90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 841: stop?

Yuxi didn't care about the program group, and went back to the RV to look at the dried seafood. It was not bad. Today's wind was enough, and it dries very quickly.

When I left at noon, I saw a lot of them, but they were all put away, and there was not much left.

Today is the last day, and tomorrow we will change the land. After packing everything up, the other three families are back.

The three families, whether adults or children, are all exhausted, especially the children, who are already lethargic.

The director couldn't bear it any longer. It was the children who suffered in the competition between adults.

For the last item, the director asked, "How much did each family earn today?"

The Hu family had no business skills, so they could only sell ice cream in scenic spots. They didn't make much money. They only made two hundred a day, thanks to the camera.

The host doesn't know much about buying and selling. He may be eloquent, a hundred more than the Hu family.

Boss He felt that his waist was straight, and proudly took out a stack of money. The He family finally stopped learning Yuxi, and sold seafood, precious seafood, to mainlanders who didn't know how to do it. Thanks to learning from the hotel owner. Small hands, violence, but a lot of money, two thousand.

Boss He and Ye Ying thought about it well, and finally remembered that Lu Yuxi belonged to two families. Yesterday, they earned more than 3,000 points and two shares were less than 2,000. Today, they are sure to win.

Boss He raised his chin at Yuxi.

Yuxi, ""

Why do you have to compare with her?

The director understood it, his eyes were very complicated, and he looked at Boss He sympathetically, destined to be crushed.

In the end it was the Yuxi family, Yuxi, "Do you have to say it?"

Director, "Yes."

The He family was excited, thinking that Lu Yuxi didn't make any money.

Yuxi was destined to disappoint the He family. He told the story about the leak, and the focus was on money!

Three families, ""

The Hu family and the host, after being silent, once again witnessed the benefits of having more skills, the big guy is the big guy!

The expressions of the He family were stiff and cracked. Boss He took a few deep breaths and wanted to say whether he believed it or not, but the show crew would not lie. His family also has antiques. The old man's hobby. I think back then, the old man also asked him to learn. It's a pity, it's too late to think about anything now, so he wonders, is this woman Lu Yuxi omnipotent?

The last part was over, and the He family was not reconciled and returned to the RV in despair.

The program team had eaten the lunch box and was going to leave overnight. Because they were in a hurry, they had to drive the car overnight to the next scenic spot.

At night, Yuxi couldn't sleep peacefully, the car kept shaking, the children were happy, and finally forced himself to sleep. In the morning, he didn't have to get up early to shoot, and he didn't get to the place. After washing up in the car, Yuxi sat on the small sofa and watched. looking out the window.

She has seen the filming route of the program group. Because she is traveling by car, the six scenic spots are not far away. This is leaving the seaside and heading inland, and the further south you go, the worse the weather. getting hotter.

There is no need to shoot now. Yuxi and Nian Junmin have been on the phone for half an hour, just hung up, and called the assistant again. The assistant arrived at the destination, brought the luggage, checked the time, and there were two more You can be in the city in hours.

At nine o'clock in the morning, when he arrived in the city, Yuxi met his assistant, got his luggage, and brought a lot of clothes.

Other families also brought clothes, changed their clothes, went to the hotel they booked to take a shower and freshen up, had lunch, and officially started filming.

Today's weather is really hot, the temperature at noon is as high as 30 degrees, even standing in the shade, it is very sultry.

The director is already fat, and his spirit is even worse. "Every family has a car, two hours of purchase time, no matter what program group you buy, it is calculated according to the money in hand, but remember the key point, you must buy enough, this time The filming location, there is no place to buy again, well, we will gather in two hours, if the time is over, if it exceeds ten minutes, we will be fined the same ingredient."

Yuxi touched the money in his pocket, looked at the sky again, and finally silently and secretly took out his mobile phone and glanced at the weather forecast!

The photographer wanted to take a picture, but the phone was already put away.

The Yuxi family got into the car. It was noon, and there was no traffic jam. They found a shopping mall. They had enough money and confidence. On the way there, Yao Cheng drove, and Yuxi took out a pen to rewrite the ingredients. She did not miss it. , The travel location this time, she had a hunch, it would be unexpected.

When they got to the shopping mall, they divided the work into two ways. Yuxi took the written order for purchasing ingredients by himself, and handed the other order to Nian Gengxin, "I invite the one above to buy it."

Nian Geng's heart was stunned for a moment, and he quickly browsed and read it again, "Raincoat? Umbrella? Rain boots? Tent?"

Yuxi, "That's right."

"Sister-in-law, on a sunny day, what are you buying these for?"

He felt no need to buy it.

Yuxi explained, "After the heat, there will be heavy rain. I asked the waiter at the hotel. It's been hot for a few days, and I secretly checked the weather forecast. Although it's not 100% accurate, it's still 80%. Anyway, money More, buy and be prepared!"

In Nian Geng's mind, the sister-in-law's words were absolutely right, so she took the list and said, "Okay, I must have bought it all."

Yuxi hummed and took Yao Cheng and the children to the supermarket.

The supermarket in the shopping mall occupies two floors. The first floor is for daily necessities, and the second is for snacks, grains, rapeseeds, etc. It is especially complete.

The photographer secretly called the director, "Yes, Mr. Lu said it."

The director hung up the phone, and specially asked an assistant to ask the local people, focusing on the elderly, the elderly are experienced, and then checked the weather forecast, ""

The assistant asked, "It might really rain, director, should filming stop first?"

The director holds a mobile phone in his hand, the mobile page is a calendar, he is checking the weather forecast, there will be rain in the next five days, he is part-timer, and he is in a bad mood.

The assistant director whispered, "This is also a good point to watch."

The director's eyes lit up, "It's normal to encounter extreme weather during travel shooting, this is the truth, don't stop, go and buy some rain-proof gear."

Assistant, "Okay."

In the supermarket, of course Yuxi knew that the photographer had called, and she would definitely not stop shooting because she was in a hurry!

The daily necessities on the first floor, this time the program team did not provide anything. I just got into the RV and took a look~www.wuxiamtl.com~ All the necessities are gone, not even the tableware and chopsticks, the only kindness Some, the quilt is reserved for you!

Yuxi pushed three cars in one go, and started to buy, buy, buy, and because he noticed the director's small eyes, he had a hunch that it wouldn't make them comfortable. This time each family had a lot of money. It will also do things. Yuxi's hunch has always been accurate, and he didn't save it at all.

In the end, I bought not only tableware, but also all kinds of steamers and casseroles!

When I got to the second floor, two carts were about to be full. There was one cart left. I bought a 10-pound bag of rice, a 20-pound bag of flour, a lot of all kinds of meat, and quick-frozen ones. seafood etc.

Vegetables are indispensable, buy in large quantities, and the same is true for fruits.

In the end, it is even more excessive. Milk, biscuits, etc. are all bought by the box.

photographer, ""

This is really rich, rich, but tight!

After leaving the supermarket, three cars were not enough. Later, I took another car, four cars, and desperate flowers. All the ones I bought were good, and I only spent 3,000.

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