90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 812: door to door

The online comments are crazy, "I want to be an orphan."


"This is an orphanage, it's a talent training base."

"I didn't see anything else, just how much it cost."

Good reviews, Yuxi is naturally happy, but also unhappy. The orphanage has good facilities. In the past two months, it has been cold and snowing, and more children have been abandoned at the door.

There are very few babies, and it is not necessary to be helpless. There are really few children who abandon their newborns.

What made Yuxi unhappy was that the children who were abandoned were five or six-year-olds. In just half a month, there were ten children. Things were abnormal. The proportion of boys was quite high, and the abandoned ones also needed to be investigated.

Yuxi laughed angrily at the results of the investigation, "This is to let us raise our children in vain and cultivate them in vain. The parents' calculations are good. They don't spend a penny, and there is good training. They treat the orphanage as a boarding school?"

The police are also speechless. The recently abandoned children all have parents. What is this called?

Yuxi, "Trouble you guys, let them take the child back. Deliberate abandonment is a crime."

Police, "Okay, what we should do."

Yuxi went home and showed the results to everyone. Nian Junwen was also quite speechless, "Everything is cheap, and most of them are only children!"

Yuxi snorted, "There is no moral bottom line, who are these people!"

Nian Junwen, "This matter must be reported, so that people who think the same way don't think about it again."

"I know in my heart that this matter must not be tolerated and must be made public."

A week later, all the children who were sent were brought back, but the children were unwilling to leave, so they were forced to take them away.

Yuxi is an orphanage, not a school, so it must not start.

After the report came out, it really stopped. The current children are actually very precious, and they are really abandoned. There are no more than a few years ago, but Yuxi also accepted ten children by the end of the year.

The end of the year is approaching, and the new year is approaching. Lulu will come back first, and Meng Zihan will go home to pick up her parents first. She will meet her in-laws a year ago, so she can set a date and get married next year.

Lulu has long since changed her mind. After going to work, her temperament has changed. She is an urban white-collar worker who does things neatly and brings gifts to everyone in the family.

Mei Hua finally saw her daughter, all of them from her own family, and Mei Hua did not ask alone, "Every time you call, you say that Meng Zihan's parents are very satisfied with you, don't lie to your mother, are they really satisfied with you? Really? Get along well?"

Plum Blossom has no idea, there are too many dramas for mother-in-law and daughter-in-law recently, especially a rural man married a city-daughter-in-law. There is one on the air recently, and she has no idea, especially her mother-in-law makes all kinds of troubles. To call to ask.

Lulu was also helpless, "Mom, I'm telling the truth, you should watch less TV dramas with mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. The mother-in-law's trouble is really just an example. Who doesn't want his son to live well, and he has to fall apart?"

Yuxi agreed with Lulu's words, "Sister Mei, Lulu is right, it's really only a minority. You have to believe that parents who can cultivate Mencius Han's three-view family must be enlightened and reasonable."

Plum Blossom was relieved at this time. Anyway, I can see it tomorrow. When I see it, I know that it is a ghost or a ghost. The family is all shrewd. Thinking of this, my heart is at ease.

The next day, on the plane at noon, after breakfast, Zhao Di and Liu Ma were ready.

Yuxi and his wife also rested, and the family couldn't help, so they took the children to buy New Year's gifts, and they were back at noon.

Lulu followed the person to pick up at the Capital Airport. It was the first time for Meng Zihan's parents to take a plane. Before, they wanted to see their son, but they were reluctant to take a plane ticket and took the train.

Mom Meng, "The capital is just different, it's really stylish."

Meng's father is a typical rural man who is not good at expressing himself, so he only returned a favor.

Meng Zihan picked up his luggage and took his parents out. He saw Lulu at a glance and waved, "Here."

Lulu bent her eyes and walked quickly to the exit, "Uncle and auntie."

Meng's mother wants to say that she is satisfied with her future daughter-in-law, and she is not satisfied. Dissatisfaction is the highest in her family. She is afraid that her son will get angry. A high-class daughter is rarely married to a high-class wife. The man's waist is not straight, but in the future The daughter-in-law is generous, respects her, and is liked by her son, so she can only think for the better, "Hey, it's so cold, and she came to pick us up on purpose, we can just take a taxi."

Zhou Lu has always been a smart one, and said with a smile, "I should do it."

It's basic etiquette, she understands.

Mother Meng was a little more satisfied, and came to pick them up in person, respecting them and not looking down on them.

After leaving the door, the car was parked outside. Mother Meng glanced at the car. Although she didn't understand, she knew that it was extremely expensive, even better than a taxi.

Zhou Lu gave Meng Zihan the car keys, "I'll talk to Auntie and introduce the capital."

Mencius Han, "Okay."

Meng's mother kept things in her mind all the way. When she got home, her heart was even heavier. This high door was higher than she thought, but her son was very familiar with it.

Meihua personally picked it up at the door. In order to show respect, Meng's mother exhaled, just respect.

Everyone arrived, and although the Meng family was a little out of place, their waists were straight.

The Yuxi couple came back. The two have already learned about the situation, and they are chatting hotly!

Yuxi took off his coat and sat and listened, while Nian Junmin took the children back to the house.

Meng's mother was very happy, and she didn't ask for an excessive dowry. Her son was all prepared. What made her the most happy was to pick up their old couple to live there when they got married. Don't care what she was thinking, she said it out loud, and it sounded comfortable. .

Meng's mother is most afraid of marrying a high-level daughter-in-law. She can't come to the door. Now it has been solved.

Mother Meng felt more at ease, and chatted with less scruples. "When I came, I was worried for a long time. We are ordinary rural people."

Nian Feng smiled, "Whose ancestors were not from the countryside~www.wuxiamtl.com~ We also lived in the countryside."

Mother Meng felt more at ease. Finally, according to her son's words, the Nian family got along very well.

Yuxi smiled. The Meng family is really reasonable, and Meng's mother has a bright personality. It is also beneficial to live together. It can help Zhou Lu block the Zhou family.

However, it seems that, for a while, Mama Meng will not follow.

The in-laws will go smoothly, and as for the dowry, there is no need to say it on the surface.

Nian Feng is also generous, and gave Zhou Lu a company's equity. Although the proportion is not high, he will never worry about money in his life, and there will be marriage problems in the future. The equity is the best, and it cannot be transferred. can stare.

Others are purchased by plum blossoms over the years.

Meng Zihan stayed with his parents for two days before going to S City for Chinese New Year.

The Yuxi family was also preparing for the Chinese New Year. In the early morning of the 29th day of the new year, someone knocked on the door and it was just dawn.

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