90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 321: 818

Yuxi said: "Wei Yao, our family's, fits the role quite well."

Wen Rong was speechless, "You are really self-produced and self-sold. The actors are all their own. Why, I'm afraid I'll lose everything. Get some back from the actors."

Yuxi glared, "Am I that kind of person? You haven't seen Wei Yao, right? She's really suitable. I'll call and ask her to come over and take a look."

Wen Rong can't do anything anymore. The team is formed. It takes a day to spend a day. It takes half a month to find a protagonist. It's not worth it.

Li Xiao stood up, "Then look at me first."

Wen Rong poured a glass of water, "Okay."

Li Xiao was the first to see the character setting. He went back and studied it for a long time. He also secretly went to get to know it better than others.

The script he read was about to play an unacceptable scene when his hope was shattered when the truth was discovered.

Yuxi didn't read the script, but stared at Li Xiao. Li Xiao was worthy of being a professional, won an award, has good acting skills, and has a good attitude. What attracted Yuxi the most was that Li Xiao rushed up to question and questioned the air, and he really entered the play. Now, she can feel sadness, anger, and emotional control, which is really in place.

After Li Xiao's performance, Wen Rong said, "Sister, there are many treasures in your company."

Yuxi didn't tell Wen Rong that Li Xiao came up on his own, hooking the corners of his mouth, "How is it?"

Wen Rong patted the table, "It's just him, I don't believe it anymore, I can't beat Uncle's movie, good script, good actors, I'm full of confidence."

Wei Yao dared to come in a hurry. Before entering the play, she was very quiet and very timid, but when she entered the play, she was a completely different person.

Wen Rong was stunned, "Sister, it's amazing, do you have any other actors in your company?"

Yuxi stretched out his hand, "Just three."

Wen Rong's good mood came back, "Haha, okay, that's it."

The rest of the supporting roles can be chosen a lot. For the rest, there are a lot of extras in the film studio.

Back home, Yuxi asked Jun Min, "Do you know any friends from the Public Security Bureau?"

Nian Junmin looked back while serving the dishes, "I know, many people who have changed jobs have entered the Public Security Bureau. Do you want to know the progress of the robbery?"

Yuxi shook his head, "It's not a robbery, I just want to write an article. The article about abduction is mainly to increase awareness of prevention. I want to check it out. I want to know more about how the victim was abducted, so I can summarize my experience and write it out. I hope it can improve precautionary awareness.”

Nian Junwen, "This is a good thing, I will contact you."

Yuxi smiled, "Okay, and, I think, your legs are much better."

Nian Junwen smiled, "There are naturally a lot of backbends, it's not so painful anymore. Grandpa Sun's medicine works very well."

Yuxi was happy, "That's good."

Nian Junmin asked, "The casting is over, are we going to find a place to shoot?"

Yuxi shook his head, "There are still a lot of things to do, the protagonist needs to be dressed, the preparation of the costume, the preparation of the equipment, the choice of the shooting location, this is just the beginning."

Nian Junmin had a headache listening to it, "It's really not easy to make a movie."

Yuxi nodded, "Yes, I am responsible for changing the script at any time, and there are many things."

Nian Junwen filled Yuxi with fish soup, "Then make up more."

Yuxi took a sip and praised: "It's delicious, your cooking skills are going to surpass mine."

Nian Junmin smiled, "Then I will continue to work hard."

Time flies, and after a week, all the actors have been finalized. Yuxi went to see it, and he was even more impressed with Wen Rong. The roles he chose were all in line with the characters.

Back at the company, the parking space was occupied, she opened the door and stared at the license plate number, she remembered.

Entering the yard, the assistant rushed over, "Someone is looking for you inside, saying that it was by phone."

Yuxi, "..."

When did you call her, how could she not know?

Yuxi said, "I'll go in and have a look."

Yuxi knew all the people in the reception room, one was the owner of the car scraping, and the other was Zou Kai.

Yuxi sat down, "Why don't I know, when did you call me, your methods opened my eyes."

Zou Kai has a lot of experience and is very thick-skinned, "We are forced to help, I'm really sorry."

Nian Geng's eyes widened, "It turned out to be you, you caused me to not be able to drive."

Yuxi, "What a coincidence, since you remember, do you owe me an apology?"

Nian Geng suspected that he had heard it wrong, "It's obviously your fault, so let me apologize?"

Zou Kai really didn't know the origin of the two, so he hurriedly grabbed the young master's house and said, "It's not like we don't know each other, we have a lot of fate, Miss Lu, we came with sincerity, four times the price, this It's the highest price."

Yuxi didn't talk nonsense, "My attitude remains the same, I won't sell it, no matter how much money I spend, it's useless to me."

Nian Geng sneered, "How much money can your broken company make, you must be content, don't be greedy enough to swallow an elephant, and be choked to death."

Yuxi's face became even colder, "I'll give you these words. You can't chew too much, and you can choke to death."

Zou Kai frowned, he didn't understand why the vice president insisted on the house on Fuyuan Road, but he had to fulfill the order given by the vice president, "Miss Lu, you really want to work with the group for an unusable house. Compete?"

Yuxi's eyes froze, "Why, it's not good to be soft, so it's hard? I have opened my eyes to multinational companies."

Nian Geng sneered, "You are also a businessman, don't understand the situation?"

Yuxi poured himself some tea and sipped it slowly, "You're really right, I really don't understand, what can you do to me? Take down our company? Or what?"

Nian Geng was very angry. From the first glance, he hated this woman, and now he hates it even more.

Zou Kai is smiling~www.wuxiamtl.com~ You also know that multinational groups, we are not short of money, it is easy to target your company's industry. "

Yuxi, "So, I can understand me, the Dongfang Group is a gang of robbers? As long as they don't obey, they will suffer destruction, right?"

Zou Kai frowned, his words were not pleasing to the ear, "This is a shopping mall."

Yuxi said, "Understood, in order to express my gratitude to Dongfang Group, my writing is good, and I must personally present a splendid article."

Nian Geng was stunned, "Article?"

Yuxi curled the corners of his mouth, "Yes, it's the article, the title has been thought out, on the Dongfang Group's idea of ​​returning to the robbers, the purpose of returning to the country, the subtitle, August 18, the unknown side of the Dongfang Group, the secret of wantonly buying houses on Fuyuan Road! Is this title clear enough? Is it eye-catching enough? Don’t worry, I have friends who know many newspapers, and I will try to put them all on it, and there will be no less.”

Zou Kai turned off the fire. As soon as this title came out, cold sweat broke out. The group has just returned to China and plans to develop in the mainland. The boss is very optimistic about the mainland. It was overshadowed before he moved, and he couldn't afford to lose anything.

Nian Geng pointed at Yuxi, "You dare?"

Yuxi held back his anger. This anger has not been around for a day or two. He patted the table, "Guess if I dare?"

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