90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 940: did something stupid

Lei smiled and shook his head, "It's nothing, you must be hungry!"

Yuxi's heart is strong, and she has no appetite when it comes to her sister. Looking at Lei Xiao, who is cutting vegetables, she has no intention of talking, "En."

Lei Xiao didn't look up, "There is no rice at home, um, because I rarely cook, I always buy a certain amount of rice. Do you think the staple food is noodles?"

Yuxi didn't have any appetite either, and Lei Xiao didn't even think about it, "Enough to eat."

Lei Xiao raised his head, "No, it's not enough, I want to cook some noodles as the main dish."

"Ah good."

Seeing the persistence in Lei Xiao's eyes, Yuxi looked back blankly.

The two of them cooked quickly, Yuxi was surprised that something big happened, and Lei Xiao still didn't make any mistakes.

The main dish was half a catty of noodles, and Yuxi looked at Lei Xiao, who was filled with a bowl of noodles, "Too many."

She seriously doubted that Lei Xiao was overeating when something happened in his heart.

Lei smiled and shook his head, "Not much, in fact, I already have a lot of appetite. I wasn't afraid when I wasn't married. I'm still a girl with a strong metabolism and I'm not afraid of getting fat. After getting married, I was afraid of having my first child. It was too hard to lose weight, so I started to control my appetite. I didn’t dare to eat more, and I didn’t eat many of my favorites. The second child was born, and my figure was a little out of shape. In order to recover, I didn’t even touch the oil, and I was mainly vegetarian all the year round.”

Yuxi listened quietly, waited for Lei Xiao to take a bite, then handed over the water glass, "Drink some water."

Lei Xiao took a sip, "I keep my figure not just for myself, but for Li Xiao, even if I'm calm, I'm still scared, she's been in contact with too many beautiful girls, and I gave birth to two children. , the second one still has some stretch marks, it took a lot of energy to slowly raise it back, it's really painful, it's too painful."

Yuxi wanted to raise her hand to wipe away Lei Xiao's tears, but Lei Xiao had already wiped it off, "If I don't want to cry, I still cry, I really envy Sister Xue Ya, I'm so envious, why can Yang Xi give Sister Xue Ya all the security? After so many years, it's too hard to bear in my heart, too hard."

Yuxi's heart is tangled together. If he repeats, the emotion expressed is not doubled, but a superposition of dozens of times, or even more, so Yuxi can't wait to beat Li Xiao, "After so many years, why don't you say, you still I have a sister."

Lei smiled, "I know, I said that any of you will stand up for me, I told myself over and over again, I am the mother of two children, not your unmarried sister, I have my responsibilities, I I need to face it myself, otherwise, how can I take care of two children?"

Yuxi said with a heavy heart, "You did it."

So, Lei Xiao is aware of Li Xiao's problem, so she is preparing herself. If it doesn't work for one day, then take it slow, and accept it calmly today. It can be seen that the preparation is not a day or two, "Cry if you want to cry!"

This is the only thing she can say. Lei Xiao no longer needs her to persuade her to say anything. She is proud of her sister's strength and strength, and she is proud of her determination with her sister. Lei Xiao's words have already expressed her decision. This marriage is a divorce. .

Lei Xiao did not cry, but kept crying silently. She cried while eating, and said delicious food while eating, but the tears kept flowing. Yuxi sat quietly and watched Lei Xiao cry. She thought that Lei Xiao would cry loudly. I cried more than once, and I must have vented it silently, and because of my professional relationship, I slowly calmed down. Today, I let it go for the last time. This is my heart.

Lei Xiao ate almost all the dishes on the table, and finally finished eating. Fortunately, there were digestion tablets for the children at home. After washing the bowl, Yuxi put on Lei Xiao's skirt, and the two digested in the garden of the community.

Lei Xiao, aside from his heavy nasal voice, won't let anyone notice anything unusual, leaning against the railing, "It's so beautiful here."

"Well, the environment is very good, and the price is also good."

Lei smiled and curled the corners of his mouth, "Yeah, it's close to the school."

When she chose this place, she thought about it for the children to go to school, but unfortunately she was too busy. The children were not here, but it was of little use. She was the only person in the empty house, and she was cold and cold.

Lei Xiao turned around and said, "Sister, I have never managed Li Xiao's investment over the years. Last time I frightened the old lady, I only said what I know, check it out for me, not for myself, but also for my own sake. For the sake of the two children."

In Yuxi's heart, Li Xiao's credibility is bankrupt, and it is normal for the shrewd Li Xiao to hide, "Okay, let me remind you, since you have made up your mind, you must be prepared, this may be a protracted battle, Especially the custody of children, you are the lawyer who knows best, Li Xiao does not have any evidence of cheating, and you do not have any advantage."

Lei smiled and frowned, "I know."

Yuxi hesitated for a while, and said, "Of course, you can also use extraordinary means. First, I put pressure on him to force him to give up custody. Second, he is a public figure, or a public figure who has always been active. It can make him fall into public opinion and take care of himself.”

Lei Xiao hugged her sister affectionately, "Thank you, sister, I don't need what my sister is doing for me. You have done enough for me. Trust your sister, I am not weak and deceived. I know the law best."

Yuxi also didn't want to use extreme methods. Although sometimes extreme methods are shortcuts, there are two children in the middle, and they are related to her by blood. In the end, it's two children who really stand in the way.

In the afternoon, Lei Xiao took a nap under the gaze of Yuxi. She slept very deeply. Even though she knew that Lei Xiao was strong in her heart, she was still worried. When Lei Xiao fell asleep, she sneaked out of the room and sat downstairs in the living room. , called Nian Junmin, "That's the way it is. I won't go back tonight. I'm not worried about her alone."

Nian Junwen said, "Do you need me to go there, if Li Xiao goes back, you can't handle it."

Yuxi raised her eyebrows, "You don't believe my strength?"

It's not her blowing, the three Li Xiaos are all opponents.

Nian Junmin, "...Well, I won't go there, you should be careful, well, of course, my suggestion is to change the password of the door."

Yuxi raised her eyebrows, pay attention to this, "You are busy, I will sleep for a while."


Yuxi was lying in the living room ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ when he woke up, at three o'clock in the afternoon, Lei Xiao woke up, sat at the table next to him and flipped through the documents, Yuxi rubbed his head and sat up, the blanket on his body fell off Come down, "Why don't you sleep for a while?"

Lei Xiao held the document, "This document is very urgent, and it is very important to me. Anyway, divorce is not a matter of one or two days, and I can't give up my work."

Yuxi looked at the door and remembered Nian Junmin's words, "Your brother-in-law said, you can change the combination lock."

Lei Xiao put down the document and smiled, "It's really a good idea."

Yuxi stretched her waist, "I won't go back today, do you want to bring the children back, um, I mean, do you want to pick up the children from school, today is the first day of school, I think they will be very happy of."

Lei smiled guiltily, "Yes, if I pick up the children from school, and their favorite dishes."

Yuxi looked at the time, "It's still early, you should be busy first."

At the same time, Yuxi was annoyed again, she seemed to have done something stupid.

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