A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 128 Friend of the Dementor

The faint moonlight sprinkled the beach, the night was icy and cold, and the waves passed by, filling the heart with sadness.

The bright starry sky is deep and vast, as empty as the heart, and the whistling sea breeze blows past, like a passing guest.

Charles was lying on the beach, watching the night, and suddenly remembered the night before leaving Africa, everyone came to the observatory in Ouagadou to explore the starry sky.

Seamus suddenly asked, "Will there be exactly the same us on other stars?"

Everyone was laughing and talking about this issue, and only Charles was acting as an interpreter, but his mood was different.

His abnormality was discovered by others, but he didn't know it, and the person who discovered it didn't say anything.

Charles couldn't help but wonder, what would happen to his family if he crossed over?

I only remember where my home is, only a faint shadow of my parents, and only a few clues left for other relatives and friends.

He couldn't help thinking, did he have a wife and children in his previous life?

I left, who would cry for me?

The face is wet, and the smell is not known to be waves or tears.

After an unknown amount of time, a hoarse voice rang in Charles' ear: "Drink...?"

A dementor, wearing Voldemort's same robes, with his head and face hidden in a hood, and a gray hand that looks like a membrane wrapped around a bone, with some spots, and holds a can of beer.


It can only speak one word at a time, and there are long pauses in between, as if thinking about what word to use next.

Charles didn't know when it appeared, but at this time there was no particularly depressed, hopeless feeling, nor any memories like the dying days of his previous life.

He just smelled a very, very bad smell, like a liver that has been fermented for hundreds of years. I don't know if it's from a dementor.

Seeing that Charles was still lying on the beach without getting up, the dementor continued, "Don't... be sad... drink... be happy..."

Charles sat up, stretched out his hand without hitting the giver, took the beer, and said politely, "Thank you."

The dementor seemed bewildered by the thank you, waving his hands like a child, not knowing what words to reply.

Charles just smiled and asked, "Where did you get the beer?"

The dementor knew how to answer this time: "Fish...for..."


Charles blinked, good guy, this dementor actually knows to exchange fish for wine, people will be happy when drinking, and they can suck happy emotions by themselves.

Taking precautions first, he drank a drop of ruby ​​tears first, then opened the beer and took a few sips.

The dementor looked at Charles suspiciously, and asked, "Why...drinking...more...sad..."

Charles replied with a wry smile, "I've been sad just now."

The dementor said, "I...just...here...you...sad...not...me..."

Charles just smiled and said, "I don't blame you."

Not indecent, he rummaged through his pocket, took out two delicious biscuits made by Eleanor and handed them to the dementor.

The dementor took it with his slender fingers like chopsticks, put it in front of his eyes for a moment, and looked at Charles with a black hole in doubt.

Charles said, "Eat, try it."

The dementor hesitated for a long time before putting the biscuit into his mouth.

Charles didn't know whether the dementors ate other things, whether they had teeth, or how their digestive system was, so he was just being polite.

Unexpectedly, this dementor was like a cat that had encountered catnip, flying around on the sea, and only stopped after 10 minutes.

But after it stopped, the biscuit in its mouth turned into powder.

"Thank you...friend...if...come...Azkaban...I...help...you..."

Now Charles has become a "Friend of Dementors", and he can open a luxurious private room to eat delicious food and drink spicy food when he goes to Azkaban in the future.

Charles was speechless for a while, but then he remembered the business and asked, "Do you come here often?"

The dementor replied: "People...fishing...happy...delicious...my...secret..."

Charles didn't know what to say, these anglers were able to catch the dementors.

The dementor continued: "Big...fish...hook...people...happy...delicious..."

Now Charles is even more surprised, this guy can actually catch fish and help the fisherman to hang it!

Of course, the fisherman is happy to catch a giant, so it has something to eat.

Charles asked again: "Several people have died here over the years, did you do it?"

The dementor didn't affirm or deny, just turned and walked towards the depths of the island, turning back halfway and saying, "Come."

Charles followed, walked into the woods near the small building, and opened a cover on the ground, revealing a hole that people could pass through.

An hour later, the dementor flew into the depths of the sea with a basket of delicious biscuits. Charles immediately went to the side of the road to call the Knight Bus, paid extra money and rushed to the Ministry of Magic in London as quickly as possible.

At daybreak, Scrimgeour rushed here with a team of Aurors, and personally led the Aurors into the cave. The original owner's family was captured and held aside by the Aurors.

There is a banshee locked in the cave. Its cry is deadly. In the past, when there were homicides on the island, it escaped. When it encountered a Muggle, it yelled loudly, and the Muggle died.

The landlord’s reason for raising the Banshee and how to deal with it later is not Charles’ concern. Fudge, who came to guide the work, said that if the landlord is sentenced, the property will be confiscated, and the property can be sold to him through internal procedures, but it will take more than a month.

Charles and the old man are now discussing the matter of buying the island with the relevant departments. Although the local relevant departments are eager to sell this island where people often die inexplicably, there are still many conditions.

The main reason is that a serious animal protection organization requires the Smith family not to keep pets such as cats and dogs on the island, so as to prevent them from preying on small animals on the island.

Since they didn't say they couldn't raise a phoenix, Charles agreed.

Next, a local councilor asked the Smith family to install a sewage treatment system for the villa on the island to avoid environmental pollution, so the old man agreed to buy the system recommended by that councilor.

If you want sewage, you must have clean water. Naturally, the locals are responsible for the water purification system of the villa.

There was a problem with the construction of the villa. The Smith family requested to move in when the summer vacation came in July, and there were still more than two months. After some bargaining, the local construction company promised to complete the task.

Charles arranged the Muggle villa tens of meters away from the wizard's small building, and at the same time required that the cabinet space under the stairs must be large enough to accommodate people.

In the end, the national park said that electricity can be pulled from the park, but the cost angered the two Smiths.

"Don't bother." Jack said with a sullen face, "I will install a wind turbine system on the island, which is enough for our vacation."

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