A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 115 The First Game

On the first day of the Potions Tournament, Charles woke up before dawn to prepare breakfast for everyone.

Professor Babling was a little too nervous. He was afraid that someone would poison the contestants, so he decided to take three meals a day by himself.

It's just that cooking skills...Student Spencer almost thought that someone poisoned the pudding, and then Ruby taught him to cherish food with her wings.

So Charles and Professor Baburin had to go to the vegetable market in Kampala, the capital of Uganda, to buy ingredients and cook. According to her, no one would think of poisoning Muggle dishes.

It's just the environment of the vegetable market... When Charles buys vegetables, he only dares to buy the ones that need to be peeled and the meat that needs to be killed.

The competition time starts at 9 o'clock and ends at 17 o'clock. During this period, the preparation of potions requires both brain power and physical strength, which consumes a lot of energy on the body.

In theory, there is half an hour for lunch and rest, but it is likely that there is no time to eat, so it is better to have a full breakfast.

Charles made a big shepherd's pie this morning. It's topped with slightly charred cheese, with a layer of creamy mashed potatoes in the middle, and the bottom is made up of ground beef and chopped carrots, onions, and mushrooms. Meat.

Shepherd's pie is joined by regulars on the traditional breakfast menu like fried eggs, fried bacon and milk.

While everyone was eating breakfast, Charles still had to get ready for lunch. Considering that lunch time is short, you can only prepare fast food that you can eat. He had puff pastry ready, but unfortunately there were no spider legs, so sausages had to be rolled up and baked instead. There are also oatmeal scones made with oatmeal with maple syrup, sugar, and butter, and some vegetable sandwiches.

Simo and the others were also busy. Some helped with crucibles and other tools, and some took medicinal materials. Every time they took something out, Professor Bablin checked the list with a check at the door.

The venue of the Potions Tournament is located in the square in front of the auditorium on the top of the mountain. There are four long tables with shelves behind them. The participating teams put away the tools and materials first, and the referee team members composed of the principal will inspect them.

When Charles came to the auditorium with lunch, the leaders had just finished speaking and began to draw questions.

In front of the referee's seat was a large cauldron that could throw Charles whole into it to stew. Dumbledore went over and tapped it with the Elder Wand, and a large cloud of water vapor emerged from it, forming the name of the disease that today's potion was to treat.

"head swelling"

There was a lot of discussion in the audience, not because the disease is too difficult to treat, but because it is too common. It is caused by the patient smelling the bad cheese and drinking the unclean rainwater. There are many.

In the scoring standard of medicine, the weight of preparation time is the least, only 10 points, but in previous years, there were still many contestants who failed to complete the medicine within the specified time and lost points.

The highest weight is the treatment effect, which accounts for 50 points. This part can also be subdivided into treatment completion, treatment time, side effects and so on.

In this level of competition, it is very difficult to get a score that is enough to widen the huge gap by relying on the curative effect. After all, no one will compete with a potion with inferior effects, and the level of all teams is very close.

The last 40 points come from the innovation of the potion. If you prepare a potion that is already on the market, you will not get points. This is where you can get the most points.

The game is decided by the total points of five games. If the scores are the same, the ranking points of these games will be considered. If they are still the same, there will be a play-off.

At this time, the participating teams began to discuss, and the Hogwarts representative team also discussed for more than ten minutes.

"Just use this prescription." As the captain, Olivia made the final decision, "Don't be too aggressive in the first game, and ensure that the score remains in the first half."

Cedric asked, "Then use that?"

Olivia replied: "If you want to use it, didn't we test it a few days ago, and the effect is very good."

Spencer also said: "We have to prepare with both hands, and use both methods at the same time. If there is a problem, we will lose some time points at most."

Everyone quickly reached an agreement and began to get busy according to their own division of labor.

Waggadu also made preparations, and half an hour later, four patients with head swelling syndrome were invited.

Next to the Hogwarts auditorium is the Ilvermorney School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft from the United States. Sitting next to Charles is a blond American girl with a cowboy hat, also surnamed Smith, who is passing popcorn and saying at the same time: "My father can cure this disease, just move your fingers."

Charles grabbed a handful of popcorn and ate it, and asked, "Miss Smith, how did Mr. Smith treat it?"

"You can just call me Lily." The girl's name made the corners of Charles' lips slightly curved. "It's very simple, just put the potion into the Colt M1860 passed down by grandpa, and pull the trigger against the forehead."

The corner of Charles' mouth twitched slightly, and he asked again, "Which state are you from?"

"Oklahoma," American Lily replied, chewing on popcorn.

Charles was not surprised when he heard it.

Lily continued: "If you have a chance, you can come to my farm to play. If you want to hunt, I will take you to my sister Lucy's ranch. She is in Texas and there are many wild boars and wolves."

Charles said a little embarrassedly: "Would it be too disturbing?"

"Hey..." Lily laughed and said to him in a low voice, "I know you sent that bastard's letter to the Magic Congress, and he's in jail now."

Charles understood that she was talking about the Ilvermorney student who had been selling mushroom powder to him.

Lily continued to speak harshly: "That bastard is my stepmother's son, and I hate both of them. That woman said she was allergic to peanuts and would never work in the field, and my father would do all the work. I even doubted that she used Love potion."

"Then you put peanut butter on your hands and slap her," Charles said.

Lily was taken aback for a moment, then put her arms around him and laughed loudly, attracting the attention of the audience next to her.

While the two were chatting, the game was going on in an orderly manner. The operations of the four teams seemed to be in a slow manner, without any impatience. It could be seen that the first game was all about stability.

By noon, the representative teams of the four schools had prepared the medicine.

Olivia and the others were an hour slower than Kodos Torrez, the fastest, but 20 minutes and 30 minutes faster than Wagado and Magic Institute.

The next step is to test the efficacy of the medicine. After the players draw lots, they give the medicine to their corresponding patients.

The first patient drank the potion Olivia handed over, and his nostrils instantly turned into a rocket engine, violently ejecting gas.

The patient's head returned to normal immediately, but he coughed twice, and some gas rushed into his lungs, which made him uncomfortable.

The second patient drank the Kodos Torrez team's potion, then had a long hiccup, and his head recovered.

The potion of the Ouagadou team was also drunk by the third patient. His ears began to puff to the sides, but his head looked a little dizzy after recovery. It is estimated that the inner ear was affected.

In contrast, the magic institute's potion treatment was the fastest, and the patient's air jet from the seven orifices was quite spectacular, but the patient's eyes were almost blown out by the airflow.

In the end, Kodos Torrez got full marks. They creatively crushed the medicinal materials into fine foam and put them directly into the vodka that can ignite the blue flame. Even wanted another drink.

The Hogwarts representative team also played creatively. A newly purchased pressure cooker shortened the final cooking time of the potion from four hours to 20 minutes, but the patient was choked into the lungs, and the time points were deducted a little, and finally got 96 points.

The potions of Vagadu and Magic Institute have innovations in medicinal materials, but they are not as good as the other two in terms of technological innovation, and the side effects are relatively large, and finally scored 92 and 91 points.

The content of the first day was just a warm-up, and the score was a bit higher. The gap between the highest score and the lowest score can be recovered in the following games.

I've worked a lot these two days, so I'll make up for it later

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