90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 900: don't hate

Fang Yalin is a good student. Teachers like such children. In addition, Fang Yalin has never caused any trouble. The teacher is willing to prove it, and he will say more. For example, Fang Yalin is the last to pay tuition every time. It was only after the phone call that it proved that no one cared about Fang Yalin. Unlike what Zhao Guyu said in the online video, Zhao Guyu cared more about his son.

In the end, the company's legal team confirmed that they sent several rhythmic Weibo, and immediately apologized.

Once the rhythm goes in a good direction, there will be more insiders. Fang Yalin's step-sister always has competitors, and it will not work if he starts to break the news.

Fang Yalin's mother has a lot of fans. Zhao Guyu is angry that he won't be a mother. He has also seen him for a long time because he ruined his son for his stepdaughter.

Yuxi looked at the comments, and now that the matter has fermented, Zhao Guyu didn't dare to talk about changing children, and she didn't dare to reveal it for the sake of her own life.

After going to work the next day, Huang Liang went to school and came back soon, "Fang Yalin thanked me, and it was you who I asked him to thank."

Yuxi, "..."

Yes, Huang Liang didn't know about her and Fang Yalin.

At noon, Wen Jing's phone came, "Have lunch together?"

Yuxi looked at the time, "Okay."

Wen Jing chose the place, Yuxi arrived later, sat down and said, "For Fang Yalin's business?"

Wen Jing admitted generously, "Well, on the first day of this child's transfer, Fang Xuan said, the two of us asked Fang Xuan, Fang Xuan didn't care, and we didn't care. We have done our best to this child. Later, when the show became popular, I would also look at Weibo, and the child has really changed a lot, which is good."

Yuxi, "So are you looking for me today?"

Wen Jing smiled, "I just wanted to talk to you. It's not suitable to talk to anyone about this. Fang Xuan came back yesterday and said that Fang Yalin had been distracted during the evening class, and Zhao Guyu was really disgusting."

Wen Jing couldn't tell the feeling in her heart. After raising Fang Yalin, she was very angry. After so many years, they would not be right to a child when they were adults, but the adults back then would not let it go. Zhao Guyu's disgust made her She thought of her husband's mother and Fang Kun, who was still squatting inside, and felt uncomfortable for a night.

Yuxi understood that she was an audience member today. When the meal came, Wen Jing had spoken out, and she felt at ease. In the end, she concluded, "Zhao Guyu will be rewarded badly after the meeting."

"It's enough for her to drink a pot now. Her stepdaughter was scolded so badly that she didn't dare to take the lead. She didn't know how to torment her when she got home. By the way, is Fang Kun coming out?"

Wen Jing, "I was sentenced to twelve years, how long has it been!"

Yuxi drank the juice, "If you behave well, your sentence can be commuted."

Wen Jing felt even more irritated, "Why is he inconsistent in it?"

"Go back and have a look. You don't know when it will come out."

Yuxi was really worried, now that Zhao Guyu is famous, and Fang Yalin is famous, who knows if something will happen, and now they are gathered in the capital again. Well prepared.

Wen Jing was thinking about something, and left after eating.

Yuxi returned to the company slowly. She had nothing to do in the afternoon. She wanted to change the script. After the script was written, I checked a bunch of information on the Internet this time. It was a small investment, and it was easier to write than before.

After three o'clock in the afternoon, the changes were almost done. The assistant knocked on the door and came in, "Boss, Fang Yalin wants to see you at the front desk."

Yuxi raised her head, "Fang Yalin?"


Yuxi looked at the time, "Today Thursday, no class?"

"I don't know."

Yuxi asked, "Is the cameraman following?"

"I didn't see it."

"Let him in!"

Yuxi put away the script, Fang Yalin came in with his schoolbag on his back, "Sit down."

Fang Yalin's face was no longer cool, he was a little restrained, and had shadows since he was a child, "I'm here to thank you."

"You didn't go to class?"

Fang Yalin, "My mother asked me to go back. I asked for leave to go back. I thought about it and came to thank you in person."

"My purpose is for the show."

Fang Yalin smiled, "I know, I'm just incidental, but I still want to thank you, and thank you for not deleting me from the list when the filming started. I did learn to ask for money."

He is about to become an adult. He has lived by himself and learned a lot over the years. He is also ashamed of himself. When he knew that Lu Yuxi was the boss, he was worried about all kinds of things. It was not until something happened that he realized how ridiculous he was.

Yuxi, "You came here to say thank you?"

"Well, all I can come up with is thank you."

Yuxi looked at Fang Yalin seriously, holding a pen in his hand, "I've always wanted to ask you a question, do you still hate it?"

Fang Yalin sat with his back straight, "I hate it when the truth comes back. I admit, I know the truth. When I was young, I just thought that Fang Xuan was better than me, and I was helpless. Later, when the truth was exposed, I hated it even more, it had nothing to do with me, the change of child didn't pass me, nothing happened, why did you implicate me."

Yuxi looked directly at Fang Yalin, Fang Yalin smiled, "After I went to the south and lived with my stepfather, I thought I must be good, and I must be no worse than Fang Xuan, and then I grew up, my mother gave birth to a son, and I lived by myself. Now, no one cares about me, I've never been reconciled, I'm hesitant until I can distinguish right from wrong, and then I know how ridiculous it is to hate, Fang Xuan was fostered in your home, he was also hesitant, I occupied all of him."

Yuxi was silent for a while, "You surprised me a bit."

Fang Yalin~www.wuxiamtl.com~ You are surprised, I am not here to take revenge. "

"Actually, the solution to yesterday's problem is not just one of yesterday's problems."

Fang Yalin thought clearly, "Because I didn't hurt Fang Xuan when I came back, you chose yesterday's method."

"You're very smart. In fact, you guessed it, so you came here to thank you. You didn't go home at all!"

Fang Yalin, "Well, I don't even know where my home is, how do I get back?"

Yuxi, "..."

So no one really cares about Fang Yalin, not even telling him the address.

Fang Yalin also thought that he was ridiculous. He didn't do anything. Why was his biological mother so protective of him, and so did his stepfather, "It's getting late, so I won't bother you. Thank you for your willingness to see me."

Seeing Fang Yalin standing up, Yuxi said one more sentence, "Since you have figured it out, a person's life is not easy, look forward."

Fang Yalin was stunned, "Thank you."

Yuxi and the others went out and stood by the window. She believed what Fang Yalin said. Human eyes can't deceive anyone. This child really understands. Should it be said that Zhao Guyu's selfishness has made him a child of right and wrong?

If Zhao Guyu cultivated it himself and talked about the past from time to time, Fang Yalin still didn't know what would happen?

Yuxi's cell phone rang, Wen Jing's, "Hello."

Wen Jing, "He's out, **** it, he's out of prison at the beginning of this year."

: . :

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