer an ugly green color, but the flesh on the wound was still dark green.

Ruby stretched her head over to look, and shed a small tear on the wound.

Tears fell on the wound, and there was a puff of dark green smoke immediately, which startled the others.

After about a minute, the bleeding from the wound stopped, and the dark green flesh returned to normal, but the whole hand was still a little swollen.

Ron was already in a cold sweat. Detoxification was one thing, but the excitement brought about by the interaction of Phoenix tears and poison almost made him cry out.

On the one hand, he dripped Essence on the wound, and on the other, Harry opened the window to let Hedwig in.

The second child of the Weasley family wrote back and came to pick up Hagrid's dragon at midnight on Saturday.

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