90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 743: good idea

? "The leaders of Kaiyuan Village have been looking for me. I hope that the seeds of melons will be popularized. I know that the seeds of melons are paid for by me, and they want to give me preferential policies. I don't need any preferential treatment. I'm waiting for you. I think Discuss with you, tell me, how about I set up a cooperative, specializing in growing melons, the soil here is especially suitable for this variety, and people from other provinces come to buy it, but unfortunately there is no stock."

Yuxi said: "Only one variety is too single, the market is not good for one year, and the risk is too great."

"I have thought about it. In the past two years, I will start with melons and fruits. I am more optimistic about greenhouses, but the initial investment is too large. I will start with the seeds first, and I will plan for the rest."

Yuxi was relieved, as long as the little aunt had a plan, as long as she was not impulsive, the cooperative was feasible.

Aunt Lu joked again, "Even if the market is not good, I'm not afraid. There are so many people in your company. I don't have to worry about selling a box of benefits for each person."

Yuxi didn't take it as a joke, and twitched the corners of her mouth, "Auntie's good idea."

Aunt Lu smiled, "I heard Lingling say that your factory gives out fruit benefits every season. It's cheaper for others, so it's better to be cheaper for me. I'll take care of the transportation."

Yuxi ignored the little aunt. This person started the cooperative, and this was the idea. This was to use her as a backing. No, not only her, but also her parents. Maybe, Nian Junwen is also included. .

Yuxi made a rough calculation, good guy, the employees of the factories of the surrounding companies, plus the operation and sales, there are a lot of people, and they are investing in and film and television companies. Come on, just the three companies are big buyers.

Not to mention Nian Junmin's, it's also a company with a lot of staff, and if there is a feed factory from my mother, my little aunt basically has no worries about sales.

It's true that the business starts from one's own home.

Aunt Lu was delighted. Even though her niece didn't say a word, she knew she had agreed. She was full of ambition and wished that the cooperative would be established tomorrow.

Yuxi and his wife turned around, and then went to see the watermelon fields. There were more watermelon fields than watermelon fields. After picking two, the couple went back.

On the way back, Nian Junwen suddenly said, "I think this place can be invested."

Yuxi turned his head, "Oriental Investment Project?"

Nian Junmin squinted his eyes, "Yes, I've been staring at the first-tier cities for all these years, and the good places have long been divided up. I don't want to move to the second and third tiers. I don't like to seek development based on quantity. It seems that there are many assets in the early stage. In the same way, it is all debt in the later stage, it is better to choose a promising project to invest in.”

Yuxi, "Have you talked to Dad?"

"Let's talk about it later. I am really optimistic about this place. From all aspects, the future development of this place will not be wrong."

Yuxi said his thoughts, "You have also heard from the third grandpa that some people invest in the construction of ancient houses. This is a sight. There is tourism value here. You can start from this aspect. I think that as people's income increases, , tourism is a piece of fat, and there will be no mistakes in this aspect in the future."

Nian Junwen listened to it and said with a smile, "Wait when I go back and study the map of the town."

When I went back, the two fat boys were looking for their mother, and they could crawl. When they saw their mother crawling quickly, they didn't let go of their clothes.

Grandpa Lu was exhausted, "None of these two boys stopped."

Nian Junmin, "It's hard work, grandpa."

Grandpa Lu wiped his sweat, and he was worried, he didn't plan to watch it.

After dinner in the evening, the people who worked in the Lu family got off work, and they all came after dinner. There were so many people that they couldn't talk to Yuxi and the couple, and they left in a hurry.

Zhao Xue's mother stayed, "Xiaoxi, Zhao Xue has entered the top ten."

Yuxi really didn't know, she hadn't been paying attention, "Congratulations."

Zhao Xuema was a little embarrassed to speak. The two of them were working, and they saved more than 4,000 yuan a month, which was more than the previous year. It was all given by Yuxi. The family often talked about gratitude. No, thinking of the girl's words, it's a little hard to say.

Yuxi saw it in his eyes, "If there's anything wrong, just say it directly. I can help you. If you can't help me, there's nothing I can do."

Zhao Xue's mother blushed, "Xiao Xue said that the top ten companies have all found them. She wants to ask, did your company sign people?"

Yuxi replied directly, "My company only has actors, not singers."

Zhao Xuema blushed even more and lowered her head, "How can I help you to check, which is better between Xingkong and Lecai?"

Yuxi didn't refuse, in one sentence, "Yes."

Zhao Xuema hurriedly got up to thank her, didn't dare to wait for a moment, and left quickly.

Nian Junmin, "A lot has changed. When I listen to you, I still don't know how to advance or retreat!"

"Being poor in the past, there is no way to be forced, but now there is money to be made, and people look up at them when they go out. Who wants to be shameless and looked down upon by others, of course, there are also unrepentant people, but only a few."

Nian Junmin looked at the time, "It's getting late, rest early, get up early tomorrow to cut the ribbon!"

Yuxi was really tired, "En."

The next day, Yuxi got up early, and changed into a suit after having breakfast. She was going to see the town leaders in the town, and then went to school together. Today, there are local media, and people from Yuxi prepared for work.

Today, not only the town leaders came, but also people from the county, just waiting for the auspicious time to cut the ribbon and open the door.

Everything went smoothly and there were no mistakes. Yuxi and the leaders met the invited teachers together. These teachers were all hired by Yuxi with high salaries. They were all capable. Extracurricular classrooms, in comparison, are no different from schools in the city.

At noon, the meals we eat together in the school canteen are free, but the students who enter the school are responsible for working in the vegetable gardens and fields, so as not to be unaware of the difficulty of food and waste food.

When it was originally designed, the place was large, and it was specially reserved. There were not many fields, and each student would not be able to do much work~www.wuxiamtl.com~ It also has educational significance.

After a lap, Yuxi didn't go back until in the afternoon. When he came back, he took off his high heels and his feet hurt. "My feet never stopped, I made a mistake."

Nian Junwen pinched her daughter-in-law's foot, which was a little swollen, "Have you been turning around at school?"

"Yeah, the school has never been open, and the town leaders are entering for the first time. It's the first time. I can't wait to see every classroom. I ran to the dormitory several times. If I hadn't been exercising, I would have been unable to bear ."

Nian Junmin smiled, "It seems that they are very satisfied with the school."

"It's more than satisfaction. The corners of the mouth praised without stopping, hissing, it hurts a little bit."

Nian Junmin relaxed a little, "There will be no less students entering tomorrow."

Yuxi, "Everyone from ten miles and eight townships will come here. I also heard that there will also be students from the county who come to study. The exact number will be known tomorrow."

"The county is here for the teacher you invited."

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