90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 835: brainstorm

The state of the Yuxi family was too enviable, especially after the ingredients they brought back were placed on the table.

Program Group, "......"

The other three, "........"

The director took a few deep breaths, "Mr. Lu, can you explain?"

One day's work, he is making money, and he can't get expensive seafood ingredients. He still has a big bag. He visually estimated that it was eight or nine hundred. His first reaction was cheating. He couldn't help looking at the photographer, but the photographer was very calm. No information was given to him, his curiosity was broken!

Yuxi said generously, from eating and chatting yesterday, to today's work, and finally to the remaining ingredients from the hotel, they brought them back.

The director looked at the photographer for confirmation. The photographer finally understood why the job search went so smoothly, and nodded his head to prove it.


I took it, I really took it, I could eat a meal and go to work, and I sent so much seafood, I couldn't help looking at the seafood, swallowed my saliva, and was greedy.

After the last issue of the Hu family, plus the results of the Yuxi family yesterday, they accepted it quite quickly, comforting myself, they are the boss, their brains work, and there is nothing wrong.

The host family, stay for a while, is this the boss? It's amazing, it's really a big dad!

The He family was uncomfortable, Ye Ying was sore all over, and didn't make a lot of money. The adults in the small town didn't chase after her, but they were from the 1990s. Living, being disliked by all kinds of things, all day long, I have been doing hard work.

Boss He clenched his fist. He was also the boss. He felt crushed, his face sullen, and he couldn't be the object of comparison. He wanted to find a way.

The entire program group continued to shoot in various states of mind.

Yuxi brought back a lot of seafood. When he found the director, the director jumped, "Mr. Lu, is something wrong?"

Yuxi smiled, "I watched the show team work hard, and I want to give the show team some extra food."

Looking at the seafood in the bag, the director was really greedy, the lunch box was really not tasty, and he was vigilant, "It's not free!"

Yuxi rolled his eyes, "It was originally free, but when you mention it, I don't think a fair person like you would take advantage."

Director, "...what do you want?"

Yuxi pointed to the car in the distance, "It."

Director, "...It can't be free, I can't explain it to other families."

Yuxi took out the money in his pocket, "I have money."

Director, "Okay."

Yuxi handed the bag to the director. Originally, she wanted to share it with several other families, but if she thinks wrong, it will become dependent after a long time. If she doesn't share it again, their family will complain. The program group exchanged favorable things!

For dinner, Yuxi also ate seafood without leaving any ingredients. In fact, there was still quite a lot. The children shared a little bit for the children.

After the meal, the Hu family came, and deeply felt that it was too stupid not to hug with golden thighs.

I was silent all night. In the morning, the program team didn’t even have the conscience to find out to give you breakfast. The staff ate breakfast by themselves. Fortunately, a few families had a hunch for a long time. They bought instant noodles and other convenient ingredients when they came back last night. Breakfast Cope with the past.

The director waited for everyone to finish their meal and said: "Today is the third day, and there are still four, five or two days, that is to say, there are three days in total, and there are no rules for these three days. The ability and how much money you make are all your own ability. The money you make this time will be the cost of the next journey. I will say it again, the money earned in three days, the cost of the next journey, the next journey, There will be no more rules for making money, and whether your next journey will be good or bad depends on these three days."

The program team played a big game and stunned a few families. Yuxi quickly reacted, and the other families were at a loss for words.

Yesterday, I deeply realized that it is not easy to make money. In this place, you can’t brush your face and work hard. The two adults worked so hard that they only earned 60 yuan a day. Calculate, sixty a day, one hundred and eighty days, and throwing out the expenses of these three days, it is impossible to live!

Yuxi stepped forward, "Can I take the seafood I picked up these days?"

The director narrowed his eyes, "Yes, but there are preconditions."

Yuxi knew there was something wrong, "You said."

"No refrigerator!"

Yuxi looked at the director strangely, she was really a landslide, she didn't even know that he was drying and said, hooking the corner of his mouth, "Okay."

The director has only eaten fresh or quick-frozen ones in the supermarket, but he has never eaten dried ones, and he is proud of his own wit!

Yuxi said again: "How do we make money, you don't care, do you?"

The director nodded, "Yes."

He is not stupid, he has traveled all over the town for a long time. This place is really not easy for the landlubbers in the mainland to make quick money. The scenic spots are all for the sea, and it is difficult to make money!

Yuxi looked at the beach. At this point, the tide was slowly going down, which was very good.

The director didn't plan to talk too much, especially when facing Mr. Lu, he didn't know when he was detoured.

The other three families left early, and the He family thought, going to pry Lu Yuxi's job, fifty yuan per adult, very tempting.

Instead, Yuxi pulled the chair and leaned against the sea.

Program Group, "......"

I always feel like I want to enlarge the meaning of the move!

Nian Gengxin crouched down and asked, "Sister-in-law, if we don't leave, our work will be pryed."

Yuxi looked at Nian Gengxin, "You don't think it's tiring to work part-time!"

Nian Gengxin's arms are sore now, "Tired, I'm not a robot, I'm not trying to make more money."

Yuxi settled the accounts for Nian Gengxin, "Look, one hundred and five days a day, three hundred and fifty-five days, excluding food and drink, can save three hundred, the next journey, the director said clearly, there is no chance to make money, which means, no There will be another part-time job to earn money. All living expenses are 300 yuan. We are three adults, four children, seven people, and we are four boys. We have a long body and practice boxing every day. The hostess of the family can eat it, three hundred yuan is not enough!"

Nian Geng felt that the burden was a little heavy. To put it bluntly, their family was equivalent to seven adults, "...What should I do if I don't work, go to the sea and pick up seafood to sell?"

Yuxi looked at the time, "I don't want to be out of labor if I don't catch the sea, wait a moment, let's go to the scenic spot."

As long as there are no rules, she prefers to use her brain.

Nian Geng's eyes were bright. He was planning to go to the scenic spot to make money, but unfortunately he only guessed the beginning, not the end!

Yuxi closed her eyes~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and slept for a while, and then slowly stood up after 8:30. The children did not bring any of them, so Yao Cheng watched at home, she only brought Nian Geng Heart.

This time, the show crew didn't need to drive. When they got to the town, Yuxi went to the wholesale market first, with a total of 130 in her pocket, and bought ingredients for dinner and breakfast yesterday.

In the morning, I paid 30 more rich money, and I only had 100 yuan in my pocket.

Nian Geng was stunned, "Don't you want to go to the scenic spot?"

Yuxi, "Well, go after shopping."

Yuxi's purpose is very strong, and soon he arrived at the place where the buckets were sold. They were all small buckets, which were carried for children, and each was five yuan. He was stunned that Yuxi reduced the price to four yuan, bought twenty, and left the rest. For twenty dollars, Yuxi bought ten dollars of salt and a handful of iron wire.

The photographer was dumbfounded, not knowing what Mr. Lu was going to do!

Yuxi took Nian Gengxin to the scenic spot very quickly. The temperature has risen, and there are many people traveling by the sea, not only for the sea, but also for the fun of catching the sea and catching seafood by yourself.

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