90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 986: Sign up

Zhao Di nodded, "I think Xu Qiang will move out and live closer to where the children go to school."

Yuxi, "I remember Xu Qiang living on campus."

"The school is not quiet. I thought it would be better to study on the day. When I get home, I can study in my own room."

Yuxi thought about Xu Qiang's school, which was indeed a little far from home. Because it was not the capital's hukou and had regional enrollment, Xu Qiang didn't study at No. 1 Middle School, but went to a school that could be borrowed.

There are many schools that can borrow now who don’t like to study. Many of them work with their parents. Their parents are busy and unattended.

Yuxi recognized Zhao Di. Zhao Di has been at home for many years, and she has never made a mistake. She is full of gratitude, "So when Xu Qiang comes back to live, let the driver take him to school."

Zhao Di hurriedly waved her hands, "No, we've already troubled you a lot. Without your help these years, we mother and son would not know what to expect!"

Zhao Di is too satisfied with her current life. The eldest son's school is not very good, not as good as the key schools, but his grades have always been in the top three in the school, and the key universities are also promising. The younger son's studies are not bad. Being able to save a sum of money, she is full of hope for the future life, her culture is not high, but she also understands the need to be content.

Yuxi saw that Zhao Di had made up her mind and didn't mention it anymore. Counting Zhao Di's deposit, it was almost 300,000 yuan. "You came to me, and I already have a good view of the house!"

Zhao Di nodded, "Because the school is near the Fourth Ring Road, the rent is not as expensive here. I liked a one-bedroom apartment, which costs 3,000 yuan a month and has complete appliances. Because the house is opposite the school, otherwise it will be cheaper."

Yuxi really had no idea about the current rent, and was stunned when she heard this, "The rent on the Fourth Ring Road is already 3,000?"

Zhao Di is also a pain in the ass, her salary is half a month, this is because Liu Ma left and she took over Liu Ma's job, or she is reluctant to rent, "I have checked a lot for renting a house. The house that I handed over a year is cheaper, otherwise it will be more expensive.”

Yuxi was stunned. The second and third ring roads are more expensive. No wonder many people apply for the company's recruitment every year. The housing alone can save a lot of money. "It's still too expensive."

Zhao Di said: "It's only a year and a half. After Xue Qiang's college entrance examination is over, he won't be renting."

"Well, can he live alone?"

Zhao Di was very proud, "Why not, I can cook and do laundry. I'll just visit every few days."

Seeing Zhao Di, Yuxi made arrangements and said, "If you have any difficulties, just tell me."

Zhao Di nodded, "Well, I know."

Yuxi soup was also finished and handed over to Zhao Di to pack up and go back to the bedroom.

The next day, Lei Xiao came to the company, and Yuxi teased, "Come and tell me to prepare a red envelope in person?"

Lei Xiao sat down, "No, I'm here to ask my sister if she knows about a talent show, a mixed-gender talent show."

Yuxi, "Why are you interested in this?"

Lei laughed and became thirsty. He poured his saliva, "It's not that I'm interested. This kid, Yaden, signed up secretly yesterday, and only told us today that he needs to take a leave of absence. The primary election will be held in a week."

Yuxi, "...how did he think about signing up?"

Lei smiled and said: "This kid has formed a band abroad. I have also heard him play the guitar. I thought it was a hobby. Who would have thought that Yaden's dream was to become a singer. This time, he saw the opportunity and skipped class to sign up."

Yuxi's mouth twitched. She really didn't understand what was good about being a singer. Now a child, "When I ask Huang Liang over, he understands."

Huang Liang came over and talked about the system, "This competition was promoted by individuals and companies. Most of them were trained more professionally. I don't know much. Most of the rules are kept secret. However, the personal ones are very It’s hard to compare to what a company has cultivated.”

Lei Xiao heaved a sigh of relief, "It's better than that, Han Feng made a lot of fire at home."

Huang Liang rolled his eyes, he understood, and Lei Xiao also found someone, "Don't push the child, children are paying more attention now, I've been watching the news in the past few days, and many children committed suicide because their parents In other words, hey, today's children are too extreme, they can't bear the slightest grievance, and they will die at every turn."

Yuxi also saw the news, "It's like when we were young, a few scoldings were light, and we didn't take it seriously."

Huang Liang thought of his own baby and was worried, "What I'm saying is, today's children are too precious."

Lei Xiao looked at Huang Liang, "You and Jin Ling's children are not too young, are you really not married?"

Huang Liang spread out his hands, "My family doesn't trust me, but thinks it's fine now, and the property is managed separately. If something is wrong with me, she will immediately kick me."

Lei laughed, "...In this way, it's fine not to get married."

Yuxi glared at Huang Liang. Huang Liang did it by himself. Who let Hua Hua be like before, "Don't listen to him, you are different from him."

Lei Xiao suppressed her heartbeat. For the sake of her two children, she couldn't just live together. She had a bad reputation for the two children, "I know."

Yuxi looked at the time, "We have a meeting, you go back first, I'm here to help you find out."

Lei laughed, "Okay, sorry for the trouble, sister."

Yuxi called Zhao Xue after the meeting. Zhao Xue is a singer who knows this kind of competition better than anyone else.

Zhao Xue, "I know this game, don't worry, it's absolutely fair."

Yuxi, "How do you say this?"

"There are a lot of companies involved, I don't dare to be tricky, but offline, it depends on one's own ability. This competition is not only about singing skills and other skills, but also about business value and popularity. Wasn't there a competition last year to make the list? The same is true for the second game, and Zhao Song also participated."

"He also participated?"

Zhao Xue motioned his assistant to wait a while~www.wuxiamtl.com~ continued: "Yeah, the company sent three trainees, Zhao Song counted as one. I was originally invited to be a judge, but I agreed, and the result was After learning about Zhao Song, in order to avoid trouble, my judges were also withdrawn."

Yuxi, "So fairness is guaranteed, but the competition doesn't depend on individuals either."

"Well, many companies give away, and of course there are also personal ones. It just depends on luck if you want to get ahead, but I don't have much hope."

Yuxi knew it, "You are busy first, I won't bother you."

"Well, then I'll hang up. I'm going to take the stage here."


When Yuxi got the accurate information and informed Lei Xiao, Lei Xiao felt relieved, "That's good, that's good, there's not much hope, and Han Feng won't force him to go."

Yuxi, "Don't worry too much, it's their father and son's business, don't be a person inside or outside, they are father and son and have no overnight feud, you can't do it, you can just tell them about the investigation, and don't need anything else. Say."

Lei Xiao felt warm in his heart, "Sister, don't worry, I know what I know."

"That's good."

Yuxi thought for a while, but in the end she didn't say anything to help. Han Feng obviously didn't want Ya Deng to enter the entertainment industry.


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