90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 529: growing up

Xue Ya came in with the document and was stunned when she saw the book on the table, "Why do you want to read a psychological book?"

"I met Director Zhang. Director Zhang's films are about psychology, so let's take a look."

Xue Ya smiled, "So, Director Zhang asked you to write a script?"

"Whether I can write it, I have to write it out and show it to Director Zhang. I can write it after passing the test. Let me tell you, although the male protagonist of this movie is a crime, he is lovable. If he successfully creates a character, he will become popular. of."

"Really, so powerful?"

Yuxi, "Experience told me."

Xue Ya didn't understand the movie, so she handed over the document, "This is the material for the preliminary inspection of the movie theater to be opened in the city of S, you can take a look."

Yuxi turned to look, "Choose three places?"

"According to your requirements, the ones with a lot of traffic are selected, and the only ones are quite expensive."

Yuxi read it quickly, "It's a pity that the Oriental Group didn't build a plaza in S City, so it can't give us the place for free, otherwise we can save a fortune."

Xue Ya twitched the corners of her mouth, "We can't wait for Dongfang's actions, the market in S City must develop!"

Yuxi thought of the project in the East. City S is building a plaza, but it will take two years to complete, which is too long. "These three places are not suitable, the price is too high, and it is only rent, which is not cost-effective. Now we are all building to the surrounding area, not only the city center, but the city planning. The old city will be demolished sooner or later. We don’t have a lot of money to buy it. Let’s look at the planning area. Find out the price."

Xue Ya took the document, "Do you mean to buy it if the price is right?"

Yuxi smiled, "This is also an investment."

Xue Ya, "Even if it is a planning area, the price is very high. The funds on our books may not be enough. This is not a small amount of money. If you buy and decorate, don't think about tens of millions. We have cooperation with Dongfang Group, even if It's only half of the money, that's a lot, there's nothing in the company's accounts, do you want to raise money?"

Yuxi pointed at the table with his fingertips, "I don't want to, financing will dilute the equity, I think, borrowing from the bank in an emergency."

Xue Ya was stunned, "You don't want to borrow from your previous point of view."

Yuxi, "In the past, people had to grow and their minds had to mature. I used to have a very small structure, and I just wanted to develop without borrowing, but the past two years have been developing too fast. If you don't double your development, you will You are eliminated. When you stand firm, you may not be able to lose your competitiveness, so borrowing can sometimes be used, and the money borrowed this year, as long as the investment appreciates, the interest is nothing. Instead, you accumulate capital. Instead of suffering from lack of money, you can only watch the opportunity pass by.”

After Xue Ya heard these words, she smiled, "Then I'll just let it go. To be honest, I used to be very restrained."

"You go to investigate first, and I'll go back and talk to a few shareholders."

"Okay, then I'll go out first."


Yuxi nodded and chuckled. Nian Feng used his experience in the shopping mall at home if he had nothing to do. How did he develop step by step? To put it bluntly, he taught her and Jun Min to change directions. Thinking of Jun Min, this sentence, father, is probably coming soon. !

In the following days, Yuxi, cousin and Lei Yin talked about the company's development, and the three of them agreed to take out the loan.

Xue Ya's ability to handle affairs is strong, and she has inspected suitable locations in S City. She went there in person and expressed her opinion at the meeting, "I am optimistic about two places, one is the Nanjiao New District, the planning has not been completed, next summer, It can only be completed. I heard that it will move to several universities. The place I am optimistic about is the newly built shopping mall. It is not difficult to buy the entire floor. There is another place, an old three-story building with a large area and a good location. , buy it and build the whole theater by yourself, both of which have room for appreciation and are also the most cost-effective.”

After Xue Ya finished speaking, she sent the photos and the location map to Yuxi and the others, and even marked the key points. Not only the geographical location, but also the surrounding population were investigated.

Several people in Yuxi understood the information at a glance, Zhou Lingling smiled, "It's hard work."

Xue Ya, "This is what I should do."

Lei Yin was stunned. She knew that Xue Ya was here to work, but she didn't expect Xue Ya to be so good after a few years, "As expected, she is a top student who returned from overseas."

Xue Ya was a little embarrassed. She just wanted to do her best. Although she almost broke her leg on a business trip for four days, she might have shown her ability and felt full of motivation.

Yuxi was the last to speak, "I am optimistic about the three-story building, not only for future planning, but also for future development. This place is worth investing in."

Zhou Lingling, "The house price has grown rapidly in the past two years, and I really want to buy it. It's not worth tens of millions, and I have to rebuild the building. You also saw that the building is too old for a long time, and this is another large sum of money."

Yuxi, "In the whole city s, no one has built a three-story cinema yet. The location here is good. We built it into a high-end cinema, which not only advertised the entire cinema chain in city s, but also seized the market first. This project Feasible, although it will take a year, the future benefits are immeasurable.”

Xue Ya replied, "You can also appreciate the value of a building if you buy a building. I inspected the city of S, it is developing rapidly, and the land is the most valuable. This transaction is not a loss."

Zhou Lingling, "I also know it's not a loss. This time I really need to borrow a lot of money. Will the Dongfang Group agree?"

Yuxi, "Dongfang Group, I will take Xue Ya to talk. We have a cooperative relationship. Dongfang also hopes that the theater chain will develop better. At present, we need to estimate all the funds involved and discuss with the data."

Yuxi is confident in discussing cooperation, and it is worth investing money in development without taking part in personal factors.

Zhou Lingling, who is currently in charge of the surrounding area, is only expressing her opinion on Yu Lingyin, "You can do it, I'm fine."

Lei Yin, "I'm fine too."

Yuxi and the others agreed, leaving the rest to Xue Ya.

Only two days later, the data came out. Yuxi looked at Xue Ya's black circle, "Don't work too hard, you'll be fine in a few days."

"I'm used to it. If I don't finish it in a day, I can't sleep well. After I finish it, I can sleep peacefully. Look at the estimated funds~www.wuxiamtl.com~ No problem, I'll go to organize the information."

Yuxi looked over and was stunned, "Fifty million?"

Xue Ya, "Yes, 50 million, this is still a three-story building that can't live in people, the price is cheap, otherwise the price will be higher, I ran a decoration company to purchase the facilities of the theater, we want the best price, It is estimated that three floors will be rebuilt, and I am also calculating the money for three floors.”

Yuxi blinked and continued to look at it. According to the cooperation with Dongfang Group, the profit is divided into 50 to 50 percent. This time, it did not occupy Dongfang's place. Invested 25 million, a lot of money.

Xue Ya continued: "I calculated the account at the end of the year, and the bulk of the dividend is still in the clothing factory. At present, there is not much money on the book, and the movie's dividend has not been accounted for. We want a loan, at least 20 million."

Dong Dong, Yuxi motioned to Xue Ya to wait a moment, "Come in."


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