90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 846: strategize

Yuxi coughed, "It's been taking care of us in this rainy day. It didn't rain heavily today."

The director nodded, "Indeed, as long as it doesn't rain heavily today and the road opens the day after tomorrow, food will definitely be delivered."

Yuxi, "It's a pity that there are only three meals left. Tonight will be full of water, and tomorrow will be half full, so the staple food will be gone."

The director pointed his finger at the chubby, very sad, this is a fact, people who have been hungry all night, really don't want to experience the taste of starvation.

Yuxi curled the corners of his mouth, "So, director, I tried my best at the filming location, but I really can't make up the food."

"Thank you for your hard work."

Yuxi said, "It's not hard, I'm doing it for myself, I mean, if I have a way to get food, will you bear the cost?"

The director's eyes widened, "Can you get food?"

"The point is the cost."

Director, "How much?"

"One hundred thousand."

The director was furious, "How much?"

"I don't want to say it a second time."

The director covered his heart, 100,000 yuan, and quickly calculated in his heart that he has been saving money because of insufficient funds. He definitely does not admit that he is stingy. This time he has already taken care of the chef, and the money has been given out. At that time, I had to give money to a few families. After adding 100,000 yuan, I cried, "Insufficient funds."

Yuxi looked at the director who was about to cry, and felt very happy, cheating on her? This time I have to go back hard, "Forget it, the director wants to save money, regardless of the guests and the program crew, I did my best, and now I will hand over the power to the director, and you will arrange the food."

The director stared at the camera, Mr. Lu's words were all pitfalls!

Yuxi didn't continue to say to the director, "I have pity on the children, I can't even get enough to eat. I feel like a mother, who makes the director not willing to spend money? I'd rather watch the show crew and the children go hungry!"


photographer, ""

The director took a deep breath. What he thought was blocked by Lu Yuxi. Would he dare to go back? Dare not, because of the special circumstances, he can't do it himself, Boss Lu has a way, obviously there is a way, if he doesn't take the money, he will be scolded to death, closed his eyes, "I'll give it, I'll trouble Boss Lu about the food. "

Yuxi, "No problem."

Nian Geng came over, the director bowed his head in doubt, "Sister-in-law, have you bullied the director again?"

"Why say it again?"

Nian Geng said, "No, you have been bullying the director."

Yuxi quit, "Why don't you tell me, he keeps digging holes for me?"

Nian Gengxin decided to change the subject, "sister-in-law, will you continue to dig wild vegetables for a while?"

Yuxi's tone was brisk, "Stop digging, I've eaten enough."

Nian Gengxin had had enough, and the children were reluctant to eat a stomach full of wild vegetables, "But food?"

"I have my own plan, don't save it tonight, stir-fry the meat, make soup with lumps, make porridge tomorrow morning, and eat it!"

Nian Geng's eyes widened. With absolute trust, Nian Geng's heart was happy and curious, "Sister-in-law, what can I do?"

The photographer also pricked up his ears, Mr. Lu just took a nap and solved the problem, curious!

Yuxi walked towards the sons, "I'll know when the time comes."

Because I didn't hide it, everyone in the program group soon knew.

The mood of the other three families is particularly complicated. The Hu family and the host are better. One of them is an actor who has not been out for a long time, and the other is the host, who is not so capable.

The He family was restless, Ye Ying frowned, "What can Lu Yuxi do?"

She admits that Lu Yuxi is very capable. Originally, she had two extra meals a day. Although she was full of water, she was not hungry, but it was not beyond her ability, but she suddenly lost consciousness and solved it. Some can't accept it.

Boss He frowned, he couldn't think of it, and it was because he couldn't think of it, his face became even more ugly. The two bosses of the whole show had a prejudice from the beginning, thinking that Lu Yuxi got up by relying on Nian's family, and was continuously slapped in the face. Later, he admitted that this woman is so powerful that she relies on herself.

Although he knew it, he also admired it a little, but it didn't mean that he admitted that he was incompetent, and now he couldn't think of Lu Yuxi's solution, and he felt very uncomfortable. Is this a gap? Is he really incompetent? Deep self-doubt again.

Yuxi was in a good mood, and took her sons to play happily for a while.

Although I could hear thunder, it didn't rain in the end, it might have rained, and it might have rained elsewhere. God took good care of the show crew.

The meal in the evening was very rich. Although the dishes were a bit small for more than 100 people, nearly 200 people, only one or two mouthfuls per person, but the meat was very satisfying.

The shooting at night ended early, and it started to rain lightly at night. Everyone was relieved, as long as it was not heavy rain.

Early the next morning, the director saw President Lu, "Did you really do everything? Don't you keep some?"

Yuxi glanced at the time, "You don't need to stay, I know it."

The director was dubious. Seeing that the last staple food was boiled into porridge, his heart was shaking. He could only believe in President Lu, and he was still thinking in his heart that he believed that President Lu would live forever, and the slogan was like a cult.

For breakfast, everyone ate it in a hurry.

The director came to confirm the time again, "When can you arrive?"

Yuxi said the time for the third time, "Around nine o'clock."

The director's heart still didn't fall, and he didn't see the food. He was afraid. Now the food is only some milk and biscuits. The fruit was gone yesterday, and the fruit after the meal, yesterday's dinner was a bit extravagant.

As time passed, everyone knew the exact time, but they couldn't help being a little anxious.

Yuxi saw it all in his eyes.

Then, there were a lot of people around Yuxi who came to chat to confirm, and kept repeating, Yuxi was less willing to stay outside.

At 8:30, the director came, "Mr. Lu, why don't you make a phone call?"

Yuxi just confirmed it half an hour ago, "I really don't need it."

The cameraman watched the director pulling his hair all the time~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and thought silently, stop pulling, I really don't have much hair anymore, and I was deeply afraid that being a director would have to pay a price.

At nine o'clock, Yuxi felt that if she couldn't get out of the RV, someone would come to her. Sure enough, a lot of people gathered outside the car.

Yuxi looked at it coldly, there was really no food, and it was closed for a few days. This is not a travel show, but a test of human nature, "I know what you want to ask, the last time, it will be here soon!"

Ye Ying couldn't see how Lu Yuxi was planning everything, so he couldn't help but say, "You said nine o'clock."

Yuxi turned back, "The camera has a record, around nine o'clock, do you understand what it means? I don't understand, I suggest going back and learning again."

Ye Ying was confronted directly for the first time, her eyes widened and she was so angry.

Just about to speak, the voice of the helicopter, and soon the helicopter has reached the head.

program group, ""

This is a bit amazing, Mr. Lu v5!


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