90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 568: frightened

() Yuxi, "No way, I'm going to sleep. I've visited too many this year. After walking alone, I realized that I actually knew so many people."

Nian Junmin hit Hati, "Don't say you can't bear it anymore, so am I. I shouldn't come down to eat here, otherwise, I don't know how many meals I've had today, sleep, sleep."

After the couple finished talking, they fell asleep huhu, and the little girl couldn't care about it. Today, Liu Ma was coaxing the little girl, and Yuxi couldn't bear it anymore.

As soon as it was dawn, he washed up with Hattie, and when he got to the dining room, he saw the little fat man.

Yuxi, "When did you come?"

Little Fatty, "Come here in the morning, came back last night, aunt, brought a gift back."

Yuxi sat down to eat, "What gift?"

The little fat man was a little embarrassed, "My stepmother chose it, I don't understand, the bag I chose for my aunt, and the rest I chose, the little sister's toys, the little brother's transforming car, and the others were chosen by my father."

Yuxi paused, "Thank you."

Little Fatty, "You're welcome."

After eating, Yuxi saw the bag, playing cards abroad, a bag cost tens of thousands, she was not willing to buy it, her bags seemed to be delivered, Bai Rao is really a dream come true for a rich man, and it is too much to shoot Generous.

Yuxi likes the style of the bag very much. She likes beige bags, and dark blue ones are also good.

When they arrived at the company and went to work on a new day, everyone was out of energy and had not yet recovered from the annual leave. Yuxi instructed his assistant to send the box office in immediately.

Just sat down for a while, and before the data was sent, Wang Fulu's phone number arrived, and his voice was a little loud, "Haha, the box office is a big sell, I don't think it will be bad, I didn't expect it to exceed expectations. Out of foreign films, Zeng Zigong occupies the first place in the domestic market. Guess, how much does it cost at the box office in a week?"

Yuxi was quite surprised, even if it was the first day of the new year, even if it was a good day, and he didn't stay at home during the new year, seven million was really high, a conservative guess, "Twenty million?"

Wang Fulu said: "I have invested in a lot of movies. This one is the best at the box office. It has a box office of 220,000 in a week. Although there is a decline in the later period, I think 50 million is no problem."

The 50 million box office, which is a high box office in the domestic market, is considered a breakthrough in the box office. Unfortunately, the cost of self-made is a bit large, and the profit is really not much.

Yuxi is still very happy, she has a good fortune in the beginning of the year, and she didn't care about it, so she made a transfer and got off to a good start.

After I hung up the phone, I counted the theaters who also purchased "Who". In fact, after counting, I got a lot of money, and the theaters inside and outside also made less money.

Yuxi called Xue Ya's office, and Xue Ya smiled, "I'm waiting for the theater line to say you, it seems that there is no need to wait."

"Still have to wait, bring it over to me later."


Two pieces of data were sent soon, showing the box office, followed by the cinema, the location of the cinema is good, the decoration is good, the brand is out, there is no vacant seat, the selected films, naturally their own films have the highest ranking, followed by It is abroad, and the seven-day income is good.

Yuxi, "It's no wonder that another theater chain has opened, and everyone is optimistic about this piece of fat!"

Xue Ya held the document, "Yeah, the domestic box office is getting better and better, and the profit margin will be bigger, and the competition will be more intense in the future."

"We have to hurry up here, but I don't recommend blindly expanding the number of movie theaters."

"I understand, by the way, it's the beginning of the new year, do you want to call the squad leader, I don't have enough staff here, I need to investigate some potential companies, and I need people to run. In a few days, I'm going to S City, really too busy."

Yuxi flipped out his business card, "I'll call and make an appointment to meet at the company? I happened to have a meal nearby at noon, and I don't know if the monitor will be able to come out on the first day of work."

Xue Ya, "If you want to dig him, make it clear that he is willing to come to show that there is a show, but he is not willing to come, then forget it, the melon is not sweet, we don't have to, it seems that the company doesn't need an uncle. "

"Ok, I understand."

Yuxi dialed the phone. This is the company's landline. The landline now has a caller ID. The monitor picked up the phone and said, "Student Lu."

Yuxi, "The squad leader remembers my phone number!"

The monitor was embarrassed, "Remember, classmate Lu, do you have something to do with me?"

Yuxi said: "Can you come out, let's meet, at ten o'clock, address xxx, this is the address, I will pick you up at the front desk."

The monitor was stupid. He always remembered that the classmate Lu asked him for a business card. Later, it was not easy for Lu, so he kept looking forward to it. Unexpectedly, the phone arrived on the first day of work, and the address was familiar to him.

Their company is in this office building, "Okay, okay."

It's not difficult to go out, he punched the card, and it's easy to go out.

Yuxi hung up the phone, and her cousin also came and shared the data. Yuxi said to her classmates who made shell art, "Cousin, I think the shells can be used, the cost is low, and we can cooperate. We design, they do it, and they can do it. Saving a lot of labor is also a win-win, and, I think, you can use shells to make large pieces, make real artworks, and improve the quality, what do you think?"

Zhou Lingling, "Give me your classmate's phone number and I'll talk. We need to open up new markets now. This idea is quite good. There are many shells in my hometown. Not to mention environmental protection, it is also cheap and very profitable."

Yuxi took out his mobile phone number, "I sent it to your phone."

Zhou Lingling, "Okay, I'll go first, I'll go back to hold the annual meeting, and I'll take the person who sees the shares individually to handle the transfer of shares."


On the first day of construction, it was not leisurely, and Yuxi then held two small meetings.

It was just after ten o'clock~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Yuxi saw the monitor in the reception room, "Sorry, the meeting was delayed, it was supposed to end at ten o'clock."

The squad leader, Liu Xing, with a sullen face, said he was looking for Lu Yuxi, but in the end, Lu Yuxi was the boss!

He came in all the way, only to know that the two companies on the first floor are owned by the same person. What about the scriptwriter?

Yuxi sat down and asked, "What to drink?"

Liu Xing smiled bitterly, "I've already had a cup of coffee, no need, classmate Lu, no, Mr. Lu, you came here to discuss cooperation?"

He doesn't look like it!

Yuxi, "I'm talking about cooperation, but I'm just talking to you personally. In fact, it's like this. Yu Lingyin has transformed into an investment company. It has been two years since the transformation. Xue Ya is the general manager and is in charge of Yu Lingyin. The ability is recognized, so when I see you, I want to ask you, do you want to change jobs?"

Liu Xing's heart suddenly fell to the ground. After being frightened, he became serious about himself, "How much is the treatment?"

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