90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 879: threaten

Nian Feng, "What's the matter? I looked at him anxiously."

Yuxi coughed, "Wen Haiyang lied to the actor I signed, and jumped off the building, making a lot of noise. The woman was pregnant, and when she disappeared, she was pregnant with a child. He must have come for the child. Time, the child was born."

Nian Feng's thinking is very conservative. He doesn't see confusion. Originally, Wen Haiyang looked very polite, so he only asked. Now that he sees his face clearly, he snorted and stopped asking. He asked if his grandchildren were abroad. matter.

Yuxi began to distribute gifts, Zhao Di and her two children, as well as Liu's mother Liu Bo and others.

Zhao Di knew the brand of sneakers, but she was reluctant to buy them. Seeing her two sons holding the shoes, her face turned red, "It's too expensive, we can't have them."

Yuxi is really satisfied with Zhao Di, Liu's mother is getting older, and Zhao Di's work is heavier. She has never mentioned a salary increase. This is a gift for children, and foreign products are not as expensive as domestic ones, so take it! However, you too, you are not willing to spend a penny a year, the children are all grown up, and you have to take care of some children's face. "

If Zhao Di has no money, Yuxi will not say anything. She probably knows how much Zhao Di saves each year. With bonuses, she saves a lot in a year. She is not willing to buy a pair of shoes. Xu Qiang is tall and plays in school. Basketball, not even a pair of sneakers.

Zhao Di looked at the happy look on her eldest son's face, her heart trembled, she patronized and saved money, "I ignored it."

"I know you want to buy a house. It's useless to be in a hurry. It's better to make reasonable arrangements."

The current housing prices are too high, and Zhao Di’s earnings can’t keep up with the growth of housing prices. In 2008, housing prices fell, but they quickly increased again. The housing prices in the Fourth Ring Road are tens of thousands of flat. The location is good and the environment is good. , there are tens of thousands.

Zhao Di sighed, "I don't want to buy a house anymore."

She was desperate for housing prices. At the beginning of the year, she went to the sales office. She didn't plan to buy a house. She saved money for her children. The way, the house in the capital, she dared not expect.

Yuxi can get the internal price, but he has a steel scale in his heart. If he gives too much, he will become accustomed to it.

After returning to China, the children need jet lag when they are young. Yuxi and Nian Junmin are better. Nian Junmin will go to the company after a short rest.

Yuxi wanted to go to the company, but she couldn't get out, and her popularity didn't drop. She never showed up. The media wanted to get her first-hand information, and there must be someone in the company.

The only advantage is that he is the boss, no one dares to disclose his information, and it is difficult to find her.

In the afternoon, Yao Cheng came back, and Yuxi smiled, "I thought you didn't plan to come back!"

Yao Cheng's face was earthy, "Don't mention it, since the broadcast, I haven't been able to go out, I've been recognized when I go out, and I've been squatting in the retirement center, don't talk about me, the children are going to be crazy, you know When you come back, you will be back immediately, at least in another place."

"So exaggerated?"

Yao Cheng looked frightened, "I took Haoying to the supermarket, and it was so crowded that if I hadn't called my brother, I wouldn't be able to get out, and Haoying's face would be swollen, it's terrible. "

Yuxi, "...Let's go out less in the future."

Yao Cheng sighed, "Everyone yearns to be famous, but I regret it, there is no time to stop."

Yuxi can only show sympathy to Yao Cheng. It is impossible for Yao Cheng to stop. Nian Gengxin is a star, and her popularity has gone down. After the second episode is broadcast, there is nothing to do with her, but Yao Cheng can't. Nian Gengxin Public figures, no matter how many issues, will be pulled out for comparison.

Yao Cheng looked around and asked, "Sister Mei didn't come back?"

"Not only did Sister Mei not come back, but Dad's noon plane also passed."

"Zhou Lu's morning sickness is serious?"

Yuxi said: "It's much better, Meng Han's head of technology, works overtime until midnight every day, and can't wait to live in the company when there is a project. There is only Zhou Lu at home, and Sister Mei is worried. Zhou Lu is also sensitive when she is pregnant. coming."

"That won't work, Ankang wants to enter elementary school."

Yuxi glanced at the calendar, "I'll be back on the 30th."

Yao Cheng couldn't help rubbing his face, "In a blink of an eye, a few stinky boys are going to primary school, Miao Miao is going to junior high school, Fang Xuan has already started high school, life flies so fast, we are all getting old. "

Yuxi sighed, "Yeah, the children are all grown up."

Thinking a little bit sour, the children have passed the age of relying on their parents.

Uncle Liu came over, "Miaomiao, Wen Haiyang is here."

Yuxi, "Please come in!"

Yao Cheng thought that there was something wrong with his sister-in-law, so he carried Xia Xia back to the house.

Wen Haiyang came in, Yuxi smiled but said, "Mr. Wen is amazing and knows our family's itinerary like the back of the hand."

Knowing the misunderstanding, Wen Haiyang explained, "I come every three days to try my luck, and today is exactly three days."

"Please sit down."

Wen Haiyang was anxious, "Mr. Lu, Ming people don't talk secretly, where did Xin Xinxin go?"

Yuxi sipped chrysanthemum tea, "I don't know."

Wen Haiyang frowned, he thought of Xin Xinxin, firstly because of the child, secondly, because of the warmth of Xinxin's love, he stopped pestering him, but thought more, even if a man was mean, he often thought of Xin Xinxin, sipped Mouth, "I'm getting a divorce soon."

Yuxi put down the cup, "Whether you are divorced or not, it has nothing to do with Xinxin."

She chose her own actors by herself. She knew Xin Xin Xin well. If she left at that time, she would not look back.

Wen Haiyang grabbed the table, "I'm divorced, I'll find her back and marry her."

Yuxi is angry~www.wuxiamtl.com~ If you want to be a scumbag, don't blame Xinxin with you. "

She remembered correctly, Wen Haiyang and his wife were married, and divorce was a matter of the two families. Once Xinxin appeared, the hatred of Wen Haiyang's wife would be spread on Xinxin.

Wen Haiyang bowed his head in a guilty conscience. He wanted to get a divorce, so he had to find Xin Xinxin. The important thing was the child in Xin Xin's belly. It would be better if it was a boy. The old man would support his divorce even more. , how can I do without a son.

Wen Haiyang thought that his smile was very sincere, "I really love Xinxin, Mr. Lu, you are good to the actors, and you can't bear to watch Xinxin with her children without a complete home!"

Yuxi saw Wen Haiyang's micro-expression in her eyes, and saw at a glance that there was a problem. Even if there was no problem, she would not push Xinxin into the fire pit, "Mr. Wen, the door is at the back, so I won't send it."

Wen Haiyang frowned and lowered his breath a few times. It was already the limit, and his face became cold, "Mr. Lu, now the media are looking for your information, and you don't want your home to be exposed!"

The cup in Yuxi's hand fell on the table, his voice was a little loud, "Threat me?"

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