90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 885: rear-end

Wang Tiantian didn't hear the echo, thinking it was because the signal was not good. She took off her mobile phone and saw that the signal was full, "Sister-in-law?"

Yuxi, "Ah, I heard it, it can't be done recently, Gui Xun is not in the capital, it will take a few days."

Wang Tiantian didn't think much about it, but felt it was a pity, "It's okay, I won't leave for a while, I'll wait a few days."


Yuxi hung up the phone, hoping that Bai Rao and his wife would find some way to find the child. Thinking of Gui Xun, this child really deserves a beating.

In the afternoon, Yuxi received a call from Bai Rao, and Gui Xun found it. In the hospital, Yuxi went to the hospital. Gui Xun was taking an injection and just fell asleep. His face was bruised and his hands were bruised.

Yuxi also felt very uncomfortable when he saw it. This child is fat and white, and now he looks like a palette, "Has he been beaten?"

Wang Fulu's eyes were red, and his nasal voice was heavy, "This kid saw a netizen, the other party was prepared, cheated him of all the money, took his mobile phone, and kicked Gui Xun out in the middle of the night. Gui Xun wanted to have a theory and was beaten. One meal, small place, no two train stations, frozen all night."

Bai Rao couldn't do it, "In the winter, Gui Xun suffered a big crime. Fortunately, he wore more clothes, otherwise, it would not have been frostbite."

Wang Fulu cried again, and cried very sadly. The fat baby of his own came back with a bruised face and bruised face. He cried and scolded, "Shit, let him see netizens."

Bai Rao also felt distressed, "The police said that it is good to cheat the money, and I am very lucky not to kidnap him."

Yuxi asked in a low voice, "How is Gui Xun's condition?"

Bai Raowei comforted her heart, "I realized that I was wrong, and said that I would never see netizens again, and I would never believe in online dating. This time it was a really long lesson."

Wang Fulu wiped away his tears, "I almost died. If I don't teach him a lesson, I will break his legs."

Bai Rao, "Haha."

Yuxi, "..."

Mr. Wang, who can't be dragged outside, who would have thought that he would cry for his son.

Yuxi watched Gui Xun squirming in the quilt, the child woke up, knew that he was embarrassed, and pretended to sleep, "I am relieved to see the child come back, I will go back first."

Bai Rao, "I'll send you."


After the two went downstairs, Yuxi said, "Wang Tiantian came back from abroad and wanted to see Gui Xun for dinner. I said the child was not in the capital."

Bai Rao's face froze, and then she regarded Gui Xun as her own son, and her own mother was there, "I see."

"Okay, don't send it, it's too cold outside."


Yuxi left the hospital, but it snowed outside again. Because it was snowing, I didn’t dare to drive too fast. You are careful. You can’t stand the traffic rules. The road was slippery. It was too late to hit the brakes, and it scraped again.

Yuxi stepped on the brakes urgently, followed by the car behind him, chased the rear, and collided. Fortunately, he was wearing his seatbelt. It was not a big deal, and he only heard the rear end of the car behind him.

Yuxi exhaled, this is the biggest traffic accident this year, unfastening the seat belt, the pain in his chest, thinking about the person who fell down, he hurriedly got out of the car, and when he saw the car that shaved the person first, it was not good. , has already run away.

The person who shaved was wearing a mask and had messy hair. At first glance, he thought he was old, but when he looked again, he was clearly a young man.

On the opposite road, a group of people followed, with hair of various colors, and those with baseball bats in their hands, dressed as punks. Seeing that things were getting bigger, they didn't dare to go on the road, and they dispersed.

The boy who fell on the ground struggled to get up. His down jacket, which was already worn down, was covered in mud and snow, and he couldn't see the color. The boy stood up with difficulty, his legs were shaking, and his face was pale.

Yuxi stepped forward and saw that there was something wrong with the boy's leg, "How does your leg feel?"

The boy's eyes looked at the rear-end car, his face turned pale, "I, I'm fine."

Yuxi took a closer look and saw that this child is tall, but his face is too immature, let alone underage, it is estimated that he is about the same age as his daughter, "How old are you?"

The boy moved his blue lips and lowered his head, "Thirteen."

Yuxi, "......"

The owners of the rear-end collision also got off the car, and the people in front of Yuxi ran away. In addition, people were injured. The owners needed a person in charge, and surrounded Yuxi.

Yuxi signaled everyone to stay calm, "Everyone should wait for the traffic police to come, you should compensate, the person in charge, I will definitely not shirk, and I want to call 120, the child's leg is injured, let me call first. "

The boy bit his lip, "No, no."

He didn't understand the law, but he also knew that it was wrong to cross the road. If he didn't cross the road, there would be no accident.

Yuxi glanced at the boy, the shoes were not cotton shoes, there were still some frostbite on his hands, and he noticed some bruises on his face. He didn't listen to the boy's words and called 120.

The car owners glanced at each other, but they chased after each other. Those with insurance are not afraid of no compensation even if they are not insured. Thanks to their clothes and license plates, those who wear well and drive famous cars are all good-looking.

Someone recognized Yuxi again and stepped forward and said, "Mr. Lu, it's really you. Our family has watched your show."


Once a person is recognized, there will be more people who recognize it. It would have been bad luck to rear-end, but the anger is gone.

Yuxi is more concerned about boys, "I will go to the hospital in a while, do you have a phone number at home? I need to inform my family."

The boy held hands and lowered his head, "No, no."

Yuxi knew he was lying when he saw it, but he didn't ask. The traffic police arrived first. This is the main road. There was a big traffic jam.

After 120 arrived, Yuxi couldn't follow him, so he called his assistant and went directly to the hospital.

This time, I don't have to go back to the company. I went directly to the traffic police brigade. There are cameras on the main road, and the fleeing cars were captured very clearly.

As soon as the camera fell out, the escaped car owner came. As soon as the measurement was carried out, it was no wonder that the drunk driver ran away. The wife of the car came with him.

Everyone is here, the responsibility is easy~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Originally, the boy was crossing the road, and the photo was very clear. There are witnesses who have proved that he needs to take full responsibility. The responsibilities of the boys were divided.

Now everyone buys a car with insurance, Yuxi’s has full insurance, and the owner of the rear-end collision is also insured. In addition to the boy’s dress, it’s really pitiful. Hold on to the boy.

Yuxi admitted that he played a role in mediation. The escaped car owner had no choice but to drink and drive. Not to mention the compensation, he would also be fined and detained.

When everything was done, it was dark and the car was sent for repairs.

Nian Junwen personally came to pick up Yuxi, "Why did you call me on such a big thing?"

God knows, when my daughter-in-law told me that there was a car accident, my soul was scared away.

Yuxi patted Nian Junwen, coughing, "You want to strangle me."

Nian Junmin hurriedly let go of his hand, he really didn't dare to think about the days without a daughter-in-law, "Where did you get hurt?"

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