90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 732: Wang Tiantian

Yuxi entered the living room, Plum Blossom was entertaining people, "Friday is the busiest time, what kind of wind is blowing you."

Bai Rao frowned, with a lawsuit on her face, "I just came to ask you if Wang Tiantian is coming."

Yuxi was stunned. Wang Tiantian's name disappeared for a long time. Bai Rao didn't mention it. She really forgot, thinking in her heart. It's been four years since she left, "She went abroad and came back to find you?"

Bai Rao pursed her lips and looked unhappy, "She didn't look for me, she looked for Gui Xun. She went to school and bought a lot of toys and clothes for the child. I went to pick up Gui Xun and happened to meet him."

Yuxi said faintly, "I thought that once she left, she would never come back for the rest of her life. I didn't think so. She came back in just a few years.

Bai Rao's rank is very high, so she shouldn't be afraid of Wang Tiantian!

Bai Rao said with a bitter face, "If she was targeting me, I wouldn't be vigilant, you don't know, she saw me, thanked me, and wanted to kneel down for me, Gui Xun is here again, stop me I can't say anything, don't be so embarrassed."

Yuxi, "......"

This time it's new, this is a trip out to gain some knowledge, and the rank has improved?

Bai Rao knew a lot about Gui Xun's mother. She was always on guard for Wang Tiantian's return, but she didn't expect that she would come back very early. When she thought of Gui Xun's silent appearance, she felt very uncomfortable. "She didn't come, I'm back too."

Yuxi got up, "I'll send you."

Bai Rao waved her hand, "Farewell, Chunhan, it's quite cold outside, the child is waiting for you to hug!"

Yuxi was not polite, and only sent it to the door of the living room, waiting for the others to leave, thinking about Wang Tiantian, since she is back, she will definitely come, but I don't know when.

Thinking about it, I couldn't help laughing. In the past, when I heard the name of Wang Tiantian, I was very defensive. As time passed, I heard the name.

Mei Hua couldn't help being curious, "Wang Tiantian Guixun's mother? What does it have to do with our family?"

Yuxi briefly explained the relationship and covered up the rebirth of Wang Han. Meihua grew her mouth and digested it for a long time, but she actually involved her husband's two-term wife. I really didn't expect that the story here is complicated enough.

Yuxi coaxed the children for a while, and called the charity staff who Tong Zheng had borrowed, that the school could start work, and they were in charge. They were going to inspect the multimedia classroom and were ready to hire teachers.

After I was busy, it was already noon, and no one came back at noon. Yuxi specifically told Liu Ma that Fang Xuan came over in the evening. Liu Ma did a simple job at noon, and planned to do more in the evening.

Yuxi and Nian Junmin were busy when they came back. Finally, Yuxi had time. She remembered that she was going to visit her daughter's kindergarten. When the kindergarten was about to end, she went to the kindergarten to pick up her daughter in advance.

Bilingual kindergartens occupy a large area and are built with facilities, not like kindergartens at all.

Yuxi is a parent and entered the school smoothly. Apart from sending her children to school, she and Nian Junmin have never been here twice. At first, she was worried about whether she would be bullied. Later, her daughter was not the one who suffered the loss and would sue. , also at ease.

Don't look down on Miaomiao, she has already entered the middle class, the middle class is one year, and the big class will go to primary school next year.

At this time, it was the time for the handicraft class. The children gathered together and grouped together. Yuxi glanced at it and saw that the girl was in the middle. There were not many children around, and she was very serious in her work, step by step. The teacher can tell.

Yuxi's eyes deepened with a deep smile. She was really a child's head. Seeing that several children cooperated very well, she didn't intend to disturb them and waited until school was over.

Miaomiao didn't expect her mother to come to pick her up in person. She was about to rush out with a small schoolbag on her back. She was stopped by the teacher and politely said to Yuxi, "The children are waiting in line, so wait outside first?"

Yuxi nodded with a smile. This is another reason why she is assured of the kindergarten. Not everyone can come to pick up the child. The photos of the two of them are on the teacher's list, because most of them were picked up by Wang Bin, and Wang Bin's photo is also on the list. Yes, the school will let the people on the list, otherwise, no one will come, let alone grandparents, relatives, etc. The security guard at the door is not vegetarian and will call the police every minute.

After school, the first class is the small class, then the middle class, and the children in the large class are the last.

When Yuxi received her daughter, half an hour later, she received the person, and she couldn't get out. There were traffic jams on the road, and they all came to pick up the child.

Yuxi was not in a hurry, and looked sideways at her daughter, "Miaomiao is awesome, and her leadership skills are very good."

The little girl was very proud, but then she became unhappy again, "I used to revolve around me. Since I told you that there are a lot of children who can't eat and don't dress well, many of them don't play with me anymore. Mom is staying now. Yes, are you a true friend?"

Yuxi touched the little head of her daughter, Mao Rourou, and sighed in her heart, how old is this child, she began to look down on others, and comforted her, "Yes, all that remain are Miaomiao's good friends."

The little girl nodded her head heavily, "I think so too. After my mother went to middle school, some children really hated me. I was just a little darker. I was told that I was a rural guy behind my back, and that everything I used was fake."

Yuxi, "Why haven't you mentioned it?"

The little girl waved her hand vigorously, "Grandpa said that the clearer is self-clearing, I don't know them in the same way, hehe, mother is here to pick me up this time, they can shut up, mother, you are the best among all mothers. It's beautiful, everyone looks at you and envy them to death."

Not to mention Yuxi's relief, if before, the girl never suffered a loss when she encountered this, and she must have exploded. Now she knows how to analyze and forbear, which is a sign of growing up, "Mom is proud of you."

The little girl was immersed in pride, she would see Wang Meixue's ugly face tomorrow, don't think she didn't know, it was her stepmother who came to pick her up, not her mother.

Yuxi was relieved of her daughter, and taught her how to maintain friendship. The mother and daughter went back and went to the cake shop to buy Fang Xuan's favorite cake.

Fang Xuan is a junior high school student. He is not like a primary school student. His studies are a lot heavier. He didn't arrive until Yuxi arrived home for a while.

This child has to do his homework, and his room is reserved. When Miaomiao sees her little brother, she keeps up with her, carrying a small schoolbag and also doing homework.

Yuxi coaxed the child~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Miaomiao ran back with a thief, holding a pink envelope in her hand, "Mom, my brother uses a pink envelope, this is for the little girl."

The room is full of pink, and I feel that I have discovered the big secret of my little brother.

Yuxi looked at the letter handed to her. The girl didn't understand, but she understood. The letter was painted with love. It was obviously a love letter. Fang Xuan, who was chasing after him, really didn't pay attention. A closer look shows that this child has experienced a lot, he is more mature than his peers, and he is taller than others. Even if he says that he is thirteen years old, some people believe him.

Now the little girl is in the stage of sprouting towards the opposite sex, and Fang Xuan's appearance is indeed quite attractive.

Fang Xuan was nervous, "Auntie, I don't know when it was caught in the book. If I had known earlier, I would have sent it back."

When Yuxi heard it, this was not the first time she had received a love letter. She widened her eyes again and sent it back. Is there still this operation? The little girl was thin-skinned and sent it back, she was ashamed, "Can you tell who wrote it?"

Fang Xuan nodded, "I am the representative of the Chinese class. I will help the teacher to grade homework. I know all the words in the class."

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