90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 770: summer

An hour later, the four boys came back, the quiet home was noisy again, Mei Hua and Nian Feng were tired, Mei Hua sat and drank water, "Be nice on the first day, only on the second day, the four got together, The early education classes have been turned upside down, I finally listened to it for a while, I had to go to the play area to play, I had a good time, I couldn’t come out of life and death, it wasn’t a howl, come together, why are there only four boys?”

Nian Feng clutched his chest, "Fortunately, there is no heart disease. Tomorrow, let's forget about early education. I think it's better to study at home. Once released, you won't be able to catch it back."

Yuxi looked at the four boys who were sitting and eating fruit. Whoever had four boys would be happy, but if there were four of them together and they were all average size, it would be really terrible, and they were not at the age where dogs would dislike them. Thinking about it in the future will give you a headache and you will die.

Meihua saw the crib, "Why did you turn the crib out and put it in the living room."

Yuxi came over with the crib and told what happened today.

Mei Hua looked at the little girl, her eyes suddenly turned red, "Sorry, Lulu also had high jaundice when she was a child. Looking at it this way, it seemed like she was back 20 years ago. At that time, she gave birth to a child, and I was the one who served me in confinement. Thinking about it now makes me sad."

Yuxi, "Get more sun and take some medicine. The jaundice will go away quickly. This little guy can eat a lot and sleep when he's full. It's much easier than Miaomiao."

Plum blossoms are rare, no, to be precise, everyone in the family is rare. There are many boys in the family, and girls are really rare. When Miaomiao cry, it is a big thing.

When Nian Junwen came back, Mei Hua had already carried the child back to the house. When eating, Yu Xi said, "You have good information, so help me check it out."

Nian Junmin was a little embarrassed, "unless the family lost the child, it's really difficult to find out."

Yuxi, "I don't know if there are any fingerprints on the basket."

Nian Junmin laughed, "Computers are not widely used, and there is not much stored in the information database. Even if there are fingerprints, the suspect must be found first. There is not even a suspect, how is it right? Besides, a basket has fingerprints on it. It's useless."

When Yuxi heard it, he got it, "Let's press the camera at the door of the house. In case someone comes looking for it, we can find clues, but you have to tell your neighbors and don't make it look like you are guarding the family."

Nian Junmin said, "Okay, I'll do it, and Uncle Liu is getting older, and it takes a lot of effort to learn computers. I sent someone over from the company to focus on monitoring."

"Okay, listen to you."

In the next few days, the whole street of Yuxi's house was on the camera, and the little girl's jaundice also disappeared. In a few days, it will be gone. She ate well, dressed well, and gained a lot of weight. , The little girl's eyebrows are really good-looking, she doesn't need to be modified when she grows up, her nose is high, and when she opens her eyes, her eyes are also big, and her eyelids are phoenix eyes. When she grows up, she will definitely be a bright girl in the future.

Miaomiao likes little girls very much, no, to be precise, Miaomiao has reached the age of playing with the family, ready-made live dolls, she is not happy.

Miaomiao's appearance is different from that of the little girl. Miaomiao grows better and becomes more and more ladylike. Of course, it is only a superficial phenomenon. In fact, there is an element of violence in her bones. With a somewhat high-cold face, a cold and beautiful girl.

Only in front of her family, the little girl is willing to laugh.

A few days have passed, and the police have no clues at all. They even deliberately squatted in front of Yuxi's house for a few days, and did not see any suspicious people.

As time went by, there was no clue at all. After another week, the case was finally closed. It was characterized as a child who was deliberately abandoned after seeing Yuxi's family in good condition.

The police came on purpose for the child, "This child is going to be sent to the orphanage, and I'm here to pick up the child."

Yuxi's family, counting back and forth, has been raising for half a month, the little girl has no jaundice, and she has gained some weight.

My favorites are Plum Blossom and Yao Cheng. These two are at home all day and spend a long time in contact with children. Plum Blossom feels like Zhou Lu's childhood, Yao Cheng is rare without a daughter.

When the two heard that the child was going to be sent to the orphanage, they felt very uncomfortable. Mei Hua said, "The child is not full moon, and no one can take care of him when he arrives at the orphanage."

The police are also embarrassed. The situation in the orphanage is indeed not good. In the past few years, the mind has been opened up a lot. There have been many premarital sex, and sequelae have come. There are many abandoned children. I specialize in taking care of children. Such older children are generally taken care of by older children.

Yao Cheng hugged the child, touched it, and gritted his teeth, "You all have daughters, but I don't have one. I originally thought that I would ask for another when Wang Bing is older, but I didn't think that the stinky boy would make a lot of trouble. Geng Xinyi I don’t want to be beaten to death, I thought, anyway, it’s better to send it to an orphanage, it’s better for me and Geng Xin to adopt, a child can afford it.”

The police are happy to see it. The child stays here, and she comes here often. The family is really good to the child, and the family is rich and good to the child. "This is also a fate."

Although it is a bit against the heart, there is indeed some fate, who made your family condition good.

Yuxi didn't interrupt, this little guy, she has absolutely no right to speak, she was busy, and she didn't take care of it at all. Seeing Yao Cheng looking at her, "The two of you discuss it, you can call Geng Xin and ask."

In the end, it is a matter of the couple, and cannot make a decision alone.

Yao Cheng handed the child to Meihua, took out his mobile phone and called Nian Gengxin. Nian Gengxin has been filming a TV series in s city for more than a month. It is estimated that it is really fate. I didn't think about it, and it was all right, "Geng Xin, the little girl I told you has become an abandoned baby. Now she is going to be sent to an orphanage. I want to adopt her, oh, good, good."

Yao Cheng hung up the phone happily, very happy, "Geng Xin agreed, he said listen to me, I also have a daughter~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Yuxi saw Yao Cheng still smiling, "Stop laughing. , ask what documents need to be prepared so that you can go through the formalities. "

Yao Cheng, "Yes, yes, we have to go through the formalities, we have to go through the formalities."

The police are also happy, and they have their whereabouts. "Take the household registration book first and go through the formal procedures."

Nian Feng said suddenly, "I have no idea about the child's name and the name."

Yuxi, "Dad, you want one."

Nian Feng glanced at the child, "Wang Xiaxia."

This child came in the summer, and it is not bad to read it twice.

After the child's name was ordered, Yao Cheng took the child and left with the police. The formalities went smoothly. He came back two hours later with an extra page in the household registration book, Nian Gengxin's eldest daughter.

Yuxi thought about the children in the family. Come on, only Miaomiao is Nian. If she didn't know, she thought that it seemed like there was only one child in the whole Nian family. It was interesting to think about it.

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