90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 323: sister in law

Nian Junwen frowned, "My files are all secrets. Li Yan told me that someone checked me and asked about my situation."

Yuxi was the first to think, "It must be Dongfang Group, I came here today, I don't sell it, they can only buy something else, I bought a house in your name, I guess I want to find you, what did they find? already?"

Nian Junmin's frowning brows were untied, and he said, "My name?"

Yuxi nodded, "Yes, you paid for it and used your name, have they found it?"

Nian Junwen said: "I can't find it. The information from the Public Security Bureau is only the household registration. There is no other information."

Yuxi said in disgust, "It's really annoying."

Nian Junwen also became concerned, "Why do they have to buy a house on Fuyuan Road?"

Yuxi leaned against the sofa and stretched out two fingers, "First, I know the inside information, the house on Fuyuan Road is going to be demolished, so I bought a large house in advance so that I can get enough houses, and second, invest by myself."

Nian Junmin pursed his lips, "No matter what, they are wrong, some of them are too eager for quick success."

He didn't have any good feelings for the Oriental Group, especially when he went to investigate the information privately, he was very disgusted.

Yuxi, "By the way, the kid I saw last time is the young master of the Dongfang Group. I beat him up and apologized to you."

Nian Junmin was nervous, "You're not hurt are you?"

Yuxi waved his fist, "I was taught by you, how can I get hurt, don't worry, it's just a show."

Nian Junmin said with a dark face, "To do something with a woman, he has a really good character. He has looked at the old since he was a child. The boss of the Dongfang Group is not a good person."

Yuxi nodded in agreement, "It is said that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, and the old ones are not good."

Nian Junmin pouted, "Yes."

Dongfang Group, Wang Han has been waiting for news, but there is nothing, only the name and household registration.

Wang Han stared at the people in the capital and exhaled. The place back then was 108,000 miles away from the capital. She must have thought too much.

Moreover, that child is not necessarily alive or not. She saw Sun Qianqian, so she scare herself.

It must be so, she's just neurotic.

The next morning, Yuxi was in class, and Leiyin was very excited. This is not right. It stands to reason that as long as the class is in class, Leiyin will definitely languish.

It's a pity that Yuxi started the class as soon as he was seated, and Leiyin had no chance to tell the gossip.

Yuxi almost didn't laugh out loud, and he endured it until the end of get out of class, "What the **** are you trying to say?"

Lei Yin exhaled, "I can finally speak, hehe, I heard from a friend that Wang Tiantian got divorced, swept out of the house, continued to be an actor, and went to his company to interview for a role."

Yuxi, "...Your friend?"

Lei Yin coughed, "Gossip friend, we are all in the gossip circle. He is a photographer. We met once and chatted with gossip, and then we got to know each other."

Yuxi was speechless, "You can gossip wherever you go."

Lei Yin stuck out his tongue, "Who makes the circle of gossip a lot, let's talk about it, you can't gossip about anything, don't underestimate the makeup artist, photographer, they are well informed, you know everything, any company's knowledge."

Yuxi, "It's a shame they don't become reporters."

Lei Yin laughed, "They also heard it from the lounge, and some of them saw it with their own eyes. It's hard to find information when they are really journalists."

Yuxi asked, "Wang Tiantian has really been purified from the house?"

Lei Yin nodded, "Yeah, it is said that I didn't dare to let a fart go away, let alone the custody of the child. When I came back to act, I was often made things difficult. In fact, to put it bluntly, they were all jealous of her. Now that they have been dumped, they have all fallen into trouble, and the current circle is much more chaotic than a few years ago."

Yuxi asked, "Do you know the news about Wang Chou?"

Lei Yin shook his head, "I really don't know. If you don't tell me, I didn't even know that I was divorced. I also inquired about it. Later, I didn't inquire about anything. Someone really suppressed it. Who is behind Wang Chou? Is there really someone?"

Yuxi was also confused, "I don't know either, well, it's time for class."

After class at noon, Yuxi was chatting with Yuan Yuan to determine the time for the interview.

Leiyin saw the front with sharp eyes and bumped into Yuxi, "Hey, look ahead."

Yuxi looked over, Wang Tiantian.

Lei Yin's tone was very positive, "I guess she must be waiting for you."

Yuxi, "......"

Still need to guess? Everyone came.

Yuxi pulled Leiyin, "Let's go."

Lei Yin stepped on high heels, "I can't walk fast!"

Wang Tiantian chased after him, and Yuxi said, "Don't leave, it's blocked."

Lei Yin stuck out her tongue, "I really can't blame me."

Wang Tiantian took a deep breath, "I came to you, just hoping to see Grandpa Wang."

Yuxi raised her eyebrows, "See Grandpa?"

Wang Tiantian didn't know that Nian Junmin was the grandson of the grandfather Wang. Hearing Yuxi calling out to his grandfather skillfully, she felt a knot in her heart and said, "Yes, I want to see him."

Yuxi, "Impossible, grandpa won't see you."

Wang Tiantian's eyes are red. She used to be the director's daughter. She has never been made difficult by acting, but she stopped acting. She is also the wife of a rich man, and she has always despised acting. Without a background, dropping out of school is not a subject, and without a teacher to help her, her life was particularly sad.

Especially Li Miaomiao, Li Miaomiao lived better than her. In front of his wife, he became an agent and an artist of her company. During this time, he has been targeting her.

She's had enough~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I'm not granddaughter of my grandfather, and I'm also related by blood, he met me. "

Yuxi didn't know where Wang Tiantian's confidence came from. She remembered that she was tricked last time. This woman has only one face for a while, but she has few faces. "I won't meet, just won't meet."

Yuxi pulled Leiyin and hurried away, she didn't want to be stuck.

Wang Tiantian refused to let go of the opportunity. Her father was imprisoned, and the sentence was ten years. She didn't dare to think about it. Ten years later, she would be in her thirties, old and fading, what she was going to face, and suddenly her mind flashed. After a while, he shouted desperately, "Sister-in-law, you help me, for the sake of Nian Junmin and I half-brother."

Yuxi almost didn't fall, and asked Leiyin, "I heard it right!"

Lei Yin was also struck down, "That's right."

Yuxi turned back, "Jun Min doesn't have a sister, don't let me hear this name again, I'm disgusted."

Wang Tiantian's eyes were red, "You are my sister-in-law. This can't be changed. I know you want to make a movie. Just give me the number three girl."

Except for a few people in the dormitory, no one in the class knew about Yuxi's filming. Wang Tiantian's voice was good. All the people who came to the show were watching her. She could predict that in the future, she would face what is.

Yuxi gritted her teeth, "I'll send you a word."

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