90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 963: Favor

Miaomiao sat up straight, "I must have asked Uncle Guan to beg for mercy."

Yuxi answered the phone, "Hello, Mr. Guan."

Guan Shan laughed, "Brother and sister, did you not scare Miaomiao from today's incident?"

"What do you say?"

"It must not have been frightened, Miaomiao is not very good like the two of you."

Yuxi said: "If you have anything, just say it straight and don't make any detours."

Guan Shan coughed and said, "It's also because of my kid."


Guan Shan choked, how could he continue talking? He could only bite the bullet and continue, "Today is all the fault of the little girl from the Wang family. I must apologize to Miaomiao. You think they will transfer schools tomorrow, and it will be over for my sake?"

Yuxi was surprised, "Are you related to the Wang family?"

Guan Shan hilariously said, "It's all about the elders. I helped our family back then. This kind of favor has always been there, and I'm using it today."

Yuxi heard Guan Shan's cheerful tone, and it could be seen that the Guan family had been thinking about this favor and was afraid of using it on their son. I remember correctly, your family is also a favor to our family."

Mr. Guan rolled his eyes, "Remember, we all remember, how about I give my son to your family as a son-in-law?"

Yuxi, "...No, it's okay if Mr. Guan asks me not to pursue it. I also have a condition."

Guan Shan breathed a sigh of relief, "Don't say one, all of them agree."

Yuxi patted her daughter's hand, motioned her to pour a glass of juice, and waited for a sip before replying, "There is no need for so many, just one, the three girls just apologize to the female classmates who have been bullied in front of the school."

Guan Shan thought, "This is easy, but what is wonderful?"

"Miaomiao doesn't need it. By the way, they don't need to transfer, lest they go to other schools to bully their classmates."

Guan Shang knew a lot about the little girl in the Wang family, but he really wasn't sure, "That's fine, I'll hang up first."

"Wait a minute, Guan finally owes us two favors from your family, we'll remember it for you."

Guan Shan, "..."

Yuxi hung up the phone without waiting for a reply.

Miaomiao asked, "It's good for them to apologize to the female classmates."

Yuxi smiled, "Well, at least I can let the bullied female classmate pass the heart."

The next day, Yuxi received a phone call from her daughter at noon and found out. The three female classmates did a review on the radio, and they apologized to the bullied female classmate at the cafeteria. After apologizing, they left. Study abroad in advance.

Yuxi thought that was fine, and after a few more chats with her daughter, she hung up the phone.

In the evening, Zhao Xue and his wife had been here for a while. Plum Blossom was entertaining. Yuxi took off his jacket and said, "Why didn't you call when you came?"

Zhao Xue smiled, "We just arrived, cousin, look who's here."

Only then did Yuxi notice the boy beside Zhao Xue, but she couldn't remember it for a while, and then she recognized it after looking carefully for a while, "Zhao Song, the last time we met, I remembered that the hair was straight, and they all said that the 18th female college changed. This boy has changed a lot?"

Zhao Song, Zhao Xue's younger brother, Zhao Xue is not an only child, the following two younger brothers, even if they plan to have a family, would rather be fined to give birth. There are policies above and countermeasures below.

Zhao Xuedao: "Now boys are better dressed than girls. Look at the cold weather who would rather be handsome than wear long pants."

Yuxi found something wrong when he sat down, "If I remember correctly, he should be in the third year of high school, and there is no vacation at this time. Why did he come to the capital?"

Zhao Xue is also helpless to her younger brother, "I don't study well, it's good to pass one subject every time I take an exam. At the beginning of the year, I had to go abroad to be a trainee. My parents didn't agree and they left it to me. He also transferred schools. When I came to the high school I went to, I went to school while working as a trainee in our company.”

Yuxi really doesn't know, well, since grandpa died and parents came to the capital, after the little aunt left, there was less contact with the northwest, and I didn't pay attention. "What do you mean, Zhao Song plans to go to the music school?"

Zhao Xue didn't graduate from college, and has passed the impulsive age. Even if it is considered a success, she still has regrets in her heart, "My intention is to think about the Conservatory of Music. If you want to enter the industry, you must study systematically."

Yuxi nodded in agreement, looking at Zhao Song, who had changed a lot, his skin was really good, he looked a lot like Zhao Xue, and his facial features were not bad. No wonder he had ambitions to become famous. Lord, "You are not here just to chat!"

If you don't bring Zhao Song with you for chatting.

Zhao Xue is more natural than before, and she is indeed a lot better after getting married. "Cousin, don't you have a positive youth program in your hands? Do you want to give Zhao Song a place next season?"

Sure enough, Yuxi thought, "It's okay to give a place, but the click-through rate and viewership rate can't be compared with the previous episodes, are you sure you want to join?"

Since there have been more variety shows, there are many similar ones, and after another three seasons, there are all kinds of role models, and the selling points are basically sold out. The TV station has already discussed the last season and will not cooperate.

Zhao Xue patted Zhao Song, "I also want him to be exposed first, just in time to prepare for his debut after the college entrance examination."

Yuxi understood, Zhao Xue was paving the way for Zhao Song, she smiled and said to Zhao Song, "You are so much happier than your sister."

Zhao Song nodded, "I understand, I will cherish it."

Yuxi thinks this child is good. As long as he doesn't commit suicide, he will be famous in the future without becoming a big hit.

In the evening, Yuxi left Zhao Xue and the others to eat.

Mei Hua and others started talking after they left~www.wuxiamtl.com~ My family doesn't have so many scruples, "I really don't understand today's children, why don't they study hard and just want to be famous."

Nian Feng shook the newspaper, "It can make money quickly and satisfy vanity."

Mei Hua is not a layman who doesn't understand anything. There is an actor at home who also pays attention to the news, "I just saw the brilliance and beauty, but I have never seen the sadness behind it."

Nian Feng, "Well, it's not your own child, why are you worried?"

Mei Hua stared at her, angry, and pulled Yuxi, "Look at your dad, he's getting more and more impatient with me."

Yuxi laughed dryly, it's not easy to interrupt, there was not much emotional foundation at first, and then it was quite harmonious after the well-being, but in the past two years, my father was more willing to be quiet when he got older, but plum blossoms were the opposite. The topic can be talked about for a long time, and the old man becomes impatient.

Nian Junwen rescued Yuxi, and the couple went back to the bedroom. Yuxi counted her age, "I hope I won't go into menopause, and I won't be as nagging as Sister Mei when I get old."

Nian Junmin smiled, "Even if you babble, I'm willing to listen."

"Don't talk too much. When you can really nag, you should be annoyed."

Nian Junmin imagined her daughter-in-law nagging, and smiled, "It definitely won't."

Yuxi, however, imagined her nagging, and she couldn't accept it, so she didn't believe Nian Junmin's words. When she got out of the shower, she saw Nian Junmin taking notes while looking at the computer, "What are you looking at?"

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