90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 551: close the net

Yuxi walked to Director Zhang's side. It was rare that Yang Xi's manager came too. It was the first time she met Yang Xi's manager, a fat middle-aged man who came for her own actor.

Director Zhang smiled, "Don't worry, I will hold a press conference."

Yuxi, "......"

Director Zhang is the one who is manipulated by God. He can solve it by making a statement. He insists on holding a press conference. This is to make the heat even hotter.

Yang Xi's agent, "Do you need our cooperation?"

Director Zhang waved his hand, "No need, the clearer will clear himself."

Yang Xi's agent, "..."

Director Zhang was so excited that when Yang Xi's agent left, he pulled the assistant director and didn't know what he was studying!

Yang Xi was not affected in any way, what should he do, but the second male's attitude towards Yang Xi was not good, and this time he ignored it.

Yao Cheng, "Yang Xi is really pitiful."

Yuxi, "...Where is the pitiful?"

"I just turned around, and many people are talking about it!"

Yuxi sat and glanced at Yang Xi, "I think he is very happy, you know that with this wave of operations, his popularity is high, as long as it is clarified, will he take many detours? Propaganda, he is not pitiful, there is nothing to do, just wait, after this time, his commercial value will come, maybe he will receive a few more advertisements."

Yao Cheng blinked, "Like Nian Gengxin, are there constant advertisements?"

"There is still a gap!"

The sunlight on Yuxi's head was blocked, and Zhu Qing finally changed into a down jacket, wearing a white down jacket, with excitement flashing in her eyes, "Screenwriter Lu, you are still very leisurely, and you are not guilty at all?"

Yuxi secretly said, finally came, "I don't understand, why am I guilty?"

"Aren't you guilty of this year's news? Yang Xi's hidden rules."

Yuxi, "What does Yang Xiqian's rules have to do with me? You are so strange, hurry up and don't block my sunshine."

Zhu Qing felt that Lu Yuxi must be pretending, and stared at Lu Yuxi, "You know that everyone in the group is talking about it, and the person behind Yang Xi is you."

Yuxi closed the script, "It's not really the people behind it, but it's true that they helped. Friendship."

Zhu Qing snorted, "It's not just friends!"

Yuxi raised his head, "You care so much about the news, you can't write it!"

Zhu Qing thought it was safe to hold Lu Yuxi, but Lu Yuxi was just holding on, "Why, are you afraid?"

"No, no, I'm not afraid, I just want to thank you, really, thank you for spending a lot of money to buy pages and publicize for Yang Xi, you are a good person!"

Zhu Qing frowned, always feeling that Lu Yuxi's words were strange, thinking of the purpose, "Mr. Song wants to see you, I want to talk to you about something."

Yuxi opened the script, "He said he would see me when he saw me? No time."

Zhu Qing choked up and the articles came out. She didn't even know what Lu Yuxi's confidence was. If it wasn't for Mr. Song's pressure, she would have washed out the photos and posted them directly. Where's the use of it? "Okay, wait for you to beg us. when."

Yuxi waved the script, "It's good to leave, by the way, Song Huaiyang wants to see me and ask him to come over."

Zhu Qing gritted her teeth and turned away.

After Yao Cheng and the others left, they understood, "Madam, they made the entertainment news too!"

"Well, let's put the news first, then negotiate with me, one by one, but unfortunately it's wrong."

In the afternoon, Song Huaiyang came. It was difficult for investors to keep a low profile. Director Zhang personally met them.

Song Huaiyang wasn't there for inspection, he said to Director Zhang, "Don't delay the progress because of me. You guys take pictures of you. I'll go around and leave in a while."

Director Zhang, "Okay, I'll let someone accompany you."

Song Huaiyang, "No need, I know Screenwriter Lu, and I happen to have something to talk to her about."

Director Zhang was surprised. The last time he ate, he didn't see that the two of them seemed to know each other. "Okay, okay."

Yuxi stood up from her chair and glanced at her watch. She came from Song Huaiyang and called Nian Junwen and Xue Ya. Counting the time, it should be almost there.

Song Huaiyang came with his assistant, found a temporary shed built by the crew, and moved two chairs. It was not far from the shooting location, and just in time to see the shooting scene, outsiders really thought that Yuxi was talking with Song Huaiyang!

Song Huaiyang wore leather gloves and leaned against the chair, "It's really hard to meet President Lu."

Yuxi glanced at Zhu Qing who was standing behind Song Huaiyang, "It's hard for President Song to investigate me so clearly. You can find out the grievances between me and Zhu Qing."

Song Huaiyang, "There is nothing wrong with being able to use all available resources in exchange for the desired benefits."

Yuxi nodded in agreement, "So, Mr. Song's main purpose is for the surrounding companies?"

Song Huaiyang squinted his eyes, he always felt weird, not like Zhu Qing said that he caught Lu Yuxi's handle, "Let's put it aside for a while, how did I hear that, when President Lu sees an actor, you are not afraid of being caught by Nian Feng. You know? Nian's daughter-in-law will do the trick."

Yuxi played with the fur ball on the glove, "Mr. Song is really wide, and his hands are too deep. The mall is intrigued by others, and those who use the following tactics, Mr. Song said that he is the second, no one dares to say that he is the first, don't. Framing my reputation, my husband and I have a good relationship!"

Song Huaiyang wasn't angry either. There were many people who scold him behind his back. No matter how much he heard it, he wouldn't feel uncomfortable. He winked at Zhu Qing.

Zhu Qing took out the camera from her pocket and said, "Lu Yuxi, you must have never imagined that I took a lot of photos of you and Yang Xi while you were not paying attention!"

Song Huaiyang smiled, "Mr. Lu, you don't want these photos to be sent to your husband!"

Yuxi laughed, "Zhu Qing, as I said, Yang Xi and I are friends, really, why don't you believe it?"

Zhu Qing, "Stop joking, you take good care of Yang Xi, how could you be a friend."

Yuxi shrugged, "These days, no one believes the truth~www.wuxiamtl.com~ However, you, I have already thanked me, and now I thank Mr. Song for spending a lot of money to help my friend hype it up. , really good man."

Song Huaiyang's patience ran out, "Mr. Lu, you don't have to hold on, I'm here to see you, it means that there is still room for negotiation, I still see your surrounding companies, the proposal of the last banquet, I hope you will consider again, these negatives. , I haven't seen it, as long as you sign the contract, I will give it to you immediately, what do you think?"

Seeing that Zhu Qing's face changed, Yuxi said, "I think she doesn't want to!"

Zhu Qing was naturally reluctant, and thought that when Mr. Song finished talking, she would first develop the photos. Anyway, after the cooperation was completed, she would sell the photos to the newspaper, and then send a copy to Lu Yuxi's husband. Lu Yuxi hit the bottom of the valley.

Song Huaiyang never took Zhu Qing in his eyes, just a trivial pawn, "Don't worry about her, Mr. Lu, I came here with sincerity."

Yuxi didn't want to act anymore, sneered, and said sarcastically, "I didn't see your sincerity, so I wouldn't agree."

Song Huaiyang narrowed his eyes, "I don't want any more photos, so don't blame me for being rude."

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