90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 737: benefit

Yuxi grabbed the bag and left quickly, walked out of the venue, exhaled, she said a lot today, and her cheeks hurt.

"Mr. Lu, it's really you."

Yuxi turned her head, yo, she knew, He Jing, without showing her face, "You are?"

He Jing's palms were sweating. She saw Lu Yuxi at a glance at the banquet. Lu Yuxi was younger than the photo, and her face was full of collagen. She always wanted to step forward, but unfortunately there was no chance. Lu Yuxi was surrounded by people in the industry. Celebrities, after finally getting the chance, they immediately followed, but when they got closer, they found that Lu Yuxi seemed to be able to see through her, and she felt like she was stripped naked and nervous.

Yuxi is also looking at He Jing. The clothes are good, but it is a little exposed. He Jing is holding the bag carefully with one hand, subconscious behavior, this girl cherishes the bag very much, and her family is not as good as Yao Cheng said. "You stop me, there is nothing to say, I still have something to do."

He Jing hurriedly stepped forward, "Nian Gengxin often mentions you. I have long admired your name and admired you very much. I couldn't hold back for a while and stopped you."

There was no smile in Yuxi's eyes, and Nian Gengxin wouldn't mention her. She couldn't help but wonder, is it because all the news reports about her are positive, so the newcomers think she is easy to talk and has a good temper?

Yuxi lost interest. No matter how well she concealed it, she couldn't hide the ambition in her eyes. She was not afraid of ambition in the circle, and she would not judge, but the ambition was played on her family. Staying here, she will never cooperate in the future, she is actually a stingy person who protects her shortcomings.

He Jing looked at Lu Yuxi and didn't say a word, didn't give it to her out of the corner of the eye, turned around and left, apprehensive, thinking about what she said carefully, there was no problem, the news she got was accurate, everyone in the circle Said that Lu Yuxi was covering his brother-in-law, and Nian Geng was in the circle, and most of it was the credit of Lu Yuxi.

Where did she go wrong? Or is she in a hurry?

Yuxi didn't mention He Jing when he went home, it was Nian Geng's heart.

Time passed quickly. In the blink of an eye, in June, the factories and schools in the northwest entered the renovation stage. Yuxi received several calls from the town leaders, asking whether to cut the ribbon.

Yuxi turned to discuss with her cousin, and finally her cousin went over.

After the college entrance examination, my cousin went to the northwest. Yuxi found local news on purpose, got on the local news, many people came to cut the ribbon, and even visited the school.

The school is almost finished, just waiting for the equipment to pass. After a holiday, it can be used next semester.

Nian Junwen said: "The charity school starts, you must go there."

Yuxi knew that she had to go, "En."

When the news was over, Yuxi received a call from her grandfather, "Xiaoxi, have you seen the news?"

Yuxi smiled, "I see, I also saw my grandfather."

Grandpa Lu was on TV for the first time, "I borrowed the light from your sisters."

"Grandpa, cousin is going back to the capital. Do you want to come and live in the capital for a while?"

Grandpa Lu is reluctant to leave. There are brothers and sisters here, and they are all very lively. "I'm fine here, you don't have to worry about it."

Yuxi, "...Grandpa, you've been out for a long time. You don't come to the capital, and you don't plan to go home?"

"If you don't go back, what's the point of going home? I'm the only one in the house. Your parents are busy and can't see anyone, so I'll stay here."

Yuxi has no choice. The family has their own career and has no time to accompany the old man. "Then you should pay more attention to your body."

Grandpa Lu, "I know, I know, with your aunt, we're doing well!"

Yuxi smiled. My sister-in-law must also have a headache, and she must regret buying a house.

Grandpa Lu said again: "Xiaoxi, your third grandfather asked me to ask you, that Zhao Xue's participation in the draft is not a liar, right? He said that he was in the top 100 and was going to be on TV. Is it true!"

Yuxi, "Is this the case? Did she go to the audition?"

"Yeah, this kid's keeping it a secret. He didn't say anything until he entered the 100th year. It's not a good key university, and I don't know what to think. Your third grandfather is very worried."

Yuxi knows what Zhao Xue thinks. This girl is very obsessed with money and wants to make quick money. "The talent show is real, it's on TV, it's not a lie."

"It's good that it's not a lie. This girl said that when she becomes a singer, she can make a lot of money, but she's angry enough for your third grandfather, a college student in the family who can do it!"

Yuxi felt that it was necessary to make it clear in advance, "Grandpa, tell the third grandfather, I don't understand the singer, so I can't help you."

Yuxi is telling the truth. She has connections, but she is out of reach. She is not in the capital city, and she has broken the world. She has no connections in music.

Grandpa Lu knew that the granddaughter had done enough for the Lu family, "Grandpa knows that it's getting late, so I'm also hanging up."

"Okay, rest early."

Because he knew that Zhao Xue was going to compete, Yuxi didn't pay attention to it at first. The first live broadcast was specially guarded. One hundred girls wore the same clothes, many of them were beautiful, and there were many with individuality. The characteristics were uniform and young and energetic.

Mei Hua noticed Zhao Xue, "She also participated?"

Yuxi, "I just found out too."

Zhao Xuehui has a lot of songs, and her voice is clear. Mei Hua said, "Don't say it, her voice is so good, she sings really well."

Yuxi knew that there were two brushes in the top 100. It was unexpected. Zhao Xue was really talented and enjoyed the stage when singing.

Nian Geng put away a playful smile, "It's really a typhoon."

Yuxi watched and listened to the singing of other girls. There were many good players. "It is difficult to enter the finals."

Nian Geng's heart is very objective, "She shouldn't participate in the first session, she should participate in the second session, the attention of the first session is not much, my sister-in-law doesn't watch it, we don't take it seriously, just watch it. , the ratings will not be high, and even if it enters the finals, there will not be many fans, it is difficult to sign a contract and make a debut!"

Yuxi~www.wuxiamtl.com~ You've seen it quite clearly. The new drama will be promoted tomorrow. Have you figured out how to solve the trouble? "

Nian Geng's heart is waiting for tomorrow, "Naturally, I have made up my mind, dare to bully my daughter-in-law, and return the money with interest."

Yuxi was curious, what did Nian Geng think of!

Nian Junmin took his daughter-in-law's hand, "it's getting late, go back to sleep."

Yuxi saw that it was really late, the couple went back to the house, the two boys were already asleep, Yuxi pushed the hand on his waist, "Okay, I've been working a lot lately, I don't want to be pregnant."

Nian Junmin fell on the bed, "The benefits of being young, but three children are enough. I'm thinking about it. I'll go with me when the time is over to get a ligation."

Yuxi hugged Nian Junmin, "Otherwise, I'll take the ring!"

Nian Junwen was reluctant to say, "Don't, I will feel distressed, and there is another benefit to being ligated."


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