90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 816: contrast

Nian Geng said in his heart, "Although I don't want to admit it, looks are very important. Zhao Xue is really disfigured, which is a devastating blow to her career. Now the entertainment industry is becoming more and more concerned about her appearance."

Yuxi looked at the photo, very worried, changed clothes and saw Lin Qing, "Why are you standing outside?"

Lin Qing blinked, "Sister Yuxi, can I follow?"

"Are you going too?"

"Well, I want to go and have a look. I saw the photo just now and it looks like I have been poisoned, so I want to check it out."

Yuxi looked at Lin Qing's curious eyes, "Okay."

When they arrived at the hospital, there were reporters from the media outside, and there were bodyguards outside the ward. Zhao Xue's agent saw Yuxi and hurried in.

Yuxi looked at the sleepy Zhao Xue, her face was terribly swollen, more serious than in the photo, and not only her face, but her whole body was swollen, "What did the doctor say?"

The manager's scalp was numb all the time, "The doctor took a blood test and found that there was toxin in the body, but nothing could be diagnosed, so we can only treat it conservatively first."

Yuxi, "Where's the company? Has anyone been here?"

The agent sighed, "I came here before, but I left soon."

Especially after hearing from doctors that they can't guarantee recovery.

The manager is worried. In the past two years, he has not brought singers, only Zhao Xue. Not only is Zhao Xue good luck, but also smart enough to understand and keep learning. He sees the deeper value of Zhao Xue, as long as Zhao Xue's heart changes , must be able to reach the top.

But if this kind of thing happens, if the quality is not good, Zhao Xue will be finished.

Seeing that Lin Qing was already in front of the hospital bed, Yuxi continued to ask the agent, "Have you called the police? Also, what happened to Zhao Xue?"

The last question is what Yuxi is most concerned about. Zhao Xue works hard. She sees it in her eyes. She also tells Zhao Xue what she knows.

The agent was also a little confused, "The police are investigating, but they haven't found out yet."

Lin Qing suddenly interjected, "Foundation, it must be foundation."

The agent was stunned, Yuxi explained: "This is our family's personal doctor, she said that the source of Zhao Xue's poisoning should be foundation."

The agent was stunned and couldn't believe it. The girl was too young. Yuxi continued, "Her ancestors have been imperial physicians for generations."

The agent's eyes lit up, and he was able to discover the way of poisoning. Zhao Xue could not be saved. "Well, can you ask her for diagnosis and treatment?"

Is he more like an elder who can invite girls? However, there is self-knowledge, this kind of holy hand, not everyone can ask.

Lin Qing agreed happily, "Yes, but the price is not cheap."

Yuxi, "......"

She already knew why Lin Qing didn't go to work in the hospital with such a high level of medical skills, just because the salary was too low, not enough for her to buy medicinal materials, so she would rather be a private doctor, with more money and less work, to have money to buy medicinal materials, and to have free time .

As for why the Lin family's money is not used, the Lin family is really not short of money, because of Zu Xun, he is a teacher, and he makes his own money!

The agent was stunned for a moment, "How confident are you that you will be cured?"

Lin Qing was very confident, "The poisoning time is short, and I am very sure."

The agent was happy, "One hundred thousand, one hundred thousand."

Lin Qing frowned, "Too little."

The agent glared, less than 100,000, "How much did you say?"

Lin Qing glanced at the patient, "I'm not taking advantage of the fire, I really don't know much about this poison, and even if I do, it's too late when you invite someone. It is precious, one million."

If the agent hadn't believed that Lu Yuxi would not bring liars, he would have driven them out. Even if the value of money was depreciating, 1.5 million was a lot of money.

Don't look at the album endorsement, Zhao Xue made a lot of money, but most of the money bought houses and cars, especially bags and clothes. Zhao Xue is very obsessed with bags, and there is really not much cash.

The agent looked at Zhao Xue who was in a coma and gritted his teeth, "Okay."

Lin Qing couldn't be too happy. After earning money, she could buy medicinal herbs.

Seeing Lin Qing go out, Yuxi said to the agent, "Lin Qing's affairs are kept secret, and you should tell the police about the foundation as soon as possible."

Agent, "Okay."

When he got home, Lin Qing got into his house, and Yuxi told Zhao Xue's situation.

Nian Geng sighed deeply, "This is trying to destroy Zhao Xue. It must be done by someone from the company. Zhao Xue's concert was a success. She is the first sister of the company. She has absolute resources. She is too blocking the way."

Yuxi also thought the same, "It's not a few years ago, surveillance is scarce, I believe it will be clear soon."

In the blink of an eye, a week passed, Lin Qing stopped going to the hospital, and a week later, Zhao Xue's poison was cleared away, the man returned to his original appearance, and the police solved the case.

It was Zhao Xue who came to thank Yuxi and told Yuxi, Zhao Xue felt uncomfortable, "I really didn't expect it to be her, I saw the same experience, and I have been helping her for the past two years, just because we are the same type, she Think I've been her way."

Zhao Xue was really hit. She had a good chance, so she had always been kind to people, but she had made herself miserable. If there was no Lin Qing, Zhao Xue would really be finished.

Yuxi, "Don't believe it in the future, people are separated from each other."

Zhao Xuechang has taught her a lesson, once is enough, her only kindness is gone, in this circle, everyone is an enemy, "Don't talk about bad things, thank you cousin, fortunately to see me at the first time, Lin Qing said, If it is a day later, even if I recover, there will be scars on my face."

For a beautiful singer, face is too important.

Yuxi looked at the bag that Zhao Xue sent, why did this girl send the bag every time, and finally received it.

Zhao Xue didn't recover, and he was bleeding a lot. He wanted to wait for Lin Qing, but his body couldn't bear it, so he left another Bao Yuxi to hand over, and went back to the hospital first.

Lin Qing came back at night, carrying two bags in his hands, the bags were quite heavy, and Lin Qing was also in a state of embarrassment. It was cold and his face was flushed.

Yuzhi rarely came back and was speechless to Lin Qing, "Don't tell me, you came back."

Lin Qing's face turned red again, "Which, I have no money in my pocket."

Yuzhi stared, "I heard from my sister, you just transferred a large amount of medical fees, where's the money?"

Lin Qing pointed to the bag, "It's all here."

Yuzhi ~ www.wuxiamtl.com ~ Yuxi, "........"

Lin Qing has always been very cold, and now he looks embarrassed, and it is quite cute to hear the contrast.

Yuxi burst out laughing, this girl is too interesting.

Yuzhi was speechless. In the promise to her friend Lin Tan, she took a deep breath, "At least save the taxi money next time."

Lin Qing raised his head and nodded heavily, "Remember."

Yuzhi, "......"

Why does he feel that there is a strange sense of accomplishment in his heart? In his heart, Lin Qing had always been extremely cold, and suddenly he was so obedient, he couldn't help but glance at it a few more times, and then he couldn't help but look again.

Yuxi, "......"

When she doesn't exist!

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