90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 831: sub-question

When Yuxi went home, all the young and old at home were there. When Liu Ma saw the special products she brought back, her smiling eyes narrowed into slits, "This is a good thing. I will make wild vegetables at night."

Liu's mother shouted Zhao Di and left. There were only family members in the living room. Yuxi and Nian Geng didn't say anything. The children talked about how they lived in a few days.

Then Ankang's eyes turned red, ignoring his little nephews, and pouted into his father's arms, "I'm going too."

Nian Feng felt uncomfortable. The four boys in the family have never been separated. In five days, the son was no longer active, and he was unhappy every day. Now the tears are full of tears, and the old father's heart has softened. Facing Yuxi, he said, "I will invest and bring Ankang?"

Yuxi, "...I'll ask."

Nian Feng stroked his old son's hair, "Your sister-in-law went to ask, it's done, you can follow along too, okay, okay, don't lose the gold."

Nian Geng's heart is not a good feeling. From the moment he had an impression, the most talked about father was Big Brother, because Dad was ashamed of Big Brother. Big Brother occupied all of Dad's mind. He was always serious and strict with him. I didn't speak to him so gently, and my heart was sour.

Fortunately, Nian Geng's son has grown up, and the heartache was only a few seconds, and soon he talked about his sister-in-law's deeds.

Yuxi leaned against Nian Junmin, looked at the family members in the living room, curled his lips, it is better to be at home, held Nian Junmin's hand, and hadn't held it for a few days, the texture seemed to be more obvious, and looked sideways at Nian Junmin, She used to see no change every day, but now after being separated for a few days, she found that the wrinkles at the corners of Nian Junmin's eyes were all over.

Yuxi reached out and touched it and gently smoothed it out. It was still Shuosuo who helped, but there was no Shuosuo. According to the level of worry, Nian Junwen might have gray hair. This one is less than forty. !

Nian Junmin felt something, "Am I getting old?"

"No, in my heart, you have always been twenty-four years old, handsome young man."

Nian Junmin curled the corners of his mouth, "I think so too, even if I am old in the future, I will still be a handsome old man."

The couple talked in a low voice, chatted for a while, ate dinner, and went back to the house. Yuxi went to see her daughter. She was too self-disciplined. on his forehead, "You're already very powerful, you don't have to push yourself too hard."

Miaomiao smiled, "Mom, I know what I know, don't worry, I remember everything you taught me."

Yuxi looked at her daughter with the same smile as hers, and kissed her face, "Mom is back, you go to bed earlier too."

"Well, mom, rest early."

Yuxi went back to the bedroom. After washing up, she asked Nian Junmin, "Is our daughter too sensible."

It seems that since birth until now, I really didn't worry about it much.

Nian Junmin, "Daughter is up to you."

Painful since childhood!

Yuxi rolled his eyes invisibly, turned over and went to bed, Nian Junmin also lost the book in his hand, Xiao Biesheng was newly married, and his daughter-in-law's business trip was different from his business trip.

The next morning, Yuxi softened her waist and stared at her well-dressed husband. He was old and still struggling so hard. Fortunately, he was ligated.

Yuxi glanced at the time. She was about to get up. She had been away for five days. She wanted to go back to the company to see. On the first day, Yuxi was in the company.

The next day, early in the morning, Xu Huichong asked Yuxi to go to Yuehui.

For Yuehui, it has been more than ten years since Yuxi set foot there for the first time. Yuehui is indeed tall and tall. It is said that the entire building is owned by Xu Huichong. Entering the hall, there are many stars, some familiar and some newcomers.

Yuxi got on Xu Huichong's special elevator. When he arrived at the office, Xu Huichong was explaining things. The assistant went out and said embarrassedly, "I should have gone to find you in person, but there are too many things in the company."

Yuxi didn't care, Xu Huichong didn't come to her, she also came to look for Xu Huichong, just like, "What's wrong with you looking for me in a hurry?"

Xu Huichong said, "The director of your performance told me that the highlights exceeded my expectations."

"So, are you going to pay me? The title is added to the third season for free?"

Xu Huichong, "...No, you think too much."

"I think so too, you are so rude."

Xu Huichong, "..."

Yuxi coughed, "I won't interrupt, you're not looking for me just to tell me this!"

Xu Huichong said, "I want to edit faster and squeeze more time for post-production. So, I want to speed up the shooting. Everyone else is fine, mainly you. I have to say it myself."

"What do you mean, there will be no rest for the continuous shooting in the future?"


Yuxi didn't mind that much. Jin Ling from the film and television company came back to work and terminated the artist's contract. In addition, the contract was full, and the company had a lot less things to do. Just focus on investment. can find her.

As for investing with Xue Ya, there is no problem at all. He rolled his eyes and said, "You know, I'm very busy."

Xu Huichong naturally knew that, as soon as he heard the sound, he knew that he wanted benefits, "Whatever requirements do you have, I will try my best to meet them."

Yuxi's face will not cause trouble, "The four boys in my family have been together all the time. Now three of them are gone, and one is left. The health is not good, we can't feel bad, you can't add another child!"

Xu Huichong, "..."

Difficult, embarrassing him to death, they are all predetermined numbers, add one, how to say?

Yuxi said: "With the program group, who will pay attention to how many children there are, just find a suitable reason."

Xu Huichong figured in his heart that having one more child would lead to more things to watch. Looking at Lu Yuxi, if he disagreed, Lu Yuxi would also find a way to get him to agree, "Okay."

Seeing that the matter was resolved, Yuxi stayed. After a while, he knocked on the door a few times. It could be seen that Xu Huichong was really busy. Clothes, tomorrow's plane.

Afterwards, Yuxi returned to the company and left after explaining a few words.

When he got home, Ankang happily jumped around in the yard~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Ankang took it with Yuxi and gave it to Yao Cheng and his wife. The two children were just right.

The destination of the second filming is a familiar place for Yuxi, the seaside. The crew deliberately rented a place so that no one will come to disturb it.

After getting off the plane, Yuxi felt the breeze and bent his eyes, very good, the sea!

The director knew that there was an extra child, and explained it. The four children grew up together, and this time they also brought them.

To tell the truth, no one really paid much attention to it. The complexion that was finally recovered after a two-day break from several homes was only concerned with the rules of the second journey.

Don't expect the show crew to do nothing, this time it's good, there's no money, the director said: "Now at nine o'clock, we will go to the beach in a moment. The tide just receded this morning, and no one will go to the rented place to catch the sea. Every family You can take the bucket to catch the sea, and then sell it to the program team, and you will buy it according to the local purchase price, and the money you earn will buy daily necessities.”

Families other than the Yuxi family, "........"

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