90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 756: live streaming

?Yuxi underestimated people's curiosity. On the first day of the box office, she thought that Dingtian had three or four million yuan, but she didn't think so. It was as high as ten million yuan at the box office. Please, if there are enough films, the box office will definitely break the record.

Wen Rong couldn't close his mouth when he smiled. Don't care what kind of movie he made, at least the box office he made was good. If you add up, he can compete with big domestic directors. This is his qualifications!

Huang Liang cared more about money. At that time, the boss said that their company participated in the filming, not only for the filming money, but also for the box office share. Although it was only 20%, it was pure profit. The whole film, they I haven't paid a penny, and the abacus in my heart has been ringing, oh, the New Year is red!

Jin Ling held the newspaper, "Boss, Mr. Zheng said that all the box office profits will be invested in the charity school, and 20% will be distributed to our company. Is it inappropriate for us to accept it?"

Yuxi understood Jin Ling's concerns, most of the box office was donated, only their company received the money, and the media would target them, "We also donated the money to the orphanage in the name of the company, as an education fund, for the orphans to study. "

Huang Liang pursed his lips and stopped talking. Come on, the money in his hand is gone, he calculated it in vain, and thought for a while, "Aren't we going to build a charity primary school?"

Yuxi didn't intervene by himself before, and didn't know about charity primary schools, but when he really got involved, he knew the problems inside, "I really think about the students, not just building the primary school, but a lot of it has to be invested. With the current financial resources of our company, we can't raise it. Money can’t do it, once you start, don’t stop, just do what you can, we just donate the money to the children.”

Yuxi didn't say that many of them needed professionals, and their company really couldn't set up a charitable project on its own.

Huang Liang shut up and stopped talking. He is a layman in charity, and the boss's family is professional. Then he thought of some charity receptions, and felt that compared with the boss's family who donated generously, it was extremely empty.

The box office on the first day is not a secret, because Zheng hastily said that he wants to donate money. All the box office is transparent. Although it is transparent, it can be announced, and the industry is also surprised. How can an autobiography have such a high box office?

Yuxi also distributed news through Lianbo's newspaper, and the box office revenue from their company will also be donated to the orphanage, and the specific bills will be presented at that time, and all the money will be open and transparent.

The media reports over and over again, in fact, is a kind of supervision for the institutions that accept donations. Although it is not a national supervision, it can be exposed to the media, and no one dares to move the money.

With the screening of the autobiography, there were some good comments on the Internet on the first day, but in the following days, the controversy became bigger.

Some people say, "This is naked show-off of wealth and bad thinking of children."

Someone refuted, "People do have money, and they develop step by step. They all rely on hard work. I don't think it's bad to teach children. Instead, I tell them that if you want to be rich, you have to study hard."

Some said, "With so much money, I would like to be a philanthropist by donating a few broken schools."

Then someone refuted, "You didn't read the news statistics, how many broken schools? There are obviously dozens of them. They not only build schools, but also help hire teachers. They all pay for it."

Another person continued: "Also, donating all the antiques that can be hidden in the house in one breath, this is not a philanthropist, you count, seeing your forum level is so high, there must be a computer at home, your home Rich, why didn't I see that you donated a penny? Waiting for you to donate and show it off."

Yuxi goes to work every day and reads the comments on the forums. Computers are no longer affordable anymore. With the increase in wages, most people have computers, and various forums are emerging one after another. People who go online are no longer purely sharing comments. .

When the computer first appeared, netizens were like pen pals, who could leave and exchange real home address information, and most of them discussed social facts, academic exchanges, and could meet privately to become confidants.

Now, online liars, online dating, and all kinds of extreme people are emerging in an endless stream. The first netizens rarely appear, and the age of netizens is also inclined to students.

With the development, the life gap between people in the society is getting wider and wider. The first group of courageous people, as long as they are courageous and willing to work, they will all live well, and the gap between the rich and the poor is getting wider and wider. There are more and more balances, and the Internet has become a good cover. For a few yuan of Internet access fees, you can hide your identity and comment on the Internet.

Yuxi looked through the various comments, and felt that his heart was really strong, and there was no turbulence. The comments were okay, and they were not completely crooked. At least many people affirmed Zheng Xuran's contribution to charity.

Especially after knowing the situation of Yuxi Charity School, Zheng Suiran also changed his idea of ​​only building a school. For half a year, he hired a lot of teachers to teach in villages and towns for the previously established charity school, and he paid all the expenses. Not only that, knowing that the children are not good at foreign languages ​​and have never practiced their accents, they specially hired foreign teachers from abroad to teach accents.

Don't think that foreigners will not come. Although the average income is high, there are not many really rich people. Most of the college students who graduate have huge student loans, and the jobs they start can't be repaid at all. Zheng Xuran's salary is high. The salary is good, and many people apply for the job, but unfortunately each school only admits two, and the number of places is limited.

Yuxi glanced at the time, and Zheng Xuran accepted an exclusive interview with Capital TV. This time, it was an interview at home. In the home that Zheng hastily renovated and had never lived in, this point should begin.

Yuxi turned on the computer and curled the corners of his mouth. This interview will slap a lot of people with extreme comments.

This exclusive interview was broadcast live~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Yuxi looked at the number of people online, and unknowingly, Zheng Suiran's popularity was high, and he was brushing the comments as soon as he started.

Yuxi watched the video and twitched the corners of her mouth. She was very emotional. She is someone who has witnessed the development of the Internet. She has had a computer since she first had it. Now, the Internet is really amazing.

Yuxi looked at the shooting scene, she didn't feel anything every time she went, but when a professional took it, the whole house instantly became taller, and the host's introduction sound was heard from time to time.

The comments below are also interesting, some people are crying, how stupid their parents are, in order to buy a building, they sold their courtyard house. Although it is not very big, it has been more than ten years. Become an invisible rich second generation, and now can only live on rent every month.

The following people complained. Now the buildings are also very valuable, okay? The buildings in the past were in good locations. Don't come to show off your wealth.

Yuxi was very happy to see the comments, until the interview officially started, and the comments below finally stopped being refreshed.

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