90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 532: sky-high

Director Zhang stared, "Why are you going back? We haven't finished discussing the script yet!"

Yuxi is not stupid, "What do you mean, I guess right?"

Director Zhang finally smiled, "That's right, I neglected it, I just thought about justice, but I completely forgot that a person can use his life to redeem himself is sick, he is too indifferent to life, haha, Fatty Wang is fortunate to be with me. I recommended you, well, well, I didn't even think about going to ask a psychiatrist, yes, this is the attitude of the screenwriter, serious."

Yuxi curled his lips, "What do you mean, I'll be the screenwriter?"

"Yes, there is no one but you. This time I feel right. To be honest with you, when Fatty Wang introduced you, I really didn't like you. I just wanted to sell Fatty Wang a favor and let you recognize it, Wan What day will it be used!"

Yuxi, "..."

She didn't want to know the truth, really, and then wanted to laugh, who was telling her that Director Zhang could only make movies, and she would definitely kill him, he was emotionally shrewd!

Director Zhang also knew that he was too excited to miss the point, and smiled dryly, "Haha, let's talk about the script."

Yuxi, "I think we should sign the contract first."

She didn't forget that she was a businessman, and she agreed to chat without signing a contract? That doesn't work.

Director Zhang blinked and shouted, "Liu Liu, quickly draft the contract!"

Because of Director Zhang's urging, the contract also has a template, and some changes are quickly printed out. Yuxi's contract has been read a lot, but the conditions are good, so I confirm that I read it correctly, "300,000?"

This is a really high price. She is a screenwriter under the name of the company. She has to go to the company's accounts, and she is given the best contract share. Twenty-eight, she takes 80%, and only took eight in the last anniversary. 10,000, still the high price, this time it is a bit ridiculous!

Director Zhang, "Yes, I'm not short of money here, and I never treat the screenwriter badly. The script is the soul, and a good work must have a good script. This is what the screenwriter should get."

Yuxi asked weakly, "How much can a famous screenwriter get?"

What a pity, she only knew Master's price, which was only more than 200,000 yuan, and only 10,000 yuan per episode. Master is a top screenwriter, and this is still the price that has increased in the past two years!

Director Zhang, "The last time I worked with me was 300,000 yuan, and 300,000 yuan is in the domestic film industry, which is top-notch. This is the price that only works with me. It is definitely not the same price for other directors, but the price will be certain in the future. It will go up, maybe over a million!"

Yuxi was stunned. Her salary is higher than that of an actress. Although the domestic salary is not high, unlike Chinese stars, some superstars who became famous in the early years, the salary is scary, and the domestic can not afford it, but it can also It is understood that the salary in foreign countries is calculated in US dollars, and the equivalent of RMB has to be multiplied by eight. A while ago, the entertainment newspaper also speculated that a Chinese martial arts star was paid 60 million!

The martial arts stars invited by Wang Fulu are not top-notch, because they can't afford it!

At present, there are very few companies in China to hire top Chinese kung fu stars. The risk is too great, and the pay is too high. If you really need to invest, hundreds of millions, if you lose, you will sell blood.

Yuxi couldn't help thinking about it like this, but she felt motivated. Compared with when she first entered the industry, the domestic market changed every year.

After the contract was signed, Yuxi explained everything she understood. Although she only wrote the beginning, she also thought about the future development. She was a careful person, and she would take into account many neglected areas.

After the discussion was over, the entire script was basically out. Director Zhang was very satisfied and felt that he had found a treasure. "Then it's settled. Write the script as soon as possible, and when the script is out, I'm ready to cast."

Yuxi closed the notebook, which recorded the content of the discussion. This time, he understood the outline better, and the writing would be smoother. "Okay, I will write it as soon as possible."

Director Zhang personally sent Yuxi out, which shows his satisfaction with Yuxi.

It was nine o'clock in the morning when Yuxi came, and it was noon when he came out. There were still many people guarding the door. Yuxi motioned to Director Zhang to stay.

Director Zhang glanced at the screenwriter at the door and smiled, "I'll wait for you to write the script."


When the screenwriter at the door heard it, he knew that the show was over. Those who knew Yuxi were not optimistic, but Director Zhang decided that they could not do anything about being jealous.

Zhu Qing is one of them. She finally got the news. She just squatted to block Director Zhang, but Lu Yuxi won it. Her heart hurts. Eyes are congested, okay? Why is Lu Yuxi's luck so good?

Yuxi knew that Zhang Dao would be jealous when he opened his mouth, and Youdao's eyes were too substantial. She turned her head and saw Zhu Qing. She didn't despise Zhu Qing. .

Zhu Qing's heart was about to explode. She felt that she was being despised, but she had no chance to do anything wrong, so she was panicking.

Yuxi had lunch outside at noon. She had a few days off, so she went back to the company to have a look.

Xue Ya got the letter and came to the office, "The purchase contract has been signed, and it has been bought for 20 million. The original price is 25 million. The people from the East told the past about 5 million."

Yuxi looked at Xue Ya, who was in a dusty state, "Is this just coming back from S City?"

"Yeah, I was thinking of going to your house to find you later. You come, and I don't have to go there. This is the contract for you to see. The follow-up is handled by Dongfang. They are professional."

Yuxi turned to look, "The building is in our name?"

Xue Ya smiled, "Well, it's more appropriate to be in our name."

Yuxi looked at Xue Ya, who was very haggard, "It's hard work, I've been busy these days."

Xue Ya exhaled, "The busier I am, the more fulfilled I will be. When I find the construction team, I will be able to relax a little bit."

"Well, you should go back to rest early. I've been busy during this time, and I haven't been with my child for a long time."

Xue Ya really missed her son, "Okay, I'll go back first."

Yuxi waited for Xue Ya to leave, and went to Huang Liang with the script contract he just signed. After Huang Liang read it, his mind turned quickly, "Does our company have a suitable role?"

I couldn't get this resource if I wanted to get it before~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Director Zhang's film, my heart is pounding, how many people want to play it for free and have no chance!

Yuxi is familiar with the role, the protagonist company does not have a suitable company, neither does the male second company, Xu Yi's image is suitable, but he is a little old, think about it for a while, "The male number four, the male protagonist's neighbor, the sunshine youth does not have a city, but the company does not. Someone is right."

Huang Liang, "Nian Gengxin?"

"Well, let him know, come back when you have time, and I will personally take him to the audition. If he can be selected, his acting skills will be greatly improved. When he gets older, he can change his acting skills, but he will not be able to live forever. Go idol actor."

Huang Liang, "Okay, I'll notify his agent later, by the way, do you need a screenwriter assistant?"

Yuxi waved his hand, "I don't need it, I'm fine."

Huang Liang smiled, "I see."

Yuxi carried it to the door, "Did I find the director you were looking for?"

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