90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 787: couple

At the end of the year, the company's annual meeting was over. Everyone who should have a vacation was on vacation. Yuxi and his wife also had a rare rest, and they were finally able to sleep in. [with _ dream]

When Yuxi woke up, it was already ten o'clock in the morning. The children came back to the snowman in the yard. Uncle Liu also made an ice lantern in the yard. It was already powered on, and was only waiting to be lit at night.

Yuxi just sat down when Zhao Di came in with soy milk, "Today, didn't you take the car back to your hometown? Why didn't you leave?"

Zhao Di put down the soy milk, and the corners of her mouth were a little sour, "My mother said that you don't have to go back to see it. If you have money to buy a ticket, it's better to discount the money to them. It's okay, we don't have to go back."

Yuxi clapped Zhao Di's hand, "Since you don't go back, stay here for the New Year. This year, the family is lively, but it's also very tired. I'll give you a raise."

Zhao Di waved, "No, these are what I should do."

Yuxi smiled, and instead of arguing with Zhao Di, she just said, just pay the salary directly.

Zhao Di was sitting by the window, busy with paper-cutting in her hand, but her mind was not on it. She came out to work in the village, and she was considered to be doing well. She saved some money this year and wanted to go back to see her sisters. Look at her parents. When she divorced, her parents' actions hurt her.

I just don't know, how did my parents know, and the phone number is still there. I don't need to think about it. I also know that the second sister gave it. Several sisters, only she has changed.

Yuxi finished drinking the soy milk, "Be careful, you're about to cut it."

Zhao Di hurriedly put down the scissors, this time she didn't dare to be distracted, she lowered her head and cut the red paper seriously.

After lunch, Yuxi and his wife were going to go shopping. They had been busy for a year, and all the dividends had been paid. In the past two years, the couple were beautiful on their faces, but they were very poor behind their backs.

Over the past two years, the money in the deposit can be seen from the attitude of President Zhao, and he has become more and more attentive.

The first is the car. Don't look at too many cars in the family, but they can't compare with the neighbors. Except for the grandfather's, the two cars in the family don't add up to the price of the one next door.

The two went to the auto show for a while, and then they didn't buy one. There were a lot of luxury cars. The couple found that they didn't really like luxury cars, and they didn't know much about them. It was better to leave them to someone to buy.

Then I went to the jewelry store. Yuxi was very keen on jewelry. The appreciation was one aspect. There was also the dowry for the daughter-in-law and the bride-price of the daughter-in-law in the future, which must be saved in advance.

Nian Junmin has bought a lot, and he is also a connoisseur of connoisseurs. The couple understands jewelry, and finally they feel a wealthy person, so they don't have to buy it by calculation.

Nian Junmin was about to pay the bill, but Yuxi hurriedly stopped him, and Nian Junmin was stunned, "What's wrong?"

"Don't look up yet."


Yuxi then blocked her from Nian Junwen, showing her eyes to look at the men and women who came in at the door. Even if the woman was wearing a mask, Yuxi recognized it.

He didn't leave. He was looking at the man beside Xin Xinxin and blinked, as if he had seen it somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while, no, now is not the time to think about it.

Xin Xinxin was holding the man's hand, and at first glance it was a couple relationship. Why didn't Xin Xinxin's agent report it? There is no news from the company at all!

The two came in to take a look. The man bought a necklace for Xin Xinxin and left soon. When the others left, Nian Junmin also recognized it, "Xin Xinxin?"

Yuxi stood up straight, "Yeah, why didn't she say she has a boyfriend?"

Nian Junmin stopped when she saw her daughter-in-law touched the phone, and thought about it for a while.

Yuxi has already asked about the situation, Huang Liang doesn't know, but Xin Xinxin's agent knows a little bit, but not much, and Xiao Xinxin's mature actors and agents rarely follow.

After leaving the jewelry store, Yuxi said, "It's not like the company doesn't want to let you deal with them, since they don't report it."

Nian Junwen, "I don't think they are like partners. The man didn't buy things with any scruples about Xinxin's feelings just now, and he really wanted to deal with it."

Yuxi really didn't find out, she has been thinking about Xiao Xinxin in her heart, and now recalling it, it seems to be true, and thinking back carefully, at the annual meeting, Xin Xin's complexion was not very good, "Forget it, she is an adult, she herself I'll take care of it myself, anyway, I'm resting."

"It's still early, let's go buy some toys and go back to make trouble in the face of a few children."


It was dark when the Yuxi couple came home. The yard was brightly lit, and the ice lanterns of various colors were colorful and colorful, like the colorful ice flowers blooming on the snow in winter. The children were reluctant to enter the house.

Yuxi and Nian Junwen came in with one of them in their arms, and called Miaomiao back, and when they all went back to the house, the couple started to pack their luggage.

Zheng Xuran went back to their hometown this year in the New Year, and the Yuxi couple just waited for Zheng Xuran to return from city G before they went back late, and the Yuqing couple and Yuzhi left early.

Go back to your hometown ahead of schedule, and come back after New Year's Eve. There are more entertainments here in the capital.

Rongrong just got the ice lantern toy and quit, "I don't want to go, I don't want it."

Yuxi looked at his eldest son who was standing on the ground puffing up, and pinched Quanchuan's cheeks. He felt really good, "Grandpa also made ice lanterns."

Rongrong didn't believe it, "Really?"

"Of course it's true, when did mom lie to you?"

Rongrong stretched out his little fat hand and counted one by one, "Mom tricked me into having leftovers to grow pockmarks, but I didn't. Mom tricked me into saying that I wouldn't grow tall if I didn't go to bed early. I'm the tallest."

Yuxi was speechless, "It's hard for you to remember."

Rongrong raised his head, "There are many more. Later, I don't believe it anymore."

Yuxi exhaled, "Mom is wrong, mom won't lie to Rongrong in the future, mom promises."

Rongrong, "Did Grandpa really make ice lanterns?"

Yuxi, "Really."

Nian Junmin looked at his daughter-in-law's serious face from the corner of his eye. It seemed that she was not a daughter-in-law who said that he was not lying. He was looking at the happy letter from the stupid son. Didn't this kid just say that he didn't believe his mother? Children are so deceiving!

Yuxi got Rongrong~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and sent the two boys back to sleep. After checking the time, their parents hadn't slept, so they hurriedly called and told about the ice lantern.

Lu Man laughed, "I'll fix it in one day tomorrow, and I won't let it slip."

Yuxi, "Thank you Dad."

"Thank you, I'm worried that the children have nothing to play when they come back, the ice lamp is good!"

The next morning, Zheng came back hastily, rested for a while, and took the noon flight back to his hometown.

This time, there is no need for Lu Man to pick it up, and Rant's assistant has all been arranged.

The house in the family is newly built, not like the two-story building built by the neighbors, but a simplified version of the courtyard.

In the yard, Lu Man and his two sons made quite a few ice lanterns, most of which were holes cut out of square ice because they could not carve.


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