90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 855: Ignored

After Yuxi finished speaking, he went to touch the snails by himself. There were not many crayfish nearby, but there were quite a few snails, and he asked four boys to dig wild vegetables.

The snails touched quickly, and soon they were in a small bucket. After I came back, I fry the crucian carp with oil. They were very crispy. Then they were crushed for later use, and the wild vegetables were chopped and mixed together with the minced crucian carp. Together, they took the flour, and the remaining part was made into a flour slurry. Together with the mixed wild vegetables, they were mixed together again to prepare croquettes.

The snail meat is boiled, only the meat is left, and everything else is lost, only the clean one is left, and it is ready to be fried for a while.

There are a lot of fried balls, plus wild vegetables, emerald green, Yuxi has tried it for several children, and they all say that it is delicious.

I sautéed the snail meat again, boiled the nugget soup, put more wild vegetables, and finally I was full.


Assistant director, "Director, are you ready?"


Yuxi exhaled. She dared to bet with the director that she was confident, because there was a lot of oil, thank you for the barrel of oil when she came on the first day, otherwise, she would not be able to do it without oil and water.

In today's shooting, except for the He family, all four families are a bit earthy. The three He family finally feel like they are standing on a high place. When they came back, they wanted to show off what they ate. Unfortunately, no one gave them a chance to go back early to rest. .

The next morning, the director finally had some conscience and prepared breakfast. This time the game was simple. The children took the breakfast and answered the right questions.

The problem is very simple, it is some simple addition and subtraction.

The four children of Shuoshuo felt deeply insulted, and Rongrong flipped through the question board, "It's too simple."

Shuoshuo grabbed her brother, "It's not easy, it's not easy, it's so difficult!"

Silly brother, the simpler the better, the more they answer no.

Rong Rong reacted, "Yeah, it's so difficult, it's really difficult."


Stop pretending, I heard it all.

It's a pity that the questions are all over, and I don't plan to change them.

Then the four children began to perform. These simple addition and subtraction are too easy. The four children have been sensitive to numbers since they were young. When they were two or three years old, they began to teach them and read the answers directly.

The children of the five families, if they are outstanding, will naturally deceive their parents. He Jiao has inherited that parents do not like to study, but only like dancing and singing. Before the first grade, the kindergarten had already returned to the teacher, and she felt too tearful. Difficult.

For breakfast in the morning, the Yuxi family is very rich, with buns and eggs, lean meat porridge, everything is complete.

After breakfast, the director smiled and said: "A family has not only adults, but also children. Today, adults, the main force is children. The children will go to the village to work, and there will be a choreographer leading the team. The more you work, the more ingredients you will get. more."

The He family quickly asked, "Today is the children, how about us?"

Director, "You don't have to go to work today."

The He family exhaled, great!

Yuxi grinded her teeth, she knew that the director would not easily admit defeat, "Yesterday's bet, the director lost, I can also exchange for the ingredients, does it count?"

The director paused for two seconds, "Forget it, but the program crew won't provide anything in exchange, and you can't exchange anything that Mr. Lu brought with him."

He also knew the brand, and the clothes he called were all brand names, and one piece was enough to change.

Yuxi, "Okay."

The director always felt that he had forgotten something, and the Hu family interrupted, "What about us adults?"

The director said: "Today, the adults have a rest and can go around. We are a travel show, and we must not lose our purpose."

All parents, "..."

It's hard for you to remember that it was a travel program, but you won't give us a penny for poor travel?

The director waved his hand and went back to lie down. Anyway, what should be said, he got up early every day, and he was so tired that he was finally able to rest today.

The choreographer has organized the children to stand up and let the children take their water glasses and handkerchiefs.

After the children were all packed, the director took the children away.

Yao Cheng was worried, "Sister-in-law, can the four of them do it?"

Yuxi didn't have much confidence either. If they were to play, the four of them would be the two of them, working. I'm sorry, and they've been doing a disservice at home. "So, you still have to rely on yourself."

Nian Gengxin said, "We have nothing to exchange, so we can't touch the snails or fish for lobsters and go to the market to exchange them!"

Yuxi smiled. To tell the truth, she never thought that the things she bought at the last attraction could be used in the next attraction. She just didn't want to return it to the show team, and she also wanted to bring some special gifts to her family, but she didn't think so. Really used it.

Yuxi got into the car and quickly carried the bag down without opening it. She felt that she should be farther away from the director, lest the director change his mind. She didn't want to bet on people who had no integrity.

I asked where the town is, it's not far, it only takes 40 minutes to walk.

Yuxi was not in a hurry to change the ingredients. Instead, he went around the town and took a lot of architectural photos. The town is an ancient town, an ancient town in the south of the Yangtze River. Children, smile knowingly, the tranquility of the town, the spirit is relaxed a lot, the slow-paced life makes people yearn, especially in the fast-paced metropolis.

Four people in Yuxi who really want to travel have been taking pictures.

Yao Cheng pursed the corners of his mouth, "Sister-in-law, I'm thirsty."

Yuxi also has some. There is a tea stall in front of him, but unfortunately he has no money in his hand. When he arrived at the tea stall, Yuxi took out his fan, "Hello, can this be exchanged for three bowls of tea?"

Yuxi spent more than 100 yuan to buy it. Even if the machine is embroidered, the fan handle is worth a little money. People in the south know a little bit. The stall owner opened it and looked at it, smiling, "Yes."

Photographer, "........"

They all forgot ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and what was bought by the scenic spot last time, this time the director's abacus failed again!

The tea served at the tea stall is rough tea. Although it is not very tasty, it quenches thirst. After drinking the tea, it is almost ten o'clock.

Yuxi touched the bag, "Let's go, go to the restaurant."

Nian Gengxin, "...Didn't you go to the vegetable market?"

Yuxi knows the director's routine and knows that she has something to change, and she will definitely not use it next time. No matter how much you change, the rules will change the next day, "If you don't go, change some prepared dishes. In two days, I've cooked enough."

Yao Cheng, "Listen to my sister-in-law."

In order to exchange things, Yuxi took all the valuable fans, and also took a pair of silver bracelets with ethnic characteristics. With two fans, he bought two roast chickens in the roast chicken shop, and took two fans in the supermarket. I bought some noodles and eggs, and I also changed a large watermelon at the fruit stand. Finally, I used a silver bracelet for six dishes, all of which were meat dishes, dry pot spare ribs, braised pork trotters, braised pork, etc.


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