90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 853: no cooperation

Nian Gengxin quickly found two poles, Yuxi also tied the big bag empty, the shrimp in the field were big, and the holes were not too small, so they were not afraid of falling, so fasten them tightly, Yuxi directed Nian Gengxin, " They drove all the shrimp to the rice fields and fished them there."

It was very convenient for Nian Gengxin to use a pole to fish for shrimp. There was no need to go into the water.

After seeing the Hu family, they also went ashore one after another. The plastic bags of Yuxi's family were big, all of them from supermarkets.

Not to mention the high efficiency, the Yuxi family got the first one, the worst green one, and the second blue one. Anyway, it was not bad for the two to eat together.

The Yuxi family took away the worst, and the other two families were balanced and full of energy.

Yuxi looked at the time, only an hour had passed, there was still a lot of time left, Yuxi said: "There are many small ditches here, let's go fishing for lobster."

The children are very happy, lobster fishing is quite novel. The bait used for crayfish fishing is field snails. The field snails in this place are quite large. The shells are smashed and tied to the rope. Take the pot and go fishing for crayfish.

Not to mention that there are a lot of crayfish in the ditches on both sides. These ditches are used to release water in the fields. The water quality is clean, and the crayfish are not small.

The kids were playing like crazy and playing games.

After fishing for half an hour, the other two also came, and there were quite a lot of crayfish.

Yao Cheng had already passed the freshness, and he was fishing for a while, looking into the distance, "Sister-in-law, the environment here is really good."

Yuxi took down the crayfish he caught and said, "The environment is not good, and hairy crabs can't be farmed. The water quality requirements are very high."

Yao Cheng put away the pole and looked at the snails by the water, "Sister-in-law, I'm not fishing anymore, and Geng Xin and I are going to catch some snails to eat."

Yuxi, "Alright."

The other two have also fished a lot, adults are unwilling to fish, only children have not had enough fun.

When it was dark, several families had processed the crayfish and prepared to cook for the evening.

This time the show crew was very quiet, and the director didn't do anything.

When the He family came back, he felt unbalanced. After learning about it, they caught shrimp early and caught crayfish. Even with a camera, his face was ugly.

The little girl He Jiao was already crying and felt very wronged. She didn't play with the children and did her work all afternoon.

Ye Ying's face darkened, "What are you crying for, shut up."

Boss He's face became even darker. This time, it was not only to help his wife come back, but also to promote the company. Now that his wife's face was blackened, it was broadcasted to the audience to see what the audience thought. Ye Ying then squatted down gently, "Okay, okay. Come on, don't cry anymore, you see my mother's hand is pinched, darling."

Shuosuo whispered: "It's a fake smile."

Yuxi glanced at her son out of the corner of the eye, and Shuoshuo immediately closed her mouth and made a zipper.

Everyone came back and started cooking. After eating, I thought everyone could go to rest, but the director said: "Tomorrow's rules, survival in the wild, except the He family can use labor to go to the village in exchange for ingredients, the other four. At home, you can only take five items from the table in front of you. In the morning, noon and evening tomorrow, you will have to take care of the three meals by yourself. You are not allowed to go to the village to exchange any ingredients. Your scope is only nearby."

The eyes of the He family lit up, and suddenly realized that punishment is very beneficial to them, especially today they will be tying crabs. It is no problem to tie crabs for three meals a day, and they can bring back some ingredients. You know, crab workers are all about it. tied.

The He family thought so, and other families also thought about it, especially when they looked at the tools on the table in front of them, their faces were dark, the only staple food was rice, and there was really nothing else.

Yuxi looked at the director, this guy is amazing, he can think of it all, "Where's the oil, salt, sauce and vinegar?"

The director coughed, "These can be used."

Yuxi stopped talking. Each family had five items, and the Yuxi family had ten items. Just as he was about to distribute them with Nian Gengxin, the director hurriedly said, "This time, we are not allowed to cooperate, we will do it ourselves."

Nian Gengxin, "..."

This time it was against him. Without his sister-in-law, how could he win?

As soon as Yuxi heard it, he went to choose the tools to use. There are quite a few tools on the table, including pots and pans. This is also included in the pots and pans. The director can do things for the sake of it!

Yuxi quickly figured out a rectangular grilled fish pot, which can be used as a pot or a soup pot, and chose a casserole for cooking. There are three remaining items. There are fish hooks, and the remaining two, rice must be taken, and the last one, Yuxi took the flour.

When Nian Geng saw what his sister-in-law would take, he would take it. The other two companies had their own considerations, and what they took was actually similar.

Seeing that everyone has chosen, the director smiled and said, "Okay, it's time to rest."

Yuxi didn't leave in a hurry, and called Nian Gengxin, "Get up early tomorrow morning, let's go to the lake in front to see."

Nian Gengxin, "Okay."

Photographer, "........"

What about not cooperating?

Early the next morning, Yuxi woke up at five o'clock. At five o'clock, it was already dawn outside. Instead of calling the children up, he went to call Nian Gengxin and his wife.

After the three of them washed up, the director came up and said, "No cooperation."

Yuxi, "Well, I didn't cooperate. I went to the lake and they went too. Don't worry, I won't help."


How is this different from cooperation? My heart hurts, why can't we separate it!

Yuxi didn't care how the director struggled, the boundaries of cooperation were widened, and the lake was a 20-minute walk from the shooting location, which was a long way.

The three of them walked fast, and they soon reached the lake. This place was not contracted. It was very good. It was contracted. It was very troublesome for them to get something.

Now it's simple. The reeds by the lake are not. I found a long pole and swept through the reeds. Although the probability is not high, I can still sweep the wild ducks. Looking at some water, I really let the three find two nests. Many, only five in a litter, one was kept and four were taken away.

Yuxi had the duck eggs for breakfast, and they didn't want to look for them anymore. In order to find these two nests, they rummaged through a lot of reeds, and they were too tired.

Photographers are ignorant~www.wuxiamtl.com~ This is also possible!

Nian Geng's heart was stupid, "sister-in-law, how did I find out, you seem to know everything?"

Yuxi, "So, read more books."

In fact, I really didn't see it. She knew how to look for wild duck eggs. She listened to the assistant. The assistant was from the south. When I was a child, my favorite was to pick up wild duck eggs. That's it!

Now that the wild duck eggs were found, Yuxi looked at the wild vegetables and pinched them a little, planning to go back to make porridge. On the way back, he looked at the lake and found a place to write down, "After breakfast, you can come fishing."

Nian Geng nodded, "Okay."

Back at the shooting location, the other families got up. The Hu family saw the wild duck eggs and came over to ask. Yuxi didn't hide it. He told the location, and of course he said it. It was hard to find.

The Hu family thought about it and gave up, but Yuxi wanted to give a duck egg kindly, but it was a pity that the director couldn't let it go.


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