90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 823: genetically strong

For the last two hundred, Yuxi went to buy vegetables and meat. There was a small refrigerator in the RV, and the refrigerators of the two families were not small.

I bought four kilograms of lean meat, four kilograms of pork belly, one kilogram of fat meat, and some big bones. In fact, it’s more like buying pork ribs. It’s too expensive, and I have enough money. I bought five kilograms of eggs and two kilograms of beef. , I also bought a few chicken drumsticks, but the hundred is gone.

In the end, I bought a lot of green vegetables. I bought a lot of various vegetables. Dried vegetables were cheap. I also bought two kilograms. In the end, I had forty left, and I also bought ten yuan of fruit. Yuxi planned to make his own popsicles and left thirty yuan. spare.

After all the purchases were finished, Yuxi's family came out the earliest. There were a lot of things to buy, and there was still money left. Yuxi was very satisfied.

Nian Geng's heart was speechless. If he changed himself, two hundred yuan really couldn't buy anything.

Don't talk about Nian Geng's heart, the director and director are speechless. This is because the procurement is complete. Who would have thought that the bosses of several companies could live like this. They thought it was right that they didn't understand.

Although it is a trip, but for the sake of ratings and highlights, I am more willing to toss people, look at a few other companies, and look sad.

Yuxi and the others all came back, took a look, there was a housewife in the Hu family, and the purchase was quite complete, and his face was okay.

In the other two, the host and his wife are both busy at work, and there are elderly people at home. They bought the right things, but they are not cheap, so they don't buy much.

The most speechless is He Jia, do you plan to die if you don't buy food? What do you do when you buy a bunch of fruit? Lose weight all the way?

Boss He's face turned black!

Yuxi can predict that the subsequent itinerary is absolutely wonderful, but don't think about it.

The director finally has a smile, not bad, not bad, this is a good point to watch.

The group finally got into their car. Although they all have a driver's license, they can't drive an RV, but they don't need to drive it at home. Yuxi thought, the guests in the next issue will have to take a driver's license test.

Rongrong and Shuosuo were particularly excited, and Yuxi was also checking the bowl racks. Fortunately, there were no shortage of tableware and dishes, as well as dishcloths and detergents. The drinking water was also full, and the cooking was done outdoors. The only thing that is not good is that there are no two pots, all of which are used for cooking, but not for washing vegetables.

I was quite satisfied. I looked at the time, and it was almost noon. It was estimated that after one or two hours, the children would be hungry.

The car was quite stable, Yuxi looked at the food, she forgot to buy some noodles, the staple food of many aspects, she forgot.

In the end, I had no choice. I washed the rice, simmered the rice first, and then took out a handful of rapeseed. I picked it, but I didn't wash it. Who knows if the drinking water is unlimited, if it wasn't for the sake of stewing the rice, Yuxi didn't plan to use it either.

The children were tired from playing, and the RV only had one big bed. Yuxi asked the children to lie down first. She sat on the sofa and closed her eyes.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the car finally stopped. After getting off the cement road, Yuxi looked outside, entered the village, then continued to drive, entered the scope of the scenic spot, and finally stopped in an open space, leaning against the mountain, and there was a road in front of it. The big stream, coming down from the mountain.

This is today's destination.

The five families all got out of the car and stayed at the program they had been waiting for. They pointed to the assigned table and chairs, "This is assigned."

He pointed to drinking water not far away, "If you don't want to be with Kong Shanshui, you can buy water, one bucket per piece."

Then it exploded, Yuxi exhaled, fortunately he kept thirty, the others didn't know if they had money or not, and they looked bad anyway.

The only consolation is that the gas pipe does not cost money.

Each family took the items back and rubbed their stomachs, "Mom, I'm hungry, my stomach growls."

Shuosuo also rubbed her stomach, "Mom, I'm hungry too."

Looking at Nian Gengxin's couple and Haoying again, "I cooked rice and picked some vegetables on the way here, Gengxin, bring a bucket of water and bring a bucket of water, Yao Cheng, help me get the gas hood and vegetables out. , you can eat in a while.

Yuxi commanded, the dishes were washed soon, two dishes and one soup, stir-fried rapeseed, fried pork with garlic sprouts, and a persimmon soup. It took less than 20 minutes before and after, and it was extremely agile.

Although I didn't buy some noodles, I also ate with the other three, and the other three made the noodles in the same way.

This comparison, the three originally thought it was good, and it was a little hard to swallow.

The Yuxi family ate delicious food. They ate outdoors, the environment was good, they enjoyed the beautiful scenery, and ate simple meals. As for the photography in the front row, they were ignored.

The children of the other three families didn't want to eat noodles, but the adults stopped them, and they really didn't have the face to eat rice on the first day.

Don't look at it as a variety show, and there is no requirement to live in harmony. People who are not familiar with it have not given a script. The Yuxi family will naturally go their own way.

The director also discovered that there are things to watch, but there is no interaction. Where can there be more things to watch.

When Yuxi's family finished clearing the table, washed the dishes, and planned to go around to see the dishes, and then go to the creek to see if there were any shrimps, the director got involved.

Gathered all the families, played games, five families, adults and adults competition, children and children competition, won the prizes in front of them, there are two kilograms of dried noodles, and one kilogram of peanut oil, the children's prize is peanut oil , the adults are just hanging noodles.

Yuxi looked at the noodles, her eyes lit up, and breakfast came out tomorrow.

Yuxi believed that he was capable of both literature and martial arts, and the prizes must be guaranteed. As a result, in the adult group competition, Yuxi kept his face sullen and confused.

What's wrong with the game, you have to play the song guessing game. For those who are tone deaf, Yuxi is resistant to all songs. He can't remember the lyrics, let alone the song name, when listening to a song. Familiar.

Of the ten questions, Yuxi didn't guess a single one of them. He kept his face blank throughout the whole process, as if he was outside the game.

The final reward is naturally Ye Ying's strength. When he got the dried noodles, Yuxi was very rare, and the He family had a disheveled look. For people who were used to eating mountain delicacies, the dried noodles were too unpalatable.

The following is the children's group. Yuxi's hunch is right. It is still a song, and it is a children's song. The children in the family all follow Yuxi. Every five-tone is perfect, and the genes are very powerful.

Hing Hing's five tones are quite good, but the four boys in the family, the twins in the family are kings, the twins don't listen, and neither will the other two.

Well this time, the three children looked confused, as if to say, where am I, who am I, and what am I listening to?

Originally, Yuxi provided a joy to the program team. The expressions of the three children were more interesting and vivid, and the scene was full of laughter.

Yuxi rarely blushed, her tone was incomplete, her pot.

After the competition was over~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Hu's family was rewarded, the director continued to work on things, and personally interviewed the three twins, "You don't know a single children's song?"

The twins nodded, "I don't know."

The director didn't believe it, "Never heard one?"

Shuosuo blinked, "We're not consonant, why should we listen? It's not good to sing anyway."

Rongrong is relatively straightforward, "We follow mother."

He looks so proud and proud!

Yuxi's face became even more expressionless, maintaining a high-cold look. In fact, her heart collapsed. She never thought that she would become a black hole in the game. For her like a scholar, she couldn't hold her face.

The scene was full of joy again. The two boys were already lively, but they were stunned, as if they were answering questions.

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