90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 966: 1 life is not enough

Yuxi got into the quilt and didn't look at her phone anymore. She turned over and lay down and played with Nian Junmin's hand. The calluses on Nian Junmin's hands, which she had raised over the years, were gone, and it felt good when she touched it. "I just found out that your hand shape is really good."

"It's only after so many years of marriage that you realize that Mrs. Nian is too careless. Didn't you realize that several children's hand shapes follow me?"

Yuxi felt guilty, "I didn't realize it. I always thought it was mine. Look at my slenderness."

Nian Junmin snorted, "Follow me, even the nails are the same."

Yuxi closed her eyes and didn't look at it, she definitely wouldn't admit that she didn't care.

Nian Junmin laughed and turned off the light, grabbed her daughter-in-law, and slept comfortably with her.

The next day, the matter between Li Xiao and Xin Xinxin continued to ferment, and Yuxi didn't care anymore. When the matter was still going on, Miaomiao also had a holiday.

The Yuxi family took Lei Xiao, mother and son to go abroad.

The two countries on this trip are too short in the end. If you have one month, you can visit all the countries you want to visit, first of all, country D.

When you arrive at the airport, you need to pick up the rental car first, which is easy to find at the airport. After you go through the formalities first, there will be someone waiting for you in the parking lot.

Yuxi also brought Ankang with him this time. Lingling and Xia Xia stayed in the country. Yao Cheng's grandfather was notified that he was in critical condition, and he might not be able to pass the new year. As for Ankang, Nianfeng and Meihua lost their energy with age. Especially willing to throw the child to the Yuxi couple.

Originally at a disgusting age, Ankang came along smoothly.

I rented a total of two cars. I checked carefully and found some original scratches. After confirming that there was no problem, I drove away to avoid unnecessary trouble when returning the car.

After the car came out of the airport, it would take nearly two hundred miles to get to the hotel.

It was really cold when it snowed heavily in country D. The children were very excited, and Lei Xiao drove behind him.

After driving for more than an hour from the city to the town, Yuxi saw the supermarket, "Stop the car first, and buy some flour and milk."

A few children have only visited Chinese supermarkets abroad, but haven't visited serious foreign supermarkets. This time they came to Europe and were very curious about prices. Not to mention children's curiosity, Yuxi was also very curious. , still curious.

The car is parked, there are not many people in the supermarket, the only thing is that there are some pits, Yuxi and others can speak English, and they only learned a few words for daily use when doing the strategy in D language.

Fortunately, the price can be understood. A few children went around and bought a lot of ice cream.

Nian Junwen chose a few bottles of red wine that should be good in price, and also proposed to buy sausages, because there are many well-known categories, so I bought a lot.

Yuxi bought flour, bread, cheese, etc., as well as a lot of mineral water.

Lei Xiao is in charge of buying vegetables. There are really many types of cauliflower. When you eat grilled lettuce, you must choose.

In the end, I bought a lot of fruit. The fruit here is really expensive. Other prices are relatively good, and some are much cheaper than domestic ones.

The three bags cost one hundred and two euros, which is more expensive on fruits and vegetables.

It was already three o'clock in the afternoon when we arrived at the hotel. The special person was waiting. The interior was very warm. We rented a two-story family villa, with three rooms downstairs and three upstairs. Two girls, Miaomiao and Li Jin, lived in one room and four. The boys share a room for two, Yuxi and his wife one, Lei Xiao one, and one more.

The quilts and flyers in the room are all new, and the cleaning is also in place. After Yuxi and others have checked it, the person in charge will leave. If there is any problem, you can call at any time.

It's getting dark outside, and you can still see the scenery outside. It's really beautiful here.

I have to live here for two days, then drive to another city, spend a day on the way, stay in another country for three days, and then return home.

Yuxi and Lei Xiao took out some of the seasonings they brought and put them in the refrigerator. After arranging them for two days, they went upstairs to take a bath.

After washing up, clearing the tableware, and preparing for dinner.

Nian Junmin is in charge of cutting the meat, "Beef is really good."

Yuxi, "So most of what I buy is beef, and pork is just a piece of pork."

Nian Junmin, "Is it okay to cut meat so wide?"

"That's right."

Yuxi's dishes are also washed and ready to be made into salads.

It was already 5:30 when I could eat. I don't know if it was a foreign country, or the barbecue was really delicious. I ate all the prepared meat, and even ate a big bag of sausages.

Every child's stomach swells when he eats.

Yuxi frowned, "If you eat so much meat at night, don't make a fuss if you can't digest it."

Ankang eats the most, burping, "My mother brought me digestive medicine, it's fine to take a few tablets later."

Lei smiled, "I'm prepared."

Yuxi, "His health is good, and Sister Mei has prepared various medicines for him for many years. Okay, all of you lay down and tidied up the table, and the dishes and dishes have to be washed three times and not allowed to be washed. Bowl machine."

A few boys were wailing, and the last thing they wanted was to wash the dishes, especially the greasy ones.

Li Jin is a well-behaved girl, "I'll go."

Miaomiao pulled her good-natured cousin, "I can't be accustomed to them. Let's go and change our clothes. It's snowing outside and take some pictures and send them to the circle of friends to show off."

Li Jin rolled her eyes. Since her parents divorced, she forced herself to be strong and took the initiative to make friends. She really made friends at the new school, and there were people who shared, "Okay."

Yuxi also stood up and smiled at Lei: "The street lights outside are all on, should we go out for a walk too?"

Lei Xiao didn't want to be a light bulb, "I'm with Miao Miao and I just happened to take pictures of them. You and your brother-in-law can go shopping alone!"

After Lei Xiao finished speaking, he went back to change clothes~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Yuxi and Nian Junmin changed, Lei Xiao had already gone out with the two children.

There is no problem with safety here, and it won't go far. Yuxi really has nothing to worry about.

The few boys had all gone, and they flew away to clean up the table, ready to go out for a walk.

It was snowing heavily outside, and Yuxi took it, "There's a lot of snow here."

"I'm worried about whether I can drive away in two days tomorrow."

Yuxi didn't worry, "I can't drive, I can take a plane, and I still have one day left to go around. The air here is really good. I haven't breathed such good air for a long time."

"Let me take some pictures for you!"

"You want to post on your Moments too?"

Nian Junmin has already taken out his mobile phone, "I don't want to send your photo, I want to keep it for myself."

Yuxi laughed, "After watching it for so many years, you haven't seen enough?"

"A lifetime is never enough."

Yuxi's eyes were as gentle as water, with a rare tranquility. He listened to Xue's voice quietly, and the two looked at each other. It would be better if there were not a few stinky boys who broke the romance.

A snowball came, and if Nian Junmin hadn't reacted quickly, it would have hit Yuxi.

Yuxi looked back and saw that Rongrong was carrying out a sneak attack, "Good boy, wait for me."

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