90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 972: like


Yuxi and his wife got out of the car. The police car was parked at the door. The couple hurriedly followed. The manager of the lobby was talking to the police and quickly went upstairs along the elevator.

Yuxi took out her mobile phone and called her daughter. She waited for a while before answering, and heard the noise, "Hey, daughter, where are you?"

Miaomiao took the phone and dragged Gui Xun to the corner of the box, "We're still on ktv, Mom, we'll go back in a while."

"What a mess do I sound like?"

Miaomiao rolled her eyes, "It's okay, I'm celebrating!"

Yuxi didn't believe what she was talking about and hung up the phone. She turned around and said, "What should I do, look for each box?"

"Wait a minute, what are the police doing here?"

Yuxi, "Okay, let's go to the rest area and sit for a while."

The couple came to the rest area closest to the elevator, and kept their eyes on the elevator. Soon the police came down, with a few young people dressed in fashion, not very big and just adults.

A few boys were black-faced, and they were not wearing handcuffs, as if they were going to take them back to make a record. The manager's face was much better than before.

When the latter few came down, Yuxi saw Guan Frame four supporting each other, as if they were injured, but their faces were giggling.

Yuxi's face turned dark, "I'll just say, these are not the masters of cessation. They are eighteen after their birthdays, and they could legally get married in the previous era. Look at each of them."

Nian Junmin's face was not very good, she stood up, "Why didn't our daughter come down?"

Only then did Yuxi notice that her daughter hadn't come down, so she hurriedly got up and walked forward quickly, "Close the frame, where's Miaomiao?"

Guan Frame's four faces changed all of a sudden, and finally he was overwhelmed. Guan Frame didn't dare to look at the black-faced Uncle Nian, "I swear, we didn't fight."

Yuxi, "I asked Miaomiao?"

Before Guan Jia could speak, Miao Miao, Gui Xun, and some other young men and girls got off the other elevator.

Miaomiao ran over, "Mom, Dad, why are you here?"

Yuxi snorted, "Because it's unreliable to close the frame, we came to pick you up after thinking about it. Sure enough, something went wrong."

Gui Xun patted Guan Frame on the shoulder, as if his brother wanted more blessings.

Guan Frame didn't have time to explain, so he followed the police back to make a transcript.

Yuxi asked, "What kind of goods did they break into?"

Miaomiao smiled, "It's really none of their business. These people were from the school before they were shut down. When they found fault, they would call the police directly. As for helping each other, they pretended to be there."

Yuxi was surprised, "They didn't call the police?"

Miaomiao rolled her eyes, "Yeah, they feel that calling the police can make each other more disgusting. Parents need to lead them in person, and they will not take care of it when they go home. Well, I got inspiration from the last time I went to the police station."

Yuxi, "......"

Back in the car, Nian Junmin looked at the smiling daughter and wanted to say not to communicate with Guan Jia, but she couldn't say anything. She looked at her daughter-in-law and hoped that her daughter-in-law would do better.

Yuxi was also depressed. Every time she started, her daughter was interrupted. There was a smart daughter who was both proud and heartbroken.

When I finally got home, my daughter went back to her room.

Yuxi hurriedly followed, "Mom doesn't want to interfere in your life."

"I know, Mom and Dad are the most tolerant parents. Mom, I know what you want to say. Our age is different from yours. If I don't contact, I don't fit in with the group. I have my senses."

Yuxi, "...We can't keep up with the times."

Miaomiao stepped forward and hugged her mother, "The times are changing too fast."

Yuxi patted her daughter's hand. It's been a long time since she heard her sigh Fang Xuan. She just took the opportunity to ask, "Fang Xuan is abroad, do you insist on video every day?"

Miaomiao let go and changed her clothes and said, "Of course, he will come back from vacation in two days to surprise you. Mom, I'll just tell you, you must keep it a secret."

Yuxi was indeed pleasantly surprised, "This kid won't come back as soon as he leaves, let's stay at home for a longer time this time!"

Miaomiao nodded, "He wants to come back often when he leaves after the new year. He is too busy."

Yuxi sat for a while, "Before, you were too young, my mother never asked you, and now you are not too young, you will go to high school next year, what do you know about liking, do you like Fang Xuan? I don't mean to accompany you. I like it like my brother, but I like Fang Xuan as the opposite sex."

Miaomiao blushed, "I like him."

Yuxi, "Are you sure? Fang Xuan's personality is completely different from yours. He is a bit like your Uncle Yuqing, and sometimes it's boring and can't accompany you everywhere."

Miaomiao changed her pajamas and sat cross-legged on the bed, "Mom, I think Fang Xuan's temperament is very good, my temperament is destined to be restless, I like the quietness with Fang Xuan, and Fang Xuan and Uncle Yuqing It's different, Uncle Yuqing is really focused on research and rarely goes home throughout the year, Fang Xuan is more concerned about his family."

Miaomiao didn't say that, she had fantasized more than once about her life after growing up and getting married, going home busy and having a peaceful harbor. This is what she thinks of happiness.

Yuxi was relieved, the girl was clear, she sincerely hoped that the two childhood sweethearts could come together, but the girl's increasingly mature temperament made her doubt.

The next morning, Yuxi received a call from Lei Xiao, "Take me to dinner?"

Lei Xiao explained, "I didn't invite you to dinner, sister, do you still have Mr. Han? He invited us to dinner when he returned home."

When Yuxi returned to China, he was so busy that he forgot about Mr. Han, "You guys had a good chat? Do you want to continue to develop?"

Lei Xiao was speechless~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Sister, where do you want to go, we are friends. "

Yuxi is very sorry, the two have been talking for a long time, and they didn't continue to develop, "When?"

"Tonight, Koi Hotel."

Yuxi, "Okay, I get it, give me a location at night, we will definitely be there."

Lei Xiao hurriedly said: "Bring the children with you, Li Jin and Li Bin miss their elder brothers and sisters."


After hanging up, Yuxi talked to Nian Junmin, Nian Junmin said, "I'm off work, I'll pick you up."

"I won't drive today."

After get off work, the Yuxi couple went home to pick up the child first, and it was half past six when they arrived at the hotel. The Koi Hotel has a variety of koi as the theme, and you can see all kinds of koi everywhere. It is a famous hotel in the capital. The location It's also hard to book.

The reserved room was brought by the waiter, and the privacy on the second floor is particularly good.

Yuxi went in, Lei Xiao and Mr. Han were chatting.

Han Feng stood up, "Why didn't you call when we arrived? I'll go pick you up."

Nian Junwen smiled, "We're all acquaintances, and we know the box, so we came up by ourselves. I always thought you would not return to China until next year."

Han Feng motioned for everyone to take their seats and said, "At the end of the year, I have to come back to participate in some social events, but I won't be able to be cool next year, I have to stay in the country for two years."

Lei Xiao answered and explained, "Han Feng's son is coming back for the college entrance examination."

Han Feng said: "This kid's registered permanent residence is with me. When his mother immigrates, I want to take him away. I didn't agree. I didn't plan to go back to China to study high school. You also know a little about foreign education. ."

Yuxi, "I know a good high school, have you chosen a school to transfer to?"

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