90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 848: make things happen

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"G city?"

Nian Junwen explained: "Well, grandpa is also going to an economic forum."

Yuxi asked, "Grandpa's health is okay!"

Nian Junmin smiled, "Xiao Lin is really capable. When summer was about to enter, Grandpa's body was not very comfortable. Now that the weather is getting hotter, his body is not so uncomfortable. Xiao Lin took care of him well."

Yuxi is not at home. It has been a long time since she has been out, and she is really worried about the old and young at home. "That's good, where's my daughter? Remember to report to the summer camp as I told you last time. Did you report it?"

Nian Junmin, "You reminded me, how could I have forgotten? I signed up the day before yesterday. For the half-month trip, several children will go, and Fang Xuan will also follow, so you can rest assured."

Yuxi continued to listen to Nian Junwen talking about family affairs. The four boys were not at home, and Xiao Li had stopped a lot. Nian Feng and Mei Hua had a rare trip. After the trip, they lived in S city for a few days and waited for the filming to end. , the old couple is coming back.

As for the daughter, the Fang family took it over. In the large yard now, only Nian Junwen and Zheng Shuran are present, and the two are busy. The family has no children and is very empty.

Nian Gengxin came over with the blue bag, the couple carried it, quite heavy, "Brother, what did you bring?"

Nian Junwen stepped aside and said, "The assistant bought it all locally. I really don't know the specifics. Would you open it up and take a look?"

Yao Cheng violently dismantled it. The package was not big, but there were quite a lot of things. A package of high-end seafood was especially complete with seasonings, rice noodles, and the package looked high-end, as well as a lot of meat and spare ribs.

Yuxi looked at the seafood and sighed again, "Your assistant is really getting more and more careful."

A man is more careful than her assistant, envy!

Nian Junwen smiled, "I heard you say big pot of rice. I came here to buy a private one and set it on fire myself. These days, you and your children have worked hard. It's noon, and I'll cook."

Nian Gengxin and his wife saw the cake, Nian Gengxin said, "Brother, did you buy it for us?"

Nian Junwen, "No, I bought it for my child and your sister-in-law."

Nian Geng Xin, "..."

Don't worry about him at home, this time I'm filming, and my heart is sore at the same time, his status is not as good as that of his son!

Photographer, "........"

He seems to have discovered the ranking of his age and silently sympathizes with the older stars.

The program group is also not short of food. Everyone asked to cook by themselves. After taking the ingredients, they were all ready to go back to cook.

The appearance of Nian Junmin, the absolute focus, has been attracting attention. With lunch, Nian Junmin asked the two to do it separately, and Nian Gengxin and Yao Cheng returned to do it themselves.

Hing Hing quit, he never ate the meal cooked by his uncle, "I want to eat at my uncle's place."

Nian Geng was anxious. He had never eaten the food made by his elder brother. As soon as the word "I" came out, Nian Junmin threw people away.

Nian Geng Xin, "..."

Sure enough, it was the cheap eldest brother. He heard a strong dislike and regretted it. During the Chinese New Year, why didn't he let the eldest brother show his hand, or he would have to carry it all by himself and carry the things back to his RV to do it unwillingly.

Nian Junmin really hadn't cooked for many years, but handling the dishes was agile. Yuxi looked at her husband's confident look, didn't say a word, and helped out.

For lunch, three dishes and one soup, Nian Junmin is quite good at it. The food is good. Nian Junmin's cooking skills are also good, and the taste is really good.

Nian Junmin cooks, and at first glance, he knows how to do it. He smells the smell, pretends to be malicious, and is deeply slapped in the face.

Especially Ye Ying, her face is a little distorted, why is it, they are all rich wives, why does Mr. Nian know how to cook, and her husband does not have deep hands. In comparison, from appearance to body, there is no comparison at all. As for They are both bosses, and it is even more incomparable. The husband can compare with Lu Yuxi, but not with Nian Junmin, because Nian Junmin is on the same level as his own father, and he is even more envious.

The director was so curious that he couldn't help but come over and said, "Ms. Nian often cooks at home?"

Nian Junmin replied honestly, "When I first got married, it was me who always cooked. Later, the two of us were too busy, so we went back to the old house and never stretched out our hands again. No, during the New Year's Eve this year, Help out."

The director felt that he had uncovered a secret, and his eyes sparkled, "Mr. Lu is really happy. You and Mr. Lu have known each other in college?"

Nian Junmin's eyes became softer instantly, "No, not long after she was full moon, we met."

The director sighed in his heart, the story is deep, "Childhood sweethearts."

Nian Junwen smiled, "Yes, childhood sweethearts, I recognized it at a glance."

The director felt that in order to feed a wave of dog food, he was asking something else, but Mr. Nian didn't answer. He felt a little regretful and didn't bother to eat.

The four boys were like little pigs and kept their heads down to eat. They were good and not too greedy. The only one who treated badly was yesterday, and they came back after making up for it.

Yuxi was full, but Nian Junwen did not let Yuxi get started, and instructed her two sons, there was no pressure at all.

Yuxi watched the twins wither. In the past, it was Yao Cheng's job to finish brushing, and he really didn't let the children reach out and wash the dishes.

Nian Junmin ignored the sons and stood up, "Let's go around the neighborhood? The environment of this place is really good."

Yuxi also wanted to digest and digest, "Okay."

When the couple got to the stream, Yuxi looked at the stream, "It's not raining anymore, and the stream is clear."

I can still see some small crabs, they are no longer in danger, and they all come out.

Nian Junmin glanced at it, "The water quality is good."

Yuxi, "Yes."

Because there is a camera, I can't talk about work matters. There are many secrets about family matters, so I can talk very little. Usually, Yuxi talks about the filming process and interesting stories. Nian Junmin listens carefully, from time to time. Insert a sentence or two.

The couple didn't deliberately spread dog food~www.wuxiamtl.com~ But the true feelings are revealed, anyone who looks at it can see that the love between the two is only in each other's eyes, one action, one look, each other understands .

Although the two of Yuxi were far apart, the people in the program team kept paying attention and could see clearly.

The housewife of the Hu family was very envious, "This is romantic love."

I don't want her, I'm lost in money, I have no source of income, my husband is in the house, and the balance is tilted.

The host couple is relatively good, the high school boyfriend and girlfriend, they have achieved positive results, and cherish each other, but they are not envious.

Boss He doesn't feel anything, love? What is it? In his eyes, only women are beautiful, and whether they have any face when they are taken out. He is used to playing and never talks about feelings.

In order to enter the rich and powerful family, Ye Ying has never asked for love, but that doesn't mean she has no fantasies. She looked at Lu Yuxi and his wife, which deeply stimulated her!

The director is no longer worried about eating. The President of the Year is here, and this opportunity has come. Of course, we must seize the opportunity, play games, and do things!

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