90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 837: Where's the money

The city is even more prosperous. The first developed seaport city has many high-rise buildings, but the mainland is not prosperous. I have been looking for a Sichuan restaurant for a year. There are manufacturers across the street, and they are doing big discounts and wholesales.

Nian Gengxin saw that the dish was on the table, and her sister-in-law looked at the other side, "Sister-in-law, it's time to eat."

Yuxi gave a sigh and continued to look at the opposite side. Her eyes could not be wrong. All brands were discounted in seasons, and the biggest discounts were two or three percent off. The development was fast, the fashion was cutting-edge, and the deposits were worthless.

Yuxi touched her pocket, and she brought all the thousand and four. She looked back and ate the meal. She had an idea in her mind. Out of the corner of the eye, she glanced at the photographer, squinted her eyes, and ate silently.

After half of the meal, Yuxi stood up, and the only way to untie it was to go to the bathroom. Only when he went to the bathroom, the male photographer would not follow.

Photographer, "......"

With precedents, he felt that this bathroom was not simple.

It was dark outside and there was a lot of traffic, so Yuxi could easily get out. When he got to the opposite side, he bought clothes according to his vision. There were only 100 yuan left. Thank you for the discount. Thank you for clearing the stock. Yes, although the coastal look is not popular anymore, the interior is quite trendy.

Yuxi was carrying two large bags. She had the car keys in her hand. She opened the trunk and went to rest assured, and then locked it. The car was not going to be returned.

When Yuxi returned to the box, the children had all eaten, and several children were fine, and no one asked Yuxi what she was doing.

Yuxi ate the rest of the meal and glanced at the time, "It's getting late, let's go back too!"

The photographer glanced at the time, and after half an hour, he always felt that President Lu had done something important again.

Back at the filming location, the other three came back and were having dinner. To save money, it was very simple.

Seeing Yuxi's family coming back and sitting down, they all knew they were going to the restaurant, holding their breath!

After the meal, there is one last link, say how much money you have earned today.

The Hu family went up ten yuan, seventy.

The host is still sixty.

Does the He family have any business? Boss He took advantage of Yuxi's job, and used his identity as a media boss to get a high salary of 61 days, plus half of the money for the children, the family is 150.

Boss He felt exasperated, with a smile on his face.

Finally, the Yuxi family, "One thousand seven."

Boss He, "Impossible."

Ye Ying pointed at the Yuxi family, "They cheated."

The director cleared his throat and talked about how the Yuxi family made money, and the scene became eerily quiet.

Boss He's face turned green, especially since both of them were bosses. Lu Yuxi used his brain, he was foolishly using his labor to make money, and he was able to compare himself to the next. When he thought of the broadcast of the show, the old man's face changed. I couldn't help shaking, and I had self-doubt. Could it be that he was really blessed by the family? Without blessing, he was beaten back to his original form?

Ye Ying almost clenched his silver teeth and pursed his lips, "They can do it, can we do it too?"


Why do you have to learn from Mr. Lu? The rules are too many for Mr. Lu to break. There are so many ways to make money, why don't you use your own brain?

Ye Ying didn't get an answer and asked again.

The director must be appeased. There are still four tourist spots. If he doesn't cooperate, he will be in big trouble. Then he looks at Mr. Lu, who has nothing to do with him, and his stomach hurts, "You can too, But only once."

Ye Ying's eyes lit up, "Meaning, the Lu Yuxi family are not allowed?"

Director, "...Um."

Ye Ying let out a sigh of relief, "It's almost the same."

The other two bowed their heads to discuss.

Yuxi beat Hati, took the car keys, beckoned his sons to take a bath, and fell asleep after a while, feeling very tired these two days.

The director looked at the two Yuxi families who were sleeping in the RV, and then looked at the three families that were in full swing, "..."

He didn't understand, what was there to discuss, with Mr. Lu's experience, it was over, and in the discussion, can the discussion yield flowers, or can it be surpassed?

Yuxi took her son to take a bath, and accompanied her sons to learn foreign languages ​​for a while, and soon fell asleep.

When I got up in the morning, I took out milk, bread, eggs, bacon, and fruit from the RV. The tourists were so enthusiastic that they didn’t have to spend money to buy them. The breakfast was changed to Western food.

Because there are a lot of fruits, Yuxi is very crisp, and they are directly made into juice, one cup per person, and there is a lot left, which are all put in the refrigerator and drink when it is hot at noon.

Fried eggs, fried bacon, hot bread, it is a very hearty breakfast.

Ye Ying looked down at the steamed bun in his hand, took a bite, and lowered his voice, "Husband, we must make more money than the Lu family."

In order to argue, Boss He said, "Definitely."

After the meal, the other three families left early, and Yuxi looked at the three families who hurried away, "The tide hasn't receded, and, in the early morning, there are not many tourists."

Photographer, "........"

Why didn't you make a sound when you didn't leave? He suddenly felt that President Lu was a little scary!

Yuxi really didn't know what the photographer was thinking. Even if she did, she would only laugh. People wouldn't believe her when she said it. Instead, she thought she was uneasy and kind.

Nian Geng knew that he had money in his hand, so he was not afraid. His sister-in-law didn't go to make money. He thought that the remaining two days were purely for tourism, "Sister-in-law, will you drive to the nearby attractions later?"

Yuxi, "Where is the money?"

Nian Geng was stunned, "There are still one thousand and four left!"

According to past experience, if you just eat, six hundred is enough, and there is still a lot left!

Yuxi, "I spent the money, only one hundred left!"

Nian Geng was stunned, "When?"

"When I went to the bathroom yesterday, I couldn't help but spend it!"

Photographer, "........"

He knew there must be something wrong, but what did he buy? Why didn't he see it? One thousand three!

Yao Cheng was also stupid, "Sister-in-law, what did you buy?"

She thought that the rest of the day would be free!

Yuxi, "The secret, when the time comes, you will know."

Nian Gengxin said, "...the money is gone, do we want to make money? Picking up seafood?"

Yuxi was too lazy to take care of Nian Geng's heart~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Several children were speechless and left Nian Geng's heart for fear of being infected!

Nian Gengxin and the photographer looked at each other and couldn't help but say, "Do you understand?"

Photographer, "....No."

Nian Geng exhaled and patted his chest, "It doesn't seem that I have a low IQ. Anyway, with your back, I at least realized something."

Photographer, "........"

Is it really low IQ? Looking at the four children jumping in front of him, he seemed to understand them all. Looking at Nian Gengxin who was chasing after him, he didn't worry anymore, he really didn't understand!

Does he want to switch to a family shoot? Here, he felt that his IQ was being crushed.

Yuxi took the child until ten o'clock, and the three families who left after seven o'clock finally came back with a disheveled look and the sea breeze that had been blowing for several hours. Whoever changed it would not be in a good mood.

.. m.

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