90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 561: Variety

() Early the next morning, Wang Fulu came to pick up the little fat man. He was going to take the little fat man for his honeymoon. He went on a trip abroad. The little fat man did not make trouble, and followed him obediently.

On the same day, Yuxi's dividends also arrived. She went to the bank to check the accounts, and sat in the car giggling for a long time. She believed that the company would get better and better.

On the day of the annual meeting, Yuxi showed up for a while, then went home, officially on vacation, just waiting for Nian Junmin to return to his hometown after work.

On the twenty-sixth day of the twelfth lunar month, Yuxi took the invitation from Nian Junwen and went to the auction with her grandfather.

The security check at the auction was very strict. As soon as he entered the venue, Yuxi saw Nian Junmin and was at the door.

Nian Junmin held the auction brochure in his hand, "It has jewelry that my mother used to be."

"True or false, did you read it right?"

"You can't read it wrong. When I was a mother, I specially remembered this bracelet. It was only 200 yuan at that time."

Yuxi looked at the introduction of the bracelet, but it was not very expensive, "I will take a picture."

"Well, I'm busy."


Yuxi held the booklet. After she became rich, she kept thinking about it, and finally found it today.

Mr. Wang looked at the introduction, "It won't exceed 500,000."

Entering the venue, the large-scale auction was held, and there were many people. Yuxi found a place and sat down with his grandfather.

The auction started soon. When it came to the bracelet, there was only one bidder. Yuxi knew it, Ran Tesuke.

The old man Wang asked, "Why don't you shout or buy it?"

Yuxi's ears are more intelligent than grandpa's, "Grandpa, Ran Tesuke, Zheng Xuran's assistant, he is bidding, it is estimated that Zheng Xuran means, I will not increase the price, when I buy it, I am buying like Ran Te. "

The old man Wang snorted, "It seems that Zheng hastily remembered the jewelry, which shows his feelings for his wife. It's a pity."

Yuxi thought, grandmother passed away for many years, and no matter how big the love is, it has become a memory. Zheng Xuran’s love is not much, but more about debt and guilt. After knowing the jade bamboo sticks and knowing that there is a chance, he persistently wants to save it. It has become an obsession, with money and status, and the empty heart becomes more and more obsessed with obsession.

The auction continued, most were sold, and few were passed in.

After the auction, Yuxi found Ran Tesuke, "Can you sell the bracelet to me?"

Rant help, "I bought it for the boss. This is the jewelry of the dead lady."

"I know, I want to buy it for my mother. I don't increase the price when I recognize your voice, and I don't want to waste money. I just want to show my filial piety. You can call his old man and ask."

Rant helped hold the box, dialed the phone, hung up quickly, and said to Yuxi, "500,000, transfer, or check?"

Yuxi, "transfer the money, send me the account number, and transfer it to the bank in a while."

Rant helped hand over the box, "Okay."

Yuxi asked, "Are you the only one who came back?"

Rantez smiled, "This year, my task is to find these jewelry, it's just me."

Yuxi's eyes lit up, "So, you bought a lot?"

"Well, there are eight pieces of jewelry that have been sent back."

"So much, hard work."

Ran Tesuke, "I take money to do things, it's not hard, if it's okay, I'll go first, I'll be back for the afternoon flight.

g city. "

"Okay, thank you."


Yuxi held the box to find Jun Min and asked, "How many pieces of jewelry are in Mom's jewelry box?"

Nian Junwen counted it, "A total of twelve."

Yuxi said: "Zheng has eight pieces in his hands, which is this bracelet, and there are three more pieces."

Nian Junmin was surprised, "He actually remembers what he looked like? I remember watching it several times before I remember it."

"Live together, and always carry it, remembering it is nothing."

Moreover, she always believed that Zheng has the ability to never forget!

When he got home, Yuxi flipped through the bracelets, the gold-encrusted bracelets, and looked carefully to see the patterns, put them away carefully, and brought them home when he got home. On the twenty-eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, Yuxi got on the plane back to his hometown. As the New Year’s end approached, the plane tickets were full fares, which were expensive to death. For the sake of the children, it was first-class, which was even more expensive. The only consolation was that Miaomiao was only half full. Not uncomfortable, got off the plane, and was in a special spirit.

When Lu Man came to pick up the machine, the car never turned off, the heater was on, and it was very warm.

Yuxi's hug for her daughter was untied, and the little girl sighed, as if she was saying, I can be released, Yuxi kissed, "Grandpa came to pick up Miaomiao, Miaomiao remembers Grandpa?"

Miaomiao opened her eyes wide and shouted, Lu Man was very happy, "I remember Grandpa!"

Yuxi kissed her daughter, "Miaomiao is really amazing."

Nian Junmin squeezed her daughter's little fat hand, her heart was soft and messed up, her daughter was so cute, "Come to Dad to hug!"

Miaomiao put her arms around her mother's neck, motionless, Yuxi was happy, Nian Junmin was lost.

The little girl didn't hear her father's voice for a long time, tilted her head, saw her father looking at her, thought about it, and patted her father's cheek with a fat hand, as if to comfort her.

Nian Junmin was happy again, "Daughter is good."

Yuxi couldn't be bothered to roll his eyes, and he was very promising, pretending to be pitiful with his daughter.

The little girl was quite heavy, Yuxi hugged it for a while and gave it to Nian Junmin. Looking at her hometown, the airport used to be very desolate, but now there are hotels.

On the way back to the village from the city, Yuxi was surprised, "There are street lights."

Lu Man, "A large seafood market has been established near our village. With more cars coming and going, the facilities will come up."

"So, the village has become a rich village of Shili Baxiang?"

Lu Man was very proud, "Yeah, the city praised it, and brought a lot of village officials to test it. When you enter the village, you can see that Aunt Wu's house has built a two-story building!"


"Of course it's true. Dad can still lie to you. You'll know when you get there."

The car quickly entered the village. Not only Aunt Wu's house had built a two-story building, but many others in the village had also built it.

Yuxi got out of the car and found that his home had also been redecorated, the yard had been repaired, and the house had been re-tiled.

Zheng Qin came out to pick up the child, "Come in, your grandma and grandpa are waiting!"

Yuxi helped Jun Min carry gifts~www.wuxiamtl.com~ into the room, Miaomiao was looking at the people in the room curiously.

Grandma Lu saw the eldest granddaughter and said three good words in a row. Looking at Yuxi's complexion, she knew that her granddaughter was doing well.

There were a lot of people in the living room, and my aunt's family was there. During lunch, there were two tables.

Grandma Lu hugged Miaomiao, "There are only two stinky boys left."

Yuxi knew that Yuqing was coming back on 29, but Yuzhi never called, "Mom, when will Yuzhi come back?"

Zheng Qin got angry when he mentioned it, "I don't know, this kid said it was a surprise, knowing that the surprise is gone."

Yuxi smiled, "Just come back."

Zheng Qin doesn't care about her youngest son. Last year's New Year's Eve was so lively today, she was happy and greeted, "Hurry up and eat."

After the meal, Yuxi helped to clean up and returned to the house. The phone rang, Xue Ya's call. The latest chapter of the novel Ninety Wonderful Time Chapter 561 Change URL:

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