90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 862: new routine

Anyway, she couldn't afford it. The two of them cost 100 yuan, and they were barely hungry for twenty-five a day.

Ankang took Shuoshuo to pack his clothes and luggage, and the others had already set off.

Nian Gengxin and his wife brought their luggage over and left.

There was only the Yuxi family left, and there was no intention of leaving at all. The director was stunned, "Mr. Lu, are you not leaving?"

Yuxi, "No hurry."


Yuxi is really not in a hurry. She asked the local director about the distance of the purpose. It sounded quite far. In fact, it took two days to drive there. She felt that 100 yuan was too little. She wanted to raise four children. If you don’t make money now, in the future, you will have no chance to make money.

The director was about to leave. Seeing that Mr. Lu still didn't move, he endured and endured, "Mr. Lu, don't leave now. When it gets dark, I won't be able to find a campsite."

Yuxi raised his eyes, "Who said I'm leaving, if I don't leave today, I'll be in the county."

Director, "Aren't you going?"

Yuxi nodded, "Well, I'm not leaving today. The hundred yuan you gave is too little. I have to look around. By the way, you have to leave, and the journey is smooth."

The director was itching. He wanted to know how Mr. Lu made money, and frowned again, "President Lu, you can't sell your own things, yes, yes, I forgot to say, I'm going to inform other families."

Yuxi took advantage of the director to leave in a hurry and greeted the children, "Let's go around."

After the director notified all the families by phone, in a blink of an eye, Yuxi and the children were gone, and only the RV was parked in the parking space.

This shooting location, the transportation environment is convenient, the county town is well developed, very prosperous, and there are many shops. I only have 100 yuan in my hand, which is a bit nerve-racking. Paper-cutting is a method.

Passing by the grocery store, Yuxi saw the hula hoop, his eyes lit up, and he went to the big market excitedly. He really found the hoop, the size of a palm, ten for a dollar, and bought fifty in one go.

Rongrong was stunned, "Mom, what did you buy this for?"

Yuxi rolled her eyes, "Make money!"

After speaking, Yuxi went to buy a lot of paper and pens. The disposable paper cups were cheap, a bag of 20, bought two bags, and the total cost was only fifteen yuan.

Back in the RV, the director didn't leave, Yuxi frowned, "You didn't want to leave, why didn't you leave?"

The director's attention was all on the paper cup, "Mr. Lu, what are you buying these things for?"

Yuxi understood, the director stayed to see how she made money, and she was curious enough, "I'll find out at night."

The location where the RV stops is the only square in the county. There are many businesses nearby. At night, there must be many people.

Yuxi took the children back to the car, and took a pen to write the numbers at the bottom of the cup, from one to ten, one for one dollar, ten for ten, and some empty cups left. She is not stupid, she wrote them all. Well, if she encounters a good skill, she should lose her life.

Afterwards, Yuxi gave lectures to the children. After going out for almost a month, several children fell behind a lot in their courses.

I simply ate fruit for dinner. I planned to wait until I made money before going to have a late-night snack. Anyway, I ate late at noon and ate fruit all the time, so I wasn’t very hungry.

The sun was about to set, and the people in the square slowly became more and more. Yuxi took the children out of the car, found an open space, borrowed chalk to draw lines, placed the cups, and experimented a few distances by herself. She is good at it. Really got a few, the probability can be.

Several children have also experimented a few times. Shuosuo is the most flexible. Ten circles can fit two, one empty cup, one with word count, and the other three children are not very accurate.

During Yuxi's experiment, there were a lot of people around. When Yuxi was set up again, there was no need to shout. Someone had already stepped forward to ask.

Yuxi smiled and explained the rules, "There are a total of forty cups, only ten cups have numbers, the numbers from 1 to 10, the corresponding numbers, the corresponding money, the probability of winning is 33%, and ten for five dollars. lock up."

When the adults around listened to it, some people tried it immediately. What Yuxi knew was that everyone wanted to win the lottery, and that he thought his luck was good.

The first one to try, the head is good, and two cups are trapped, one is empty and one is five, this time it is free.

Yuxi put away the cups and said, "I will put the five cups back when they are set, lest everyone know the number of words in the cups, so I will set this one specifically, small business, everyone Haihan."

As soon as the words fell, everyone took money to participate in the game. It wasn't a lie, they all rushed for ten dollars. The price is not expensive. This game is very interesting. It can't be used as a game.

The director was stunned, "That's fine!"

The assistant had already run over and took out five dollars, "I'll try it too."

Yuxi took the money quickly, "Queue first."

Assistant, "Okay."

By the time the assistant is done, Yuxi already has a hundred dollars in his hand, which is the reason for the high probability, unless someone is very lucky.

In the end, the director couldn't hold back, so he went up and played a game himself.

The business started at 6:30, and at 8:30, the old man took the children away, and the crowd dwindled, so Yuxi closed the stall. At the end, he sold the props to the player's stall, and the capital came back. .

Photographer, "......"

During the whole process, Mr. Lu made a lot of money without spending a penny, and wanted to change jobs again!

The director gathered enough and looked at the stack of money, "How much?"

Yuxi really didn't count, "Wait for me to count."

It looks like a lot of money in a stack. In fact, most of them are five yuan in change. After counting, he bent his eyes and said, "Five hundred."

Director, "One and a half hours, five hundred yuan!"

He looks like he's done!

Yuxi said regretfully: "If this is in the city or in the playground, the amount of money in the cup is bigger, and it will make more money."

The director is speechless, this is already very good, it is just a county, you are already very powerful!

Yuxi put the money in his pocket, "The children are gone, I will take you to dinner."

The four boys were hungry a long time ago. They picked it up with the ferrule, and Shuo Shuo covered her stomach, "Mom, I want to eat meat."

Yuxi, "Okay."

Ankang said: "Sister-in-law~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I want to eat pork ribs."

Yuxi rolled her eyes, "Okay, okay, let's go, what do you want to eat, let's order something!"

The four little guys jumped up happily.

The director coughed, "Take me one?"

Yuxi smiled, "Take half of the vegetable money."

Director, "...Forget it, eating after seven o'clock will make you fat!"

At eight o'clock, there were still restaurants near the square that were still closed. Yuxi took the children over and ordered four dishes and one soup.

Early the next morning, I ate breakfast nearby. There was a vegetable market opposite the square. After I bought the ingredients and fruits, I had two hundred and two dollars left in my pocket.

Yuxi touched his chin and looked at the map, he still needed to make a fortune!


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