90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 978: clever


At the door of the reception, Song Hanchen and Begulan appeared together. Begulan's black fishtail dress showed her slender figure, her head was crossed and her neck was exposed, and her diamond necklace was sparkling.

What Bei Gulan feared the most was his gaze, standing calmly beside Song Hanchen.

Yuxi paid more attention to Bei Gulan's fingers. She also had a lot of jewelry, but no diamond ring with pigeon eggs. Yuxi smiled knowingly. In this battle, Bei Gulan won.

At this reception, all of Song's relatives came, and they were officially brought out, still as fiancée. Soon, Yuxi heard the voices of everyone talking, some were contemptuous, some were gloating.

Yuxi had been entertaining for a while, and then Bei Gulan came over and Yuxi said, "Where's Song Hanchen?"

"I'm busy ahead."

Yuxi looked at the tired Bei Gulan, "Being made trouble?"

Begulan lowered his voice, "Yes, I have become a model of Cinderella in the circle, they look down on me, but I will not be distracted, I will listen more to the good ones, and the bad ones to me. Just ignore it, they want me to make a fool of myself, I'm not stupid, I can't handle the smile on the face of Song Hanchen I represent."

After hearing these words, Yuxi stopped worrying about Bei Gulan's life after marriage. Bei Gulan was very smart to know that she and Song Hanchen were one, and she represented Song Hanchen by making a fool of herself, and she would not make herself out of place in the circle. She was trying to Get into the circle.

Bei Gulan looked down at himself, "Sister Lu, is there anything wrong with me?"

"No, you're fine, it looks like you'll be packing a red envelope soon."

Begulan's face was dyed pink, "We are slowly integrating into each other's lives, and we will have to wait for a while."

Yuxi said, "You've done a great job, and I'm happy too."

Bei Gulan curled the corners of his mouth, "To get the praise from Sister Lu, I have learned so much etiquette in vain."

Thinking about the etiquette class that I took, I shudder now.

Yuxi really saw the elegance in Bei Gulan. She believed that it would not take long for Bei Gulan to blend in perfectly. Even if there were some voices, it would not be much smaller.

Song Hanchen came over quickly, "I'm sorry, I want to take Gu Lan to recognize someone, I'll go first."

Yuxi raised his glass and gestured, "Go ahead."

Song Hanchen was a little flattered. He always knew that Lu Yuxi didn't want to see him, so he left in a daze.

Yuxi withdrew halfway through the reception. The reception was on the third floor. There were various high-end restaurants downstairs, and there were a lot of people who ordered dinner.

Yuxi held the escalator, raised his eyebrows and glanced at it. He was right. Lei Xiao and Han Feng were having dinner. They didn't know what they said. Lei Xiao gestured excitedly. Living.

Back in the car, Yuxi drove by himself. There was a bit of traffic jam at this point. Not long after he got out of the garage, he was stuck in the street. The traffic jam in front of him would be over for a long time and a half. Now it's too late to make a U-turn. , it is better to leave later than to know earlier.

Yuxi looked down at her phone, moved her ears, raised her head, and looked at the roadside. She remembered the woman who beat her, Mo Qiu's cousin, who was beaten like a girl named Mo Bei.

Yuxi frowned, no matter what, he shouldn't be a big kid on the street, and he even slapped the child in the face. When Yuxi recovered, the woman dragged Mo Bei into the subway entrance.

When I got home, it was half past one in the afternoon, and there was a traffic jam for half an hour.

Yuxi took off his coat, "Sister Mei, why are you at home today?"

"Some colds do not go to the orphanage, so as not to infect the children."

Yuxi, "I'll accompany you to the hospital."

Mei Hua coughed, "Aren't you busy?"

"Today's business is almost over. I'll change my clothes and let's go."

Plum Blossom was a little dizzy, the afternoon was much more uncomfortable than the morning, and she didn't hold back anymore, "Okay."

When Yuxi changed clothes and touched the head of plum blossoms, it was terrifyingly hot. It was 39 degrees when he went to the hospital for examination. There were many patients in the hospital with similar symptoms to plum blossoms, most of them were children and the elderly.

Plum blossoms feel a lot better with drips.

Yuxi poured hot water, "Drink more hot water."

Mei Hua took a few sips and sighed with emotion, "It's easy to be sentimental when you're sick. You tell me, my daughter is far away and can't take care of me, and my son is too young to know how to play. It's really uncomfortable for a while."

Yuxi said, "Isn't there still us?"

Mei Hua smiled and stopped talking. No matter what, she had no blood relationship. Even if she took care of her, her heart was empty.

Seeing Mei Hua's sleepiness, Yuxi pulled the quilt to cover it, leaned on her chair and checked her mobile phone, and clicked on the WeChat Moments. She does not dive all the year round, but she is very willing to watch the news of Moments.

There are not many people on her WeChat, all of which are on her personal mobile phone number. In fact, there are not many people who post news in the circle of friends. They are all of her age group, and most of them are more willing to dive.

Yuxi looked at Zhao Xue's dynamic, and posted photos of Zhao Song's dance practice, accompanied by text, looking forward to the skyrocketing next year.

Yuxi thought of the talent show that Huang Liang said, and it seems that Zhao Song is also going to participate.

Soon the news came to yesterday, and Yuxi just turned off the phone and changed the finished bottle by the way.

After finishing the bottle, it was 4:30 in the afternoon~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Mei Hua felt much better and even sweated.

Yuxi helped Meihua put on her clothes, "Wait until the sweat is gone."

Plum Blossom, "Thank you, come to accompany me when I'm so busy, I'll just come by myself tomorrow."

Yuxi thought for a while, "Let Zhao Di accompany you, the drip needs to be watched."

Meihua waved her hand, "Liu's mother has passed away, and Zhaodi is busier than before. I can do it myself. I'm talking about a nurse!"

Yuxi, "Okay, talk to the nurse then."

"Well, the sweat is gone, let's go!"


There were still a lot of people in the hospital lobby. Mei Hua was hit by someone and frowned, "I ran away after hitting someone? Now the child."

Meihua saw Yuxi looking at the girl's back, "You know him?"

Yuxi really knew, Wen Jia, bowed her head and picked up the list on the ground.

Mei Hua took a closer look, all of them were mothers, Mei Hua said, "Six weeks pregnant?"

Yuxi looked at the name at the sign, it was indeed Wen Jia, she was right, she was thinking about what to do with the list in her hand, Wen Jia ran back and saw that Yuxi's face was even paler, she quickly pulled the list away ran away.

Mei Hua confirmed, "This girl knows you, it's not the child you know, right? It's a mess."

Yuxi supported Plum Blossom, "I've only met a few times."

But Mei Hua was worried, "I don't take pregnancy seriously because of the current news. There are many people who have miscarriages. They are so young, why don't they know how to protect themselves?"

Then he added: "Fortunately, Miaomiao is well-rounded and won't encounter bad boys again."

However, Yuxi decided to rot this matter in her stomach.

The next day, when Mo Qiu came, Yuxi looked at the five finger prints on Mo Qiu's face that were not swollen, "Who hit you?"

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