90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 820: Empty Gloves White Wolf

Afterwards, Yuxi also neatly decided to invest in the promising script. After the news of the investment, everyone believed it. It was indeed adjusted.

When all the dust settled, it was already April, and Xu Huichong came.

Yuxi went to the tea in person, "What a rare visitor."

Xu Huichong answered the question in his heart, "You really don't plan to cultivate stars?"

"The current training method, I can't do it. I used to open a company just for filming. Now it's no different from before."

Xu Hui was silent, indeed, now relying on hype, black material, touching porcelain, for Lu Yuxi, these are all impossible to do, no wonder he is not interested, took a sip of tea, "I admire you, you can still keep your heart. ."

Yuxi, "Didn't you come here to sigh with emotion, do you have something to do with me?"

No matter what happens, Xu Huichong never goes to the Three Treasures Hall.

Xu Huichong put down his teacup, "This is not a TV station in J Province. A blind date variety show was launched a few years ago. It was very popular. I opened a subsidiary and decided to produce a variety show at the beginning of the year. This is a written plan. The company plans to do a reality show."

Yuxi really didn't know that Xu Huichong would develop into the production of variety shows, "Reality show? Is it also a blind date?"

Xu Huichong smiled, "No, this time it's an outdoor reality show. It's about RV travel. It's a planning copy, take a look."

Yuxi got a lot of interest, and motioned Xu Huichong to drink tea first, and then turned to look at it. The idea is that each family has a RV, the same material, the same money, and drive the RV on the prescribed route. Travel, the team followed the whole process, a total of six locations, each location two phases. "

Yuxi looked at it quickly. The original plan was five, and the five star families were looking for. Yuxi thought it was very interesting. There is currently no variety show in China. "This idea is good, you came to me to invest?"

Xu Hui was happy, "So, there are things you don't know. I have no shortage of investment. I have recruited title providers and advertisers. Of course, if you say you plan to invest, I am also happy."

Yuxi didn't understand, "Since you're not short of money, why are you showing me this?"

Xu Huichong turned serious, "Because I plan to invite Nian Gengxin, their family is quite well-known. On Weibo, Nian Gengxin's fans have doubled in just a few months, and he is very appealing."

Yuxi understood, "So, are you planning to find Geng Xin as the lead in the first phase?"

Xu Huichong curled the corners of his mouth, "No, he's really good, but I think in the first issue, please come and pick the lead."

Yuxi suspected that his ears had misheard, "You don't invite first-line stars to take the lead, you invite me? I've been quiet in the past two years, but I don't have any appeal."

At the beginning of the year, she helped Nian Gengxin to clarify. Although she also gained some fans, she was incomparable with the stars. It was only tens of thousands, and she continued to lose fans because she did not update.

Xu Huichong's eyes were shining brightly, "According to my vision, your family is going to explode. Don't underestimate the mystery of your family. Many people are concerned about it."

Yuxi twitched the corners of his mouth, "You're going to be disappointed, let's not talk about me, just talk about my husband, he is busy like a trapeze. How can a group have time to shoot?"

Xu Huichong had thought about it for a long time, "You can do it yourself, and it will be beneficial. I have included the tourism areas developed by Dongfang Group in the route. If it is really popular, the impact on the tourism areas will be far-reaching."

Yuxi narrowed his eyes, "It seems that you came prepared today."

Xu Huichong curled his lips, "When dealing with the two of you, I must do my homework well. This is a win-win situation, and Nian Junmin is not required to show up. However, your family will have two children, and it happens to be twins."

Yuxi didn't answer. Instead, he had his own calculations. Xu Huichong's win-win situation is indeed very attractive. Even though the two scenic spots are good, there are also off-season differences. During the off-season, a lot of investment is required. She calculates clearly that there will be no shortage of tourists all year round, and there will be a situation of full capacity. If it operates well, the benefits to the scenic spot will be far-reaching indeed.

Especially the idea of ​​RV travel, Yuxi really likes it, "Which satellite TV do you plan to cooperate with?"

Xu Huichong, "If the first-line satellite TV is going to be a big one, it will naturally be bigger."

He didn't have the golden finger of Lu Yuxi's investment in movies, so he worked hard from other places. To put it bluntly, Yuehui is an old-fashioned company, and he also wanted to be able to do it besides celebrities.

Yuxi thought for a while, "You signed a contract with satellite TV, and you can use the ratings as a guarantee!"

Xu Huichong said, "Well, the money from the investment promotion will be sent, and they will make productions based on the money they have sent, look at the ratings of the previous episodes, and then slowly make money."

Yuxi looked at Xu Huichong, this is what he said, the conditions should be more stringent, the first-line satellite TV is not so good for cooperation, and if the ratings are not good, the whole show will be stopped later, "You never thought about and Satellite TV directly cooperates, you only make plans?"

Xu Huichong, "What do you think?"

Yuxi looked at Xu Huichong. This guy has big ambitions. He wants to hold the entire show by himself. However, Yuxi is even more happy that Xu Huichong is holding it. Hard to take advantage of.

Yuxi figured it out, "Tomorrow is Saturday, let's have a meal together?"

Xu Huichong knew that he would not give the result directly today, "Okay."

Yuxi said: "Okay, I'll treat you, Miaoshanju, tomorrow at noon."

Xu Huichong, "Okay."

Yuxi waited for Xu Hui to rush away, and called Huang Liang to talk about the reality show.

Huang Liang's eyes widened, "This guy is really bold. Instead of introducing copyright, he wants to be creative. He has no foundation at all. If the ratings are not good, it will be a big pit!"

Yuxi, "He must have learned from experience. Xu Huichong never does anything unprepared~www.wuxiamtl.com~ He said as soon as he came, everything is ready, and he is sure of variety shows."

"Boss, do you really want to participate?"

Yuxi, "Nian Geng's heart is certain, you should inform him first, don't let his agent arrange things for him, and wait for the news. As for me, I have to meet and talk."

Huang Liang, "Okay."

On Saturday, Yuxi and his wife arrived first, Xu Huichong and Zhao An came second, the four of them ordered food first, ate a few bites, and then chatted about things.

Nian Junmin put down the wine glass and looked directly at Xu Huichong, "I heard Xiaoxi say that it is indeed a win-win situation, but what do you want to pay?"

Xu Huichong kept smiling and said in surprise, "Isn't it enough to advertise the scenic spot for free? I know, it costs a lot of money to hire someone to advertise."

Yuxi squinted her eyes, and she knew that this bastard, speaking very nicely, was actually a white wolf with empty gloves!

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