90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 753: Information is valuable

? Yuxi hung up the phone and quickly went online. There were various posts on the Internet, various appraisers, what I have seen at the auto show, what antique watches, money can't buy, and there are appraisal prices.

Yuxi, "......"

When did you become an appraiser!

After browsing, Yuxi exhaled, it's okay, it's okay, only Yuzhi was picked up, and also, only Yuzhi was always carried!

On Friday, Yuxi went to Capital University at noon, very low-key. In order to avoid recognition, she also borrowed Wang Fulu's car, wearing big sunglasses, and made a phone call. Yuzhi came out quickly, "Sister, let's go."

Yuxi, "...Scared me, I don't know, I thought you were a superstar!"

Yuzhi rolled his eyes, "I'm not a superstar, but I'm about to become a star, you don't know everyone's gossip, I wish I could ask a few questions about the things I've used, and I was popular enough before, this time Well, it is more popular, the breakfast received in the morning is enough for our dormitory for a month."

Yuxi, "..."

The siblings left the school, and Yuxi suddenly couldn't help laughing, "I haven't seen you change your face for many years."

Yuzhi touched his face and fell silent. He had followed his grandfather since he was a child and was used to wearing a mask, "Sister, what are you looking for from me?"

Yuxi, "Your brother-in-law asks you to do the research. Because I'm not too anxious, I just waited for two days. We found you by ourselves and give you a preferential price."

Yuzhi Information Co., Ltd. has collected a lot of information. Every time it receives an order, it not only makes money, but also fills its own information database.

"One yard is one yard, and it's not easy for your company, and it costs a lot of manpower and material resources."

Yuzhi couldn't help but touched his pocket, even if he started a company, he was considered a successful person, but he was only on the surface, the information company invested a lot, and the current state did not make much money, and he said it with tears. Anyway, the early stage is quite pitiful. Not to mention the accumulation of information, it must be updated at any time. It must be accurate to the first-hand information, and it must be available in various industries.

Yuzhi's heart hurts just thinking about it. It's all about money. Fortunately, now more and more people pay attention to information. He has also made a name for himself after taking some orders. Otherwise, he really won't be able to carry the loan, so he secretly took a look at his sister. , Sister and husband are rich, "Then I will not delay."

Yuxi really didn't know that she was rich in her brother's eyes. To tell the truth, she was also quite poor. She invested all the money she earned, and there was not a cent left, and Nian Junmin spent almost all of it!

The economic status of these two sisters, if they say it, no one will believe it, and it's a funny thing. They can't borrow money casually. Once they borrow money, they might think that there is something wrong with the company!

Yuzhi arrived home and was taken away by Zheng hastily. Yuzhi only stayed for one night and left the next day.

When I saw Yuzhi, it was already four days later. This kid had accurate data in his hand. Not only did he travel to the first-tier cities, but also the second- and third-tier ones. He also investigated different incomes and different age groups.

Zheng hurriedly flipped through the information, "This thing is valuable."

Yuzhi's smile deepened, which was an affirmation of his company.

Zheng hurriedly patted his little grandson, "Work hard, strive to become the largest information company, master the information of various industries, you will be amazing."

The water in Yuxi's mouth almost didn't spray out, and the information of all industries was returned, and the goal was big enough.

Yuzhi twitched the corners of his mouth, "I work hard."

Nian Junwen was not affected, just flipped through the information, and after reading it, he waited for his father to read it and said, "It is feasible to invest in tourism projects."

Nianfeng has nothing to say, Yuzhi will not falsify the data, the specific data is there, it intuitively illustrates the prospects, and the development of a region, this is a long-term benefit, "Write a specific plan, and discuss it with high-level officials. "

Nian Junwen understood, this is basically agreed, at least in the next five years, the strategy will not change, "Okay."

Time flies, and December is coming to an end. In the winter of this year's capital, there was only a light snow, but the wind never broke, blowing people's faces like blades.

Yuxi went to receive the award again. This year's award has been won. Unfortunately, Yuxi is too low-key, and it is difficult to catch the interview.

Lei Yin was a rare guest, and was speechless to Yuxi, who was reading at home, "I didn't tell you, you were too careful."

"I can't be careful. Seeing that the forum has never stopped, various posts are emerging one after another. I have to protect myself. I really picked it up. It's me who is bothered."

What she saw from Yuzhi was lingering in her heart. Don't underestimate people's thirst for knowledge.

Lei Yin, "But we know everything in the circle, it's useless for you to hide."

Yuxi, "I know, but I won't talk too much. Well, let's not talk about it, so are you. Why didn't you bring the child?"

Lei Yin was very helpless, "I wanted to bring it here, but his grandmother wouldn't let him. Didn't he have the flu during this time? I'm afraid of it, and now I don't even go to kindergarten."

Yuxi looked at his son wrapped tightly in the yard and went crazy, "I think your child is too squeamish. Really, there is no door to the door."

Lei Yin said faintly: "You have a mother-in-law as if you don't have a mother-in-law, you are in charge, unlike ours, the mother-in-law can say anything else, and doesn't care about the two of us, once the child is involved, my mother-in-law will immediately change from a mother to a stepmother. Once Li Yan couldn't hold back, he slapped him twice in anger, good guy, you didn't see it, my mother-in-law did it, she really hit her with a dead hand, it hurts when I look at it."

Yuxi really didn't know, "Your mother-in-law and cousin's mother-in-law have a fight."

Lei Yin, "I was thinking about having another one, but looking at my mother-in-law's posture, I didn't dare to give birth. If I really want to have another one, the two of us don't want to go home."

Yuxi, "...you should talk to the old lady, you can't be so used to it."

Lei Yin spread out his hand, "Tan is also going to Li Yan, it's better to be more squeamish, we can bear it, if it's really outrageous, Li Yan will stretch out his hand, anyway, I won't go up and be scolded."

Yuxi thought of Lei Xiao~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and was still very fond of her, "Lei Xiao gave birth to a daughter, she won't tell me the truth if I go, her mother-in-law has no opinion!"

Lei Yin, "No opinion is fake, Li Xiao single-handedly, but I hold back any opinions, who made Lei Xiao have a family, saying, Lei Xiao is young but it's not impossible to have children, and Li Xiao is so talented, it's not a big deal ."

Yuxi was relieved, "That's good."

Leiyin talked about the cheongsam shop again, "This time it has completely opened its reputation, and the people who come to order cheongsam will be in the next year. I am thinking about asking two designers to make some dress-style cheongsam, and many people order it for the sake of at the banquet."

"The store is handed over to you, you can make up your own mind, don't ask me."

Lei Yin, "I'm just a little embarrassed. I grabbed your idea."

"Don't say that, I want you to rush to work! Then again, you're not here for the cheongsam shop, nor for chatting, right? After all this talk, what are you coming to me for?"

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