90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 326: seems to know 1

Seeing Yuxi's slow motion, Xu Huichong smiled, "Are you afraid of me?"

Yuxi, "...I just look at the sky, forget it, it seems that today is not the right time to go out, I always meet people I don't want to see."

Xu Huichong's smile froze, "You are still very humorous."

"There is something wrong with your understanding. I can call this humorous. Don't block the door. Come on, Mr. Xu is very busy. You can find me when you have time. What's the plan?"

Xu Huichong rolled his eyes, "How can I say, we fought against robbers side by side, I think we are already friends."

Yuxi, "...Do you have a wrong understanding of the word friend?"

Xu Huichong was choked again and again, and his heart was clear that Lu Yuxi would not talk to him properly. It could be seen from the distance from the station. From a psychological point of view, this is an absolutely safe distance, which means to be careful and feel depressed. .

He made a lot of calculations before and after, but there was no substantial change at all. This woman's temper is really stinky and hard, "Today, I'm here to explain, I don't know, you and Wen Rong made a movie, about I don't know about the staff."

Yuxi raised her eyebrows, "I know now, why, give us back the people?"

Xu Huichong, "...So, I made a special trip to apologize to you and invite you to dinner."

Yuxi sneered, "Mr. Xu is very interesting, he has been playing around all the time, no need to eat, people, you can keep it, we don't need it, by the way, the boss of a company doesn't know anything about his subordinates, it's very interesting ."

Xu Huichong felt a strong sense of irony and felt wronged in his heart. He really didn't know. During this time, he was busy with the robbery, and he had to go back to City G. The **** old man was going to die. He didn't know what was going on. , alive again, full of energy, promised to him, and never mentioned it again.

When he came back, Qian Zhongya just took credit for talking about robbing people and actors. He also blamed him. He didn't explain to Qian Zhongya.

Yuxi frowned, "Boss Xu is not good at guarding the door, can you let it go?"

Xu Huichong, "I sincerely apologize."

Yuxi didn't trust Xu Huichong at all. No matter how much Xu Huichong said, she wouldn't get distracted, "If you don't let me go, I'll let people do it."

Xu Huichong held his breath, his strength was not enough, so he could only obediently step aside and watch people go in.

Qian Zhongya, who had been sitting in the car the whole time, was stunned. When the boss got in the car, he endured and endured, "Why?"

Xu Huichong closed his eyes and touched the bracelet on his wrist, "You don't need to know. In the future, try not to offend you."

The next day, early in the morning, as soon as Yuxi arrived at the company, Ran Tesuke arrived, "Come here so early, what's the matter?"

Ran Tesuke said, "The boss has investigated Fuyuan Road. Fuyuan Road intends to develop a new commercial area. He asked me to come over and let you keep the house in your hand, which will be more than four times in the future."

Yuxi was a little moved, "Thank you."

Ran Tesuke smiled, "It's only right that we say thank you, your information is too important, it has been intercepted by the Dongfang Group, and this time I finally fought back."

Yuxi asked, "Did Dongfang buy a house?"

Rant said: "I found no news. I should have put all my energy into the house in your hands, so I didn't buy anything else."

Yuxi was very curious about the Dongfang Group, "So, then they have lost a lot."

Ran Tesuke smiled, "It's not a loss, I found out after a check that they came back, and they did a lot of things. They bought several places that they thought were valuable."

Yuxi asked the question that has always been doubtful, "How did they know the news? How did they confirm that they could appreciate?"

When she bought the house on Fuyuan Road, she really saw it, so she bought it. In other places, she didn't dare to touch it because she wasn't sure.

Ran Tesuke frowned, "Then I don't know, the boss is also very interested in the Dongfang Group. If you really check it, you should find something!"

Seeing that Ran Tesuke did not intend to leave, Yuxi asked, "Is there anything else?"

Rant helped: "Three days later, the boss will go back to City G to participate in the auction and ask if you are going."

Yuxi's eyes lit up, "Can I go?"

Rantesuke smiled, "Of course, I'm here for this. You go, and I'll help you handle it."

Yuxi wanted to go, she wanted to see the big world, and she also wanted to meet the legendary Ge Lang, and asked, "It will take me a few days to come back. I have a movie to shoot."

Rant helped count, "Up to five days."

Yuxi rolled her eyes, "I'll go, I'll ask for a good vacation here."

"Okay, I'll pick you up in three days."

In the evening, as soon as Yuxi entered the community, the enthusiastic aunts gathered around, "Little girl, that girl has come to pester your fiancé again, you should have some snacks."

During this time, she has explained many times, saying that they are half-brothers and sisters, it is useless, everyone doesn't believe it, and that they don't look alike, it must be the reason why Jun Min lied to her.

Back home, along the way, several people told her to thank Nian Junmin for her legs, since they moved in, the two of them were the object of discussion.

Nian Junmin's legs gradually improved, and everyone knew them.

Originally, the gossip was gone, but now it's better, and the gossip has come up again.

Nian Junmin came back and saw Yuxi's depressed look, "What's wrong?"

Yuxi, "Aunties told me that Wang Tiantian is here again?"

Nian Junmin was also annoyed, "Yeah, not only for me, but also for Sun Qianqian."

Yuxi pursed his lips, "It's still not good in the community. In a high-end community, outsiders can't come in."

Nian Junwen changed her shoes, "Wang Tiantian is grinding."

Yuxi snorted, "Then let her grind it, she'll get used to it."

Nian Junmin leaned against the sofa and rubbed his legs, "I'll think of a way."

Yuxi turned his head to the side~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Why do I feel that you are very tired recently. "

"Have it?"

Yuxi pointed at his brows, "You'll know when you look in the mirror. Your brows are locked, and your eyes are not so bright. Didn't you learn to sculpt? Why do you feel like you spent a lot of physical effort."

Nian Junmin's heart skipped a beat. He didn't want to be successful. He didn't want to expose it so early. "Recently, it took a lot of thought to carve a large piece. Wang Tiantian keeps coming, so I'm tired."

Yuxi helped with the massage, "You, don't be too tired to yourself."

Nian Junmin enjoyed the massage and smiled, "Got it."

In the evening, Yuxi cooked fish soup specially in order to make up for Jun Wen's supper. The door of the house rang when the two had just finished eating.

Nian Junwen was about to get up, but Yuxi held it down, "You sit, I'll open the door."

Opening the door, Sun Qianqian held the fruit in her hand, "I think the fruit is quite fresh, I bought a lot, and I will send you some."

Yuxi didn't know what to say. Since she helped them last time, Sun Qianqian didn't bother them anymore, and often made excuses to send things, "We bought it, you can take it back yourself!"

Sun Qianqian bit the corner of her mouth, "Well, I have something I want to ask."

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