90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 599: hype

() Yuxi sent He Xuan to the fifth-grade class. He Xuan was also a famous person in school. Everyone knew the top students in each grade. When the list was released, the first name stood out the most.

Yuxi can see surprise on the faces of many children. The faces of children are easy to understand, as if to say, is this coming to the fifth grade to dominate?

Yuxi went out of the teaching building and talked to Yuzhi.

Yuzhi couldn't help laughing, "The world of children is more interesting, the primary school is so innocent, and the taste changes when you go to junior high school."

"Don't bring back the people from city G, the children in the mainland are very simple, why should they go to high school!"

Yuzhi twitched the corners of his mouth, "I don't think high school can compete with each other. The three-year college entrance examination is not fake, and they are busy studying!"

Yuxi thought for a while, "You're right."

The college entrance examination is scary, and the competition is fiercer year by year.

In September, good things happened again and again. Yuxi posted a good response to the publicity clip on the Internet, and some people posted on the forum, thinking that the Internet was full of development and not many people went online.

In fact, it is not. The ability to accept new things is very fast, and the number of people online is growing exponentially.

There are many Internet cafes in the streets and alleys!

The film has played a very good role in publicity. Wang Fulu has been paying attention to it and has seen it in his eyes. When he saw Yuxi, he said: "It seems that I will also recruit some computer talents. In the future, the Internet will also be an important way of publicity."

"I haven't congratulated you yet, the new company is established."

Wang Fulu is in good spirits when it comes to happy events, "Haha, the new company is good, I have already received the order."

"Very fast!"

"There are many old friends, so naturally I have to take care of the business. They are saying that the movies and TV series I have invested in are not fake. As long as I don't fake it, they will happily come to me to promote it."

It's a sure-fire deal.

Yuxi smiled, "In the future, I will find you to give me an internal price!"

"This is necessary. Without your reminder, I wouldn't think about it. Come on, I'm going to give you a big red envelope."

Yuxi, "Forget the red envelope, just give us the internal price in the future."

The red envelope and the internal price, of course, the internal price is chosen, and she is not only making one movie!

Wang Fulu also thought about it, it hurts, and the publicity expenses in the future must be very high. Forget it, the follower is not only a relative, but also a good partner, "Okay."

The two chatted for a while and hung up the phone.

Yuxi continued to surf the Internet and read the comments on the post. They were all pertinent. Everyone's quality is there, and few people attacked maliciously.

She also has an account, and she will leave a message when she sees the posts she likes. The network environment is very good, and everyone is very honest. If she likes the words, she will leave an email address for future communication. There are not many liars.

Of course, there is also a large part of the reason. Those who can afford a computer and read some event posts are all well-educated.

Yuxi looked at the comments and the screenshots. Everyone was looking forward to the movie and liked the koi in it. Some people joked, and the screenshots of koi have good luck.

The effect on the Internet is good, but most of them still have a lot of people offline, and the offline publicity is not as prominent as the Internet.

The only thing that has an effect is the surrounding area. Other publicity has not caused any waves.

Everyone in the circle is waiting for Yuxi to fall!

Huang Liang is also anxious, the effect has not been achieved, and the company has invested a lot of money, "Should we think of other ways?"

Yuxi also felt that the publicity was a lot worse. Touching his chin, all the resources that could be used were used. He thought of badmouthing, "Sometimes self-destruction is the way to go. Not all bad comments are bad."

Huang Liang, "Why didn't I understand?"

Yuxi said the idea, "We write our own manuscripts and criticize them, and it can also play a role. As the popularity goes up, naturally some people pay attention!"

Huang Liang was a little worried, "Will everyone believe it and stop watching?"

Yuxi, "So we have to refute, we are not always bad-mouthing, we also have to refute, bring the selling point of the movie, the topic has the topic, and the focus will be there."

She felt that she was very suitable for publicity, and she could apply for Wang Fulu's company.

Huang Liang's eyes lit up, "This is feasible."

"You go to contact Lian Bo. When it's time to use him, contact a few newspapers. A few people have posted on the Internet earlier. Don't expose it. It's not good if your own hype is exposed."

Huang Liang, "I'm not stupid, you can rest assured."

Facts have proved that Huang Liang is indeed not stupid. Yuxi paid attention. Later, Huang Liang played freely without revealing it, and the topic became hot.

The more attention you get, the more you pay attention to movies. People who like it will naturally like it out of curiosity, and people who don’t like it don’t need to be considered. People’s preferences are different.

Wang Fulu was stunned when he found out what Yuxi did later, "I don't know if I was slow to accept it, or if you accepted it a bit ahead of time. I can think of this method."

Yuxi, "I have succeeded here. It can be regarded as a relatively successful case. You can learn from it, develop more, and have more means of publicity!"

Wang Fulu, "Yes, yes."

He had already thought about it. In the future, when he had a rare list, he would find Lu Yuxi when he couldn't think of it. He found that Lu Yuxi's brain was really alive, and he couldn't accept it.

After get off work at night, Yuxi remembered her grandfather's instructions that the chili sauce at home was gone, so she happened to drop by to buy a jar.

Since there are more chili sauces at home, Liu's cooking skills are like opening up, and chili sauce can also make flowers, and her cooking skills have been greatly improved.

When Yuxi arrived, there were many people in the store, Bai Hua recognized Yuxi, "Need hot sauce?"

Yuxi nodded, "Two jars."

Bai Hua, "I'll get it for you."


Yuxi found that the white flowers have changed too much. The white flowers themselves look good. After arriving in the capital for almost two months, they have become much younger and their hands are tender. When they saw Bai Rao, they did not take them with them for beauty treatments. The white flowers seemed young. Like five or six years old.

Sure enough, good skin can hide age!

The price of two jars of sauce for ten jins~www.wuxiamtl.com~ has increased by fifty yuan, one hundred, and now one hundred and fifty. The price is ridiculously high, and there are still many buyers.

Yuxi gave money, but Bai Hua didn't want it. Thinking of her daughter's words, she accepted the money, "Next time you need it, call the store and I will deliver it in person."

"No, it's too troublesome. I happened to be on the way. I can pick it up when I need it. It's very convenient."

Bai Hua sent Yuxi out. It was a coincidence that when Yuxi saw Xiao Xiaofeng, the smile on Bai Hua's face disappeared. She only felt disgusted for her ex-husband.

Xiao Xiaofeng stepped forward quickly, and at first glance, he had come a few times.

Bai Hua, "If you're dead, Bai Rao won't recognize you, so hurry up and leave."

Xiao Xiao knew that his ex-wife was beautiful, otherwise he wouldn't have lied to others with rhetoric, "I'm here to find you today, I think we should talk."

Yuxi Xiao Xiaofeng's shamelessness, shocked, there is something wrong with Xiao Xiaofeng's eyes! The latest chapter of the novel 90 Wonderful Time Chapter 599 Hype URL:

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