90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 540: have not seen you for a long time

Lei Xiao gave the seat to his sister, and returned, "Mom suffered a crime, and her health is not very good. I almost fainted this time. I went to the hospital for a checkup. I have heart problems and need bypass surgery. I will take care of it these days. Here she is."

Yuxi looked at Lei Xiao's haggard face, "It's not just taking care of it, let's do something else!"

Li Xiao took the message, "Because of the operation fee, Huang Dashan saved all the money for Huang Xiaoyong to open a shop. He had no money in his hand, and the operation could not be delayed. We were arguing over money. What Huang Xiaoyong meant, Lei Xiao and the others were also children. , they can't get everything, they need to share some, and they know that Lei Xiao has a sum of money in his hand, and these two days are all money inside and outside."

Lei Xiao smiled wryly, "The money in my hand is the New Year's money that my sisters gave me and Lai Luo over the past few years, as well as the money for the two of us to work part-time. Lai Luo's computer major, the tuition is as high as 8,000, and I have a total of 15,000, and I have to prepare Lai Luo's tuition for the next semester. Fortunately, I will graduate next semester."

Yuxi was a little stunned. Lei Xiao was a senior, and Yuqing was a graduate student. Time was really fast, "I remember, He Jiali gave you some tuition?"

Lei smiled and sighed, "It was Mom who saved money to pay for some tuition fees. Huang Xiaoyong justly shared the surgery costs, and we need to take the big bucks."

Yuxi asked, "How much does the surgery cost?"

"30,000 yuan, not counting the hospitalization fee in the later period."

Yuxi, "Even if you take the big head, it's not enough."

Li Xiao sighed, "I just said, I paid, she just gave up her mind, and treated it as a dowry gift in advance, everything was resolved."

Lei Xiao blushed, "Whoever said graduation got married."

Li Xiao raised his eyebrows, "You promised yourself, it's useless to go back."

Yuxi knew that Lei Xiao didn't tell her that she wouldn't give He Jiali a penny, and she didn't want to let Li Xiao marry someone back so easily, "You're a senior, it's time for an internship, look for Is it a good unit?"

Lei smiled and shook his head, "I've been busy with my mother's business recently. I haven't told Lai Luo, I haven't gone to a law firm for an internship."

Yuxi was reluctant to give money to He Jiali, but she was able to help Lei Xiao, "I have contacts with many law firms and know many bosses, so I'll say hello to you, you go to an internship first, the money in your hand should be paid out. Come out, she has paid for you in the end."

Lei Xiao listened to her sister's words, and calmly said, "En."

Yuxi thought to herself, if Lei Xiao and Lei Luo were not willing to accept Lei Guoliang's money, Lei Guoliang owed alimony for several years. Thinking of Lei Guoliang, who would have thought that Lei Guoliang would have made a fortune picking up trash. , opened a garbage disposal plant, and made news.

Xue Ya came out with the dishes, "I'm done talking? Wash your hands and eat!"

The conservatory meal was very rich, the table was filled with twelve courses, and red wine was brought out.

Yang Xi poured the wine one by one, "I brought it back from abroad, and it tastes good."

Yuxi stopped him, "I won't drink anymore, I want to drive."

Li Xiao said with a cold face, "It's boring to drink red wine. Come white, I brought two bottles."

Yang Xishou paused, "Okay, white."

Lei Xiao pulled Li Xiao, Li Xiao patted it, unscrewed the bottle of liquor, and poured it into a big glass.

Yuxi glanced at the degree. It was fifty degrees. Li Xiao planned to continue to abuse Yang Xi with the liquor. She knew that Li Xiao's alcohol capacity was huge.

Xue Ya smiled, "They drink theirs, let's talk about ours, Xiaoxi, are you going to join the crew to shoot?"

"It will take a while, and the subsidiary will be handed over to you after a while."

Li Xiao answered, "Have you started casting?"

Yuxi nodded, "Well, you don't have to worry about it anymore, you have no drama, the role is not suitable for you."

It's a pity for Li Xiao, "I'm just short of being an actor, and if I get an actor, my frontline will be stabilized."

Yuxi, "Unfortunately, the opportunity is not yours."

Li Xiao, "It seems that a good script needs to be touched, and I don't know who Director Zhang will choose. Director Zhang is a director who dares to use newcomers, but I don't know who is lucky."

Yuxi's eyes fell on Yang Xi, blinked and smiled, "Yang Xi, you can get ready, Director Zhang's movie is an opportunity."

Li Xiao panicked in his heart and stared, "Is he suitable?"

Yuxi smiled, "Yang Xi is really suitable for wearing glasses, the male lead, this is for Xue Ya's sake, don't run for other roles, only the male lead is suitable."

Yang Xi was stunned. He died after filming the commercial, and the company's resources were limited. He was a newcomer, and his manager had a lot of artists. His manager didn't follow him when he was filming, so his status was evident. If it weren't for the second male, President Xu didn't want to bring a female companion, and he wouldn't be cheap.

Xue Ya pushed Yang Xi, "Stupid, the opportunity is rare, thank you Xiaoxi soon, this is inside information."

Yang Xi held the glass, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, Director Zhang won't send scripts to actors for casting roles. He is the only one who chooses the actors. I will tell you the specific casting time. Maybe I can help you get the number in advance."

Yang Xi, "Am I really suitable?"

Don't look at it not long after he entered the industry, he has also done his homework, and many people want to enter the film of Director Zhang.

Yuxi pointed to himself, "What do you think about the script I wrote?"

Yang Xi felt confident, "I will do my best."

Li Xiao said in a sour tone, "Boy, it's a blessing for you to meet our Xiaoya, inside information, no matter how many people can buy it."

Yang Xi couldn't help holding Xue Ya's hand, "It is indeed my blessing."

Li Xiao snorted, poured a glass of white wine, "Done, you have to drink three glasses in a row."

Yang Xi is also unequivocal, one cup after another.

The women in Yuxi ate fast and left the table soon. Sitting on the sofa, Yuxi whispered, "Let Yang Xi read more psychological books and go to the hospital to meet patients with mental illness."

Xue Ya asked worriedly, "You told me so much, will Director Zhang have any opinion on you?"

Yuxi smiled~www.wuxiamtl.com~ You are so stupid. Now you are looking for relationships with relationships. If you don’t care, you have to create relationships. I didn’t reveal the script. It’s fine, if the company didn’t have suitable actors , I have already told the company's artists. "

Xue Ya was relieved, "Xiaoxi, thank you."

"Thank you, we are good friends."

Xue Ya nodded, "We are good friends for life."

A few days after the conservatory meal ended, the casting on Director Zhang's side began. Big companies have news channels, and they knew the news early. Yuxi was the screenwriter who participated in the casting. ninth.

Yuxi was waiting for Yang Xi outside the door. Yang Xi was two minutes later than the scheduled time, "I'm really sorry for the traffic jam."

Yuxi waved his hand, "It's okay, it hasn't started yet!"

Her eyes were on the car, Yang Xi actually came in a BMW, the car was already turned off, Yuxi saw the owner, "Long time no see!"

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